MovieChat Forums > Alien³ (1992) Discussion > The hate for this movie is RIDICULOUS!

The hate for this movie is RIDICULOUS!

I liked this more than Aliens, saw the assembly cut first. The plot and design was interesting, the characters were strong and it expanded the world a little bit. It didn't tread on the original movie's toes either.. unlike Aliens with the stupid Alien Queen.

It had a real Super Metroid-esque vibe to it which I liked a lot, switched things up a little bit with the design.. and I liked how rough around the edges it was.

David Fincher is wrong to say *beep* about this movie. Even Charles Dance has come out and said he thinks it's better than Aliens.. I really don't get the hate. I accept Alien 3 as the true ending of the saga, Resurrection doesn't exist to me.


Totally agree with you Gren78! :)

although I do like Resurrection.


David Fincher is wrong to say *beep* about this movie.

Although I like Alien3, Fincher had to suffer through the hellish production of this movie. That gives him the right to say or not say whatever he wants about it.
It didn't tread on the original movie's toes either.. unlike Aliens with the stupid Alien Queen.

How did the Queen tread on Alien's toes? Maybe the Queen and whatever drones were on the Jockey ship died of old age or entered a deep hibernation state decades beforehand.

Oh, wait...There was a Queen in Alien3! 

I accept Alien 3 as the true ending of the saga, Resurrection doesn't exist to me.

I gotta agree with you there. But Ron Perlman makes Resurrection at least watchable. With plenty of fast-forwarding.

Thit and thpin!


Maybe they shouldn't have had the facehuggers come from eggs, that way no one would expand on the idea of where the eggs come from and what is laying said eggs.


I think its the best Alien film personally, it has a cynical and angry outlook which I like. Aliens while entertaining wasn't scary and was pretty dumb.


First if all, theatrical version=poopoo. Special Edition=On par. The special edition/assembly cut (whatever people like to call it) does a much better job at depicting the lives of the prisoners before Ripley arrived and turned everything to shizzle. For instance, the scene where the two prisoners are towing the dead ox, they're bantering and breaking balls, unaware of the horrors about to befall them; the scene with Tywin walking in solitude on the beach before he finds the EEV, him clearly being one who has lost his place in society and, despite being quite capable and intelligent, relegates himself to tending to lowlifes, which in turn mirrors the quasi-religious life that all the lost souls on the prison planet have adapted to bring meaning to their own painful existence, which also mirrors how Ripley has lost everything to the Alien, and struggles to find meaning in this prison shït-hole, what with Newt, Hicks and Bishop gone; the montage where Ripley and the prisoners band together to trap the Alien and, once again, the prisoners are bantering and unionizing to banish evil (all that scene was missing was Eye Of The Tiger). It's all quite beautiful (much like the cinematography, which is some of the best I've ever seen).

And that BS in the theatrical where the Alien pops out of her chest while she's falling? I've seen less laughable death scenes on Mystery Science Theater 3000. It's much more dignified for her to just fall into the lead, on her own terms. Although, that effect looks like shît. In both versions. But that's nitpicking!

It might sound like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not. The only thing wrong with alien 3 is that it's called "alien 3". If it had been an original movie, instead of a sequel to two very different movies, it would have done much better. When they sell the movie as "Sigourney Weaver as Ripley lands on prison planet with Xenomorph on board", people have certain expectations. Whereas if the the tagline was "Mysterious woman lands on prison planet with mysterious alien on board (totally not a Xenomorph, btw) and has to adapt to the hostile inhabitants, whilst also warning them of the danger they're in", it would be very compelling. It's a good movie with polarized characters that band together to fight a common enemy. I love it.

Special effects suck, though. Looks like something out of a 90's videogame cutscene. Nitpicking!

IMDb Boards RIP 2017


I saw it in theatures back in 1991 and was pissed at what it did to Aliens. but after about 15 years Alien 3 actually started getting more replay time in my house so I guess that means I like it better.


You saw it in


It was easier to get into rated R movies back then.


Maybe so, but it didn't come out until 1992!!!


yea I know I was off by a year. I know I was in the 7th grade when it came out but I didn't think it came out a whole year after terminator 2 but it makes since now as I was in elementary when Terminator 2 came out (6th grade).


I much prefer Alien and Aliens to Alien 3, but I certainly don't hate it. It's just 3rd in my list of favourite films in the Alien franchise. As I've grown older I have found that Alien 3 has grown more on me and the different versions are all very interesting.

Empire Magazine did a big writeup on the development of the film which was really interesting. Worth reading for every Alien film, especially those who like Alien 3.


I was REALLY disappointed with Alien 3 when I saw it in the theater. But that was due to my OWN personal expectations.

I thought (and hoped) the third film would feature Ripley, Newt and Hicks as a little family who awaken from hypersleep and are unaware that they are towing some eggs back to Earth. Once they arrive back home, they realize what has happened, all heck breaks loose, the authorities refuse to allow them back on Earth. They are screwed unless they can find a way to solve the problem themselves. Some of Hicks buddies from the Colonial Marines secretly board their ship to help them and save the day. Yay!

Geez, why don't I write Disney movies? LOL

But after I saw the film on TV a few times, it started to grow on me. I like the gritty performances of the prisoners, especially Charles S. Dutton. He was one of the reasons I wanted to see Alien 3 in the first place.

Then my son lent me his copy of the extended version of the film. All those added scenes made everything fall into place. Now I love the film as much as the first two, only in a different way.


I already liked it but the Assembly cut certainly made a few things clearer.

I think in killing off Newt and Hicks it kind of severs itself from the other two movies and it becomes a stand alone.

It's apocalyptic and bleak and the prison planet is the epitome of a Dystopia but a very fitting end to what ought to have remained (IMO) a trilogy.


Assemble also has Marwood/The Doctor in it!


It sure has and Danny (Ralph Brown).


And that Lannister daddy guy!


And Moxie from Auf Wiedersehen Pet.

Wasn't Danny Webb supposed to be in A:C?


There were plenty of rumours about Danny being in A:C but, as expected, they were nonsense from the 'Lovers' camp.

Do you think they will ever come back and thank the haters for their honesty and restraint?


I don't think it will happen.Seems you and I are the only ones left...


I thought Beja was meant to be here, and TKJ too.

I see SinisterProg is around (And of course Spanners) but it's pretty quiet for such a boilerplate board.

Maybe some will come back and maybe, for some, the thrill has gone.

I'm sure we can build it all back up again though, communities change and so do the people in them.


I know beja and Seneika still watch the board here,I try now and then to entice them back but they seem to have transferred affections to Facebook!
Tkjoller was here with a new name too.
There are a few faces that I thought would show up eventually.IWYD and Shattered,they may find their way here,he_can't too.If not here I feel certain they will be somewhere because we were all addicted.
AJ,again,despite his protests to the contrary couldn't stay away so I expect he's somewhere out there correcting people's opinions and telling everyone why everything is shit.
Is there anyone you miss or would just like to see again?


Java is here, he's under new name too and so I'm hoping when the place blazes with traffic he'll get to shine bright as he should.

Kaskait is anther person who was up for talking with me on the record, it'd be nice to see her here too.

All the other rascals are missed, of course. There were so many relationship which had to be maintained over the years as they came and went with their own lives taking precedence over idle Internet chit-chat that I feel it would be a shame to focus on any for fear of excluding others.

My friend Bobby from the Doctor Who boards is sorely missing, that's something I'd like to reconcile if possible but this isn't my first rodeo and know that might just have been a thing for the time that it was.

What about you? Anyone you miss or would like to see be active here?


I remember your friend Bobby,silly question but you didn't make a way to find one another?
I suppose I'd like to see Zeit and IWYD because I knew them since Shutter Island.
I'd naturally miss Beja,Ray and Sen but I can and do chat with them via fb.
There were a few that I never really had much conversation with but I always enjoyed BB,if only for how his calm rational manner upset folks!
These boards are very different though and I'm not sure they're ready for a he_can't just yet!


I keep online solely online Dazed. I'm sure Bobby would be the same too. It's fantasy land.

As I said a long time ago we get to be the superheroes we wish to be when it is only text from a stranger, go beyond that and it can only be detrimental.


BB-15 was a real joy, I hope he archived all of his threads as there was a wealth of knowledge in them which hasn't made it here.

As for He_Cant...I'm sure He_Will eventually.


You've never wondered what we all look like or how we all are in real life?
I've had no surprises with the guys over fb they are exactly as they appear to be and so am I.Is it possible one of us is a serial killer? Sure but that's true of anyone!

I'm sure Bobby will find his way here eventually,he'll be somewhere that's for sure.


You are a beautiful red haired woman with a gallant stride and a green velvet dress carrying a sword walking towards a cliff face on an island similar to that at the end of The Force Awakens looking out the the horizon whilst the wind tugs at your hair and the camera pans around your pensive face.

Why would I want to spoil that by knowing who you actually are?

Can't your words and the weight they carry invoke an image which you are proud of?

I know I'm proud of my words and, whilst I'm very comfortable in my own body and how those around me in the real world respond to it, am happy to stand by the imaginary image it provokes.

Why be pen pals if we can't fight dragons whilst doing so?


Haha! Funnily enough back when we were doing cartoons we talked about you being a bit like Charlie Sheen not sure how or why but it came up so since then that's how I've pictured you. With David Tennant/Capaldi mixed in for the personality.


I do have tiger blood.

I'm happy to be as mad as a hatter like 2 of the 3 Scottish Doctors - why not?

You see, I'm already the saviour of humanity rather than just some guy who travels about and takes part in discussion about movies and TV.

Why would I want to change that? 😎


Ackbar and Guitar King are both suspected Ben socks!


More reasons why I don't befriend people in my real life who I only know from an online situation 🙂


Once we find Hicks and Newt killed off, what is the point? After that, it is just another Ripley movie.

Alien3 is like fan fiction that disregards what happened in the previous films.

Isn't that the same reason that Star Wars fans dislike The Last Jedi so much?


I don't think it's better than aliens but it's always been a very underrated movie.
