MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Why has it got such a high rating?

Why has it got such a high rating?

I havnt seen it, I dont like watching old films, i've only watched the trailer and it looks rubbish.
I know because it was made a long time ago and they didn't have the technology back then.
But i still can't understand why it's got a 7 rating.
And most of the user reviews rated it 10 stars...??!!0_0"


: "I havnt seen it, I dont like watching old films"
: "Im hoping this post is a joke. Noone can possibly be this inept and stupid."
I totally agree with whoever wrote the second sentence.

The movie's high rating is obviously because it IS a good movie. It probably blends very well comedy and violence, entertaining its viewers.

This generation is so F'ed up.



I hope every good movie molests you in front of your weeping mother.

Are they auntiqews?


I would more question why the rating is so low... saw this when I was younger and loved it, saw it again recently and still couldn't believe how insanely awesome and entertaining it is. I could watch it 100 times and not be bored


My god. I'm not a film snob (my love of films like Driller Killer and this one should attest to that), but come on. "Made a long time ago"? Really? What would you say about a Marx Bros film, or Nosferatu? Just because it's old doesn't make it bad (unless you're an idiot who can't watch anything that wasn't released within the last few weeks because people aren't telling you if you should like it or not). If you want to know why this has such a high rating (although, I think it's a bit too low), here's a wacky idea, why not watch it? I'd take this over any "horror" movie released recently.


This came out 2 years before Jurassic Park, which has better effects than a lot of modern movies. They clearly had "the technology"



Movie is solid ten in my books. Therefore rating is on low side.


It's not because the technology didn't exist.
It's because Peter Jackson made this masterpiece with the amount of money any of todays blockbusters spend on the music alone.
Much of it came from his earlier movie Bad Taste ( which was made from NZD 30.000

Production values.

I't s quite intersting this movie as well, because I know that it was a big part of changing the way censorship works in many countries.
In my country, Sweden, hardcore gory movies was very hard to get at that time (remember this was long before a quick search on a torrent site gave you instant access to every film ever made). Importing VHS copies from for big bucks was your choice if you were interested in this kind of stuff. And I know Sweden wasn't alone about that.

When this movie released it was released here completely uncut, and there was (as always) an outcry by some, but mostly it was welcomed, because gory at it is, this *beep* is funny as hell.
"It's like monthy pyton made a horror movie" was a heavy cited line from one of the reviews here.

2 years later, Scorsese's Casino released over here, and it was the last film ever in Sweden to be cut/censored ("head in the vise" scene).
Much thanks to Peter Jackson, no doubt.
