The Priest

Was anyone else bothered by the fact that the Priest didn't technically know those were zombies?

OK: Now discuss.


"bothered" why?

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.



OK: Now discuss.




Also by the line that follows it "Stay back boy! This calls for divine intervention!"

---We will rule over all this land and we will call it... This Land.---




I was bothered by the fact that there's a Bruce Lee priest in this movie, yet he has only one fight scene.
Just imagine if he was there for the bloodbath finale to kick ass (for the Lord of course), instead of screwing around.




Not bothered one bit, because he kicks ass for the lord.



He made a fun zombie, and I liked him as a priest even before he started kicking ass for the Lord in his cool purple robe. But yeah, I wish that we saw more of him alive and dead. Or just alive, his kid is such a brat! =)

P.S. Just started watching Jack of all Trades. Now there are two great zombiefighters there that I know of. *happy*



No. But when he had his cavities checked. Yeesh...
