MovieChat Forums > Wuthering Heights (1992) Discussion > EVERYBODY NEEDS TO READ THIS


Okay, get yourself over to apparently a new feature fim of Wuthering heights is due to begin filming this autumn, the writer is Olivia Hetreed (Girl with a Pearl Earing) and the director is John Maybury. No one word on Heathcliff yet but it says Kiera Knightly and Lindsay Lohan are on a very long list of Cathy possibilities. Kiera i could deal with she's really proved herself as an actress over the last few years. Lindsay, sorry, NO.NIGHTMARE CASTING. I'd be forced to boycot the fim. But we'll see what happens they're looking to cast young which pleases me. I know my opinion won't do any good but i leave with these words: Cast Ameila Warner as Cathy and Henry Cavill as Heathcliff.PLEASE.


OK, so I'm just doing a bit of my own research ... ITV is planning a short, 2-part drama of Wuthering Heights too, for anyone interested.
Also, for the film, I found an article saying Natalie Portman has been cast as Cathy. HOWEVER I've also found, just after that, and article about Heathcliff having been cast (an English actor called Michael Fassbender). But this article also says Natalie Portman has dropped out (


Yeah. We know. There's threads about it. Thanks though. Lohan is not going to be cast as Cathy, she was never really considered.


I think Antonio Banderas would be a good option for a future Heathcliff. Hugh Jackman too.


What about Joseph Mawle as Heathcliff? I'm glad Portman is not proceeding, great as she is, she strikes me as someone with too much poise, too much control, you need someone a little wild at heart to play Cathy. Emily Blunt (think My Summer of Love rather than Devil Wears Prada) or Rebecca Hall?


What about James Caviezel? I think he'd be perfect...I saw him in The Count of Monte Cristo, and I also think he resembles Ralph Fiennes alot....

Just a thought...



Yeah. Gemma I'm ok with. Ed, listen, I love you as Chuck Bass and all, BUT WTF, HEATHCLIFF? NO THANK YOU.


My sentiments exactly. But, the way this production is going there's not gurantee they'll be there for long. I'm happy about Gemma though.


Right, I keep telling myself this. The power of positive thinking. I just don't think I could handle him as Heathcliff at all. I only see him as smarmy, not particularly intense or batsh*t crazy the way I personally feel he would need to be.


I love Ed as much as the next girl but as Heathcliff? Hell, no! I'm not dead set against him playing Heathcliff but I'm VERY disappointed in the casting. It jus looks like a ploy to get screaming GG fans to see the movie. Frankly, that is an insult to all long-time WH fans. An adaptation of a classic is always bound to do well, no need to always cast an A-lister. I would have been much more excited if they had casted Hans Matheson. That would be pure genius!

'Love transcends every plane of existence..believe in it..' - Cole, Charmed


Lindsay Lohan would make a better Heathcliff than Cathy...

Fabio Testi is GOD
