MovieChat Forums > A Few Good Men (1992) Discussion > Nicholson Stoled The whole show

Nicholson Stoled The whole show

As good as Cruise was I think this movie was taken by Nicholson and was out performed as well.


You're goddamn right he did! :D

Never had to opportunity to see this, though. I have family who hate Tom Cruise.


No top gun either ?


The boycott more or less started after Tom and Nicole divorced in 1999, right around the time Eyes Wide Shut came out. (They hated Eyes Wide Shut, by the way. I'd probably like it just because it's Kubrick.)

My folks read about the rumored reason they broke up. "He broke up with her just so she couldn't get half his earnings. What a dick. I'll never see another Tom Cruise movie for as long as I live."

Before the boycott, I did see on VHS:
Mission: Impossible (1)
Top Gun (I just typo'd "Tom Gun." Go figure.)
There might be a few scattered others

My folks have broken the boycott a few times, such as when they rented Risky Business from Netflix, and when I made a "bucket" list of famous movies I wanted to see (Everything from Citizen Kane to more recent cult horror) and rented Jerry Maguire from Netflix.

I almost got to see Oblivion, but too many movies I want to see open around the same time, and some get lost in the shuffle. I also wanted to see Edge of Tomorrow, but the opportunity passed. It didn't help that, up until I moved in with my aunt and uncle last year, I was living with my grandparents, and my grandmother (who recently died) and I had extremely different tastes in movies and music. Hell, she barely liked music that wasn't (classic) country and pre-1970 rock 'n' roll oldies. She hated "heavy" rock. Classic rock is my favorite music. As for movies, she hated science fiction, fantasy, and "stupid" movies. I love that stuff. She liked Tyler Perry. Me? You've seen one Tyler Perry, you've seen them all. Too preachy for my tastes. He was good in Gone Girl, though.


That’s not really a boycot then



It's not a bad film. It had Demi Moore and some political and law side plots.
But if you'd like you can probably just watch the Nicholson scenes in youtube.


Nicholson is Nicholson. Nearly every movie he is in he's the same. Not a bad thing though.


I know he gets this rap.
But I've seen quite a few movies where he is not completely himself and actually acts. Even as the Joker he is not completely himself. For all we know this "Jack" Persona its not really him at all and just an act. lol.
But I can could recommend a couple of great performances where he is not Jack and actually acts.
If you'd like.


I know a few.
But for me, when he was the Joker he was no different to his crazed personna in the Shining, or the Witches of Eastwick.
i particularly like him in the Bucket list and Anger Management. Two completely different performances and miles away from the menacing/angry/crazy we usually get.


still, he has far better performances.
He is what I like to think of a pure bum rap. He and some actors have these fans that hate them for their so called character persona actor but most of these people havent see their good work or other much unknown work. Ive heard the same for example of Keanu, and johnny depp and it actually offends me because these guys actually have good work and sometimes the criticizers are just stupid because they group together performances based on similar expressions. These are human beings they cant completely change their entire outlook on just a role. But to get back to the focus, I didnt used to be a fan of Jack, Really. But accidently saw several of his films and then finally got what his fans mean by the greatest actor. I actually think this one is one of his fewer ones. This is guy is pretty old and his stellar performances below the 90's.
The bucket list was one of he's better ones but he still had better than that. Much better, without being Jack. I think in that one it was classic Jack.


People will always criticize, but opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one. I might not fancy a movie, but if I know Nicholson is in it I'll give it a watch.


I'm going to go there, just because I care, and I think that you are absolutely correct about Nicholson. But the word you are looking for is "stole". I'm not trying to be a jerk, or a grammar nazi, just honestly trying to help.


yea I noticed that and thought about taking off the D but I liked it so I kept it. I am fond of spelling mistakes, and human error.

Ive noticed that Moviechat has a couple of grammar correctors that other sites dont. which isn't a bad thing just not common.


Moviechat needs a like button


Thank you but it needs a lot more than that.

I much prefer the facebook options than the like but I have to criticize facebook for not having an unlike option.
