Best Line...

Kid: But you told me never to stick my neck out for anybody. So Why'd you go save all those people?
Laplante: Well... I screwed up

couldn't remember the exact line but those who have seen it know what i'm talking about. hilarious line, and delivered perfectly.


i really liked Bubbers speach in the end about how he sees himself about the hero stuff... if anyone can quote exactly how it went.


Bubber: I think we’re all heroes if you catch us at the right moment. We all have something noble and decent in us trying to get out. And we’re all less than heroic at other times. The media notices one person one moment and not another. I’m just like the next person…full of frailty, with some courage and some decency mixed in. You think I’m a hero. To me a hero is just a symbol of what’s good in all of us. And you’re looking at me and maybe you’re just noticing what’s good in yourself.


"You're welcome."

Great scene with two great actors.


So right. "You're welcome" was such a powerful line in that situation and my favorite as well. I came to this forum specifically to see if anyone else mentioned this.


I, for one, haven't noticed... I guess I'll buy the dvd and see for myself....

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Joey Laplante: But you always said, "Keep a low profile." And you said, "Never stick your neck out." Well, how could you go on a and save 54 people?
Bernie Laplante: Well ... I screwed up.

nah the first one mentioned sure was the best line:
it's heroism with funny selflessness. can't be beaten.

Condoms cause sex like walls invite BATTERING RAMS


I agree with you, "you're welcome" is the best line


I agree. I have a cynical sense of humor, so I remember emitting a huge belly laugh when I heard that line.


When they are visiting Geena Davis in the hospital, some one explains that there was sort of a mystery man. Geena Davis then exclaims "A mystery man"?! Just the way she says it always drives me nuts.


A plane fell on my head in America for Christ's sake...


I guess the final utterance by Bernie just puts the icing on the cake, "Oh, for cryin' out loud!"


Bubber "Are you alright with me taking all the credit?"
Bernie "I don't take credit....I'm a cash kinda guy"

They pulled a mind scramble on us!They opened their eyes and talked!The Lost Boys


You're not Fletcher?
I'm Smith. Please help me.
*beep* this! I'm lookin for Fletcher!

hhahahaha! that was real cool!

"Guns don't kill people. People, kill people."


he's got more stories than a newspaper!

sake happens



Bernie LaPlante: [carrying Gale out of the burning plane] Take it easy, lady, I'm not a *beep* bodybuilder!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


"you are welcome"...


There are so many good lines. This isn’t necessarily one of them but I always got a kick out of Bernie’s often repeated line, “Pardon the vulgarity” as it’s pretty much the same line from a much earlier Dustin Hoffman movie, Midnight Cowboy.


I like LaPlante's way of explaining for his kid how it is to grow up near the end. The whole 'layers of B.S.'-speech is awesome and hillarious.


The best line is uttered by LaPlante when he is discussing his sentence with the P.O. officer.

"Prisons are for guys who like to beat each other up, lift weights, *beep* each other."

The things you own end up owning you.


My favourite line was when Gale tells Chevy Chase that she quits and he responds with: "You can't quit, it's unprofessional."

PHIL: "Ned, I would love to stay here and talk with you... but I'm not going to."
