Great movie to watch now.

With all the sensitivity to stereotypes and racial division.

This movie cuts through all that bullshit... straight talk...the races working together in unperfect harmony.




You might like this movie where they play foster brothers and are both cops. They have funny racial dialogue in this movie, too:




did you know this was one of kubricks favorite movies?


Not Money Train?


its actually true

its a very good kubrickian movie actually


Never would have guessed that.


That article does say it was one of Kubrick's 'favorites' but that's it, there's no explanation why. Is it because it's so dialogue heavy? It doesn't say.


i'm guessing because of the dialogues, but it's also a very kubrickian story, I don't want to spoil it for you. for example it's multi layered, on the surface a basketball, buddy movie, but also a struggle with life, poor decisions made over and over, racial stereotypes are ridiculed and made fun of, also great acting by woody harrelson and wesley snipes best performance by far.


When I think of Kubrick I think of long tracking shots, and extended sequences of dialogue between 2 characters, uncut. I think of stories that are ambiguous about good and evil, and highlight hypocrisy. Too bad it's too late to have Kubrick himself explain in detail what he really liked about WMCJ. I never thought about the movie all that deeply, I always seen it as just a fun comedy.


Funny bit here:

SIDNEY: Billy, you're just like all the other white boys I've ever met.
BILLY: You're just like every other brother I ever saw on the play ground.
SIDNEY: Alright baby, kick some shit.
BILLY: You'd rather look good and lose than look bad and win.
SIDNEY: Fuck you. You don't know shit about me.
BILLY: I know plenty about you Sidney. How many dinners this chain set your family back?
SIDNEY: Just go home, get you some rest. Okay, Brady Bunch?
BILLY: I ain't tired.



lol then this part later on in the movie where he brings it up again:


I'm in the zone man lol


This is how we grew up in the 1990's. It would be exaggerating a bit to say racism was solved in the 90's, but how else do you say it? My group of friends were white, black, Korean, Vietnamese, and Mexicans. We all goofed on each other over our differences just like Sidney and Billy in this movie. We teased each other about home life and laughed about it with each other. We didn't call each other racists and get in fights about it, and try to cancel people.

We recognized we had differences in the color of our skin, and in the way our home life was, and we embraced it.


very well said, that's how it's supposed to be


They made fun of each other, and each other's race, stereotypes, but no one called each other racist. Weird, right?
