I vote for the scene when Junior Bunk (Mekhi Phifer) gets hold of gun in the station house while handcuffed to a desk. So unexpected and chilling, the quickness of how everything happened and Phifer's reaction right before he himself was shot. What a scene


Aside from the entirety of "Three Men and Adena," I would go with Robin Williams' final scene in "Bop Gun" (a conversation with Kay, I believe). His "not where, but when" line (I think that's how it went, it's been a while) really resonated with me.

The worst scene is the one that involves Falsone, Ballard and a peach. "Licking the peach" should be used in place of "jumping the shark."

"No matter where you go, there you are." -Buckaroo Banzai


The Whole episode " Three Men and Adena" is amazing and haunting.But the moment i got goosebumps is when he turns the tables in psychology after an exhausting interrigation.He yells " Raspberry's ....Strawberrys" !!Chilling the guy portraying Risley Tucker what an actor.


A lot of the scenes in Blue Moon are just awesome in their dialogue and understate hillarity.

When the Araber breaks down in the interrogation room and ALMOST confesses to killing Adena. Moses Gunn should have won an emmy for this. His self disgust at himself for his attraction to Adena, how heartbroken he was when he felt she was moving away from him. Just astounding.

I also really liked the scene where Drac catches Kellerman in the rowhouse and has him at gunpoint, and lets him go.

"If you're looking for a better steak in an arcade setting you're sh!t out of luck!


From "Every Mothers Son". The mom of the killer and the mom of the victim are both in the same waiting room. Neither of them realizes who the other person is, and they start talking to each other. First time I saw that, I felt like my guts were being twisted into a knot.


God, how to pick from a series that had so much brilliant writing? I agree with 3 men & adena. The scene where they nailed the cop who shot the Korean family. The scene where Meldrick talked Kellerman out of killing himself. The scene between bayliss & Dr. Cox in the morgue, with her father's body. The scene where the parents of the little shooting victim say goodbye to their son before he's taken off life support (excruciating and utterly believable). All of Subway (also excruciating). Half the scenes in Full Moon and Stakeout. That's just what I come up with off the top of my head.


I agree. This scene is amazing.


guev88, you nailed my second one... The best one to me though is Frank's flashback to all of his 'box' scenes leading up to his stroke (to Garbage's 'Only Happy When It Rains')... "White Lies" (Season 5)


uhh tough question...there were 10-15 scens which i can pick...but ill limit it to three

when lewis realizes that crosseti wasnt murdered...his reaction is...i cried when i watched it, later too, when frank pays respect by saluting...magnificent

scene from fallen heroes between frank and mike is awesome, also, from the movie, scene where Bayliss confesses to frank that he killed raymond, awesome also

and third but not the less important to me is...i dont know which episode, howard and the suspect are in the box and the scene where she breaks him down(he knew that his mother will be killed and he didnt do anything to prevent that, he also knew the murderer)but she also fraks out and start yelling at him...brilliant, i also cried during that scene...

and at the end..last scenes from the movie, when they are all on the roof, having fun and laughing, and the music that follows these last 30-40 seconds (smashing pumpkins - cresfallen) sad, and so amazing...i miss them


There was a lot of nostalgia in those moments. That garden hose scene on the roof that hot day the ventilation broke down. Or when they all left their shift and there was a fresh snowfall outside, and they all started throwing snowballs at each other.


chester, i had forgotten the snowball scene. thank you for refreshing my memory-they had some amazing moments the first few seasons!


What's more remarkable, Gee seemed to be involved in all of those moment...

I don't know what it is, the father to be, the father figure, the authority. When he lets go and goes with the flow... Instant nostalgia... It has something to to with nostalgia... Like seeing your teacher or dean involved in a snowball fight, when somebody with that kind of authority lets go, everything goes...


For impact tot the show, still have to go with Mikey "lighting up" Luther as it kind of changed everything for me. BLEW my mind as I NEVER saw it coming (until the infamous "rights reading", then I knew!). Also took away a character I really enjoyed trying to analyze. I don't know, every time I thought I'd seen the best episode / scene they'd come out with another and blow me away. Yours is great too.


The scene where Meldick finally admits his partner, for no understandable reason and despite being a devout Catholic, has committed suicide. Maybe the most intense scene I've ever seen in a TV show.


Ten of my favorite H:LOTS Scenes off the top of my head:

1) Pembleton giving Crosetti a one man honor guard

2) Kay, Beau, and Bolander getting shot.

3) Pembleton interrogating Kellerman

4) "Three Men and Adena" - I really can't pick just one scene.

5) The interrogation of Gordon Pratt.

6) Crosetti telling Gee what he wants in life - His hair, his wife to remember they were in love once, and for his daughter to be safe.

7) (Same ep. as #6) Chris Thormann asking Munch why he lights the candle every night.

8) "Do you you have five ones for a five?"

9) The photo of a nude Munch being shown at the art gallery

10) Pembleton trying to find where he parked his car (as Felton looks on).



In response to #8, the building I work in has now installed toliet paper disposals which hold four rolls. Sometimes two of the rolls are almost empty and I think about #8.


The xerox lie-detector.


Best Homicide scene ever:

Meldrick Lewis breaking down when he finally accepts the fact that Steve Crosetti did commit suicide.

Other standouts:

The Araber turning the tables on Bayliss and Pembleton.

The squads reaction to the news that Bolander, Howard and Felton have been shot.

Followed by:

The quick shot of Bayliss shutting the blinds in the box when he is about to interogate the first suspect.

Kellerman shooting Luther Mahoney.

Junior Bunk shooting up the squad room and the characters immediate reactions to it, particularly Kellerman's and Pembleton's.

Falsone and Kellerman pulling their guns on each other.

Favorite box sequence:

Frank, the White Gloves suspect and the matches.



It wasn't the best scene ever, but it's rather poignant. G was interested in a "light-skinned" black female, but found out she wasn't interested in him. So, he told the woman who introduced them (forgot her name) that he knew she wouldn't like him. He said something like women like that don't go for dark-skinned men. He also said that once a woman told him that she could never love him because his nose was too broad. Later in the episode, G told Ned Beatty's character that he hated himself, and that he was "folding" into himself.
A lot of self-hatred in that episode for G, but very relevant 'cause these feelings are unfortunately still too common. (Excuse the rambling, long day ...)


I really liked that scene too. It just showed how much Bolander looked after Gee.
