Is this the cop series where...?

I'll just start by saying I loved this show...even if it's not the one I'm wondering about here.
Just so 90's grit yknow?
I was 12 when it came out, never really got to watch all that much.
Re-runs have aired on various channels but, I'm more of a "watch in order" type guy, and I'd very much like to see the whole series of which I've maybe seen a total of 12 episodes.

So my actual question was:

Was this the cop show in which one of the cops or detectives gets abducted or captured, kept tied to a chair and injected with heroin (or something of the like) eventually to a point they make him beg for more saying "I need it".

If it's not homicide, does this ring a bell with anyone?
I remember it being somewhat chilling to me at the time.


Maybe you're thinking about the movie Ricochet with Denzel Washington? He gets abducted by John Lithgow's character and taken to a vacant building with a drained pool, a bed and a chair. Lithgow's character gets Denzel hooked on heroin over some time to the point where he's begging for it after a couple of weeks. He also makes him have sex with a blonde hooker. Kind of disturbing.

This movie was from 1991, so not too much before HLOTS started.
