Thoughts on "Little Green Men"

I think it's flat out hilarious. I could watch it over and over. I recently read some on-line comments that were negative saying that it was a "one joke" episode. But what a joke!

When the two characters were smoking and Quark says, "If they'll buy poison, they'll buy anything" I laugh.

He immediately saw signs of huge bars of gold pressed latinum in his future. "We're harmless. We just want to sell you stuff!"

Anyone else like this episode?


It one the best DS9 episodes.


I loved it.


Any episode featuring the Ferengi is fun!!!


But some Trek fans really dislike the Ferengi. I never understood why. A lot of my favorite episodes featured them like "The House of Quark", "Profit and Lace", etc.


I dislike only the mean Ferengi from TNG, they never worked.
