MovieChat Forums > Army of Darkness (1993) Discussion > Weird how they decided to change the tit...

Weird how they decided to change the title.

I could understand changing it for part 2, then part 3, but to only change it for part 3 only is strange.


I would have preferred the working title, The Medieval Dead.

This one got extra goofy and less horror so I kind of don’t mind that it isn’t just called Evil Dead 3. It doesn’t feel like the first two at all.


Yeah, Army of Darkness is not a movie I look forward to watching on Halloween night. The first two are Halloween nights classics for me.


It was much funnier to me when I was younger and I haven’t watched it in a long time. I may never go out of my way to watch it again.
Part 2 is my favorite. It’s a nice mix of the first film and AOD.


Part 2 is the one I go to the most in the trilogy.


Ever give the series a shot?


The TV series? Yeah, I was disappointed.


Me too. I never even finished the first season. It took the ball AOD got rolling and took off with it. They ramped up Ash being a useless putz, accidental hero and I didn’t give a shit about the supporting characters. Way too goofy and the humor mostly missed.


I hated what they did with Ash. He was a drug abuser that treated women like shit.


I have no idea what they were going for. Make him unlikable for an eventual redemption?
I’ll never find out.


I loved it , They made him a sort of out-for-himself , world weary, anti hero
A bit of a dumbass too , made him more "everyman"


Also, Army of Darkness sounds like an epic war film.


It’s also pre-supposes that Raimi was somehow able to predict the future.

The Evil Dead was a small, low budget film that became a cult classic, but hardly blew up the box office. When Raimi got the go-ahead to make a sequel, he had no way of knowing it was going to become even more of a cult classic and would lead to a third film in the series. So he simply called the film “Evil Dead 2.” After that became successful enough that he got a third film, Raimi decided that he just didn’t want to call it “Evil Dead III”, so he gave it a different name.

I guess if Raimi ever thought his little low-budget film would become the cult classic it is, he might have had the idea to give the second film a different name at the time, but that would have had Raimi needing the ability to predict the future!


It's possible. Also considering the show added "Ash" to the title.


Think that change and marketing was pretty much directed at people just like me. When I was a kid and saw the trailer back in the day, it was the most radical thing I ever saw and I had never heard of the first two. I may not have been in such a hurry to see it if I knew it was the third movie in a low budget horror series.


The whole series is strange. Part 2 is almost like a remake to part 1 and part 3 starts off with a "previously on". Maybe it was released in more theatres and they wanted to reach a larger audience by changing the title.


Should have called "Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness".


I agree.


Probably the same marketing strategy as Mad Max -> The Road Warrior. i.e. "We want this movie to be a success and make as much money as possible. If we name it as a sequel to a little cult movie, that will limit the audience, limit its success, and limit our profits." They were probably hoping for it to become more mainstream.


It's possible, but I'm sure all that stop motion didn't help.


what change?


I think OP meant the series going Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and then instead of Evil Dead 3, changing it up to Army of Darkness.


What they said^^^^


I like the change up and the title "Army of Darkness" fits the film much better considering the drastic change in tone, the more epic adventure scope of the film, and taking itself less seriously. Calling it Evil Dead 3 wouldn't fit, this film was going in a very different direction.


Because of what I read in an interview, I think that Raimi was inspired by the Three Stooges. He could have jokingly called it "Army of The Undead Three Stooges"
