favorite Quote?

My favorite is when Big AL says, "Now for my brown brothas, sorry no tortilla." The way he said it was just funny.


When Miklo gets off the bus and the black dude harasses the other brother.

" Say you Black Baby, this Bull's been holed up for a long time, I got what you need put that punk in a cell with me!".

big cholo

"Hey blue eyes mamacita, check it out I got something for you!!!".

I don't know if anyone noticed but the short cholo next to the tall one talking crakes me up, he is waving for Miklo to come here, but he looks like he can't really talk. I guess its one of those things you tend to notice after you watched the movie like 50 times.


"Hey, life's a risk carnal..."
My all time favourite...I'm waiting for that one every time I see the movie. It's also cool when Big Al says something like "No pintos for you - nothing but Texas Barbeque for you baby..." LOL


Your mama was a freebe!!! -Magic


find yourself another slave...DAD!-miklo



"hey, stop looking at boobs, starting looking at a boob tube!"


Black Dude: Say man, aint nothing but fat on that bone. Gimme another chop
Big Al: Shut up before I cut if off your black skin

Let's get a drink...
Leaving Las Vegas


Those quotes are out of order, and you wrote Big Al's line wrong.

Hate like hell to disappoint bro, but unless you got a carton of smokes, no seconds.
Mother fu**ker!
(pats face) ah! Allah is blushiiiiing!
I ain't no Moslem (Muslim), man.
Alright, then how bout a little wager on tonight's game.
The odds stink, and I aint movin til I get another chop.
Move on n****r, before I carpet my cell with your black skin.


"I don't want his porkchop. I want his life!"


I like the line when "El Chui" is injecting that drug in the garage and Paco arrives to visit his brother and Chui says "Uhhh, it's John Wayne", making an allusion that Paco had turned traitor by acting like a white cop.

I also love the line when Miklo says to the Aryan Brotherhood leader "Magic says that Lightning's debt is overdue" and he tells Lightning "You hear that Lightning? The criple wants to collect your gambling debts" !!! Loved that line!

......Roaming Nevada's ~extra-terrestrial highway~ without a Green Card......


jeez.. there so many...

but when Paco goes to Cruz´s house after shooting Miklo...

¨There´s a can of chinga tu madre over the table, why don´t you help yourself...¨

¨You where always so much of a badass to love the little vato, just as the badass that you are right now that you kill you onw people¨

and the one that Montana said in the council when Miklo is getting accepted...

¨500 años hemos soportado la operion de nuestra raza, pero aqui, juntos, vamos a parar ese desmadre...sandre por sangre¨

Bury me smilin', with G's in my pocket...


The can of chinga tu madre line is great. The pork chop line is a classic!


When Chuey was all hoped up and Paco comes in and Chuey says,"It's John Wayne. We'll you're just a bunch of little chavalas and I can take all you chicanos." That was pretty funny


I love it when Paco informs the gang that they'll wait until morning to hit the Tres Puntos gang.

Paco: I got some poison for a spider, but for tommorow!

Frankie: In the daylight? It's Sunday ese!

Paco: Oh! they ain't going to be going to Mass pendejo!

Also these quotes: " You ain't talking so tough now" "Know what i mean jellybean?"



I think he says nuclear accident burrito.


⬆️⬆️⬆️ I hardcore lost my shít at that line and the little dance he did, omg the only other thing in the movie that came anywhere close to the comical genius that was Big Al.

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Yes! Chuy rocks the house with his Paco's-a-sellout speech in John Wayne's voice!

CHUY: "Oh, *beep* its John Wayne! *imitates the Duke* "Uhhh, well, yer just a bunch a little chabales and I can whup the whole buncha ya Chicanos."

And what Cruz tells Paco after Paco whines for some "hospitality" right after.

CRUZ: "...you want hospitality, homes? There's a can of 'Chinga Tu Madre' right there on the counter; why dont you help yourself?"

And pretty much everything Big Al says cracks me up. I mean, that dude has NO shame!


My favorite line from Miklo to his cousin- "I'll cut you off like they cut off my leg esse"


when Big Al says, "OhOhOhhh, cheechaaaa!!!"



Man, I can't believe yall forgot when the lo onda leader leaned his head down to al and said something like "One day Im gunna cut your ?bluffing? hand you chicken *beep* *beep* Al "In your dreams pedro, in your dreams". hahahahahahah!!!


Miklo saying Mero Mero had a dream is my personal favorite.


Haven't seen the movie in a while, but off the top of my head these are my favs.

"Ey holmes, it's JOHNNNN WAYNNNNE" - Chewey

"C'mon Ryder ... One more man ... Hey look man, fresh fish, can you BELIEVE that sh!t???" - Aryan guy

"EN LA ONDA DON'T SHINE SHOES!!" - Danny Trejo (don't know his characters name)

"Hey baby! 'Bout time they sent us a West Texas ballroom b!tch! Hows 'bout you be my lady!" - Random Biker

"Hey .. Why don't you go play with the Polar Bears ... or the MIYATESSS" - Carlos


Danny Trejo's character was Apache


No, Danny Trejo's character was Geronimo. Loved him!



"You little prxcktease, I'm tired of you swingin' your precious little ass around like you own the joint! You haven't put out worth shxt!"

-Big Al to Miklo


Hey officer,you should put some clothes on before you get arrested for indesent exsposure!-Popeye

Paco-"Hey Puto"
*beep* you think your doing chorizo?"



"Yo, it's too bright in here, ese', too much white!" -Frankie


by - wolvrin1 (Wed Sep 7 2005 21:21:41 ) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

Danny Trejo's character was Apache

His name was actually "Geronimo"



"Hey cinderella, find yourself a fella"


la hura la hura!!!!!!!!!!!!!

big al " in yo dreeeeemmmms, in yo dreeeeeems." hahahahaah



My favorite quote is when Miklo is going to his apartment with Cruz

Miklo opens door but it is chained

Miklo: hey open up
Popeye: who is it
Miklo: ronald regan pendejo

A stranger is behind the door

Stranger: Who are you

Miklo: who the #$%# are you I live here you $%@!# guay.

I was laughing so hard at this scene


My favorite is when the bga guy screams,"THIS IS FOR CHEAP TIMES! CHEAP TIMES "...me and my buddies use it whenever we joke around.

