MovieChat Forums > A Bronx Tale (1993) Discussion > In real life the Hells Angels would have...

In real life the Hells Angels would have won that brawl in the Mafia bar

That scene in the movie is pretty far fetched. I know Mob guys are supposed to be tough, but there is little chance that a chubby, middle aged Italian guy can beat a Hells Angel in a straight up fist fight. The Mafia easily intimidates law abiding citizens, but not other criminals. Strip them of their guns, and they lose a lot of their toughness.

Take John Gotti, for example. Can you name a Mafia guy with a more fearsome reputation than him? He insulted a black prisoner in Marion, Illinois in 1996, and the black guy beat him to a pulp. Without his gun, Gotti was practically defenseless against a powerful black man who knows how to use his fists.


I loved seeing those biker douche lords get their assed beat down. During that time period, in that neighbourhood they probably really would have gotten their asses kicked like that. They were off base the whole neighbourhood would have helped. Nobody likes biker gangs except other biker gang members and only members of their gang. Why anyone would aspire to be in a biker gang I'm sure I don't know. To easily get biker crank I guess. They all screw the same 2 girls. A biker gang girl is right down there with Amoeba's and moss on the life form scale



Who cares about Gotti?

In this movie, the bikers were all bearded ugly slobs. After pounding the living piss out of the bikers, Sonny and his friends should have set all the bikes afire.

For the ultimate they could have set the bikers afire. But the bikers had not hurt anyone, so that would have not been warranted.


I agree and it's so over the top too.

There's a youtube clip of this scene and the comments section is hilarious, filled with East Coast guidos trying to rationalize the realism of this scene and a lot of them claiming that Biker gangs weren't organized enough to be able to fight off these mob guys.

Sorry, but there was nothing realistic about seeing the old and obese guys take on the bikers, and that silly narration by Bevilaqua describing how their spirits dropped just because Chaz P. locked the front door with a latch was really stupid. Bikers in real life carried knives and guns.


It's impossible to say what would be realistic or not.
Some bikers can fight, others can't. Some mafioso can fight, others can't.

It would really just boil down to which group was the tougher bunch and which group had the better fighters. It wouldn't have much to do with their respective gangs/crews in the heat of the moment.

Also, not every person in the fight was old and obese, there were young guys and skinny guys in the brawl as well.
Some of the bikers were older and fatter as well.

It's impossible to say what would happen (with certainty) in almost any scenario like that.


The Mob guys outnumbered them, ambushed them, had weapons, and those were their toughest guys.


I always liked the movie, but that scene is absurd.


Absurd how?


Bikers would whoop their ass. The mob hires bikers as muscle.


Plenty of Hells Angels are also chubby middle age guys.


...and during the PLADdemic, they were riding around with face diapers on their faces!
lmao! yeah, NOT brave, NOT tough.


It reminds me of Eddie Murphy's routine in Raw about Italians at movie theaters where Rocky is playing--"Oh, you just saw Rocky..." Every Italian I've ever met was short and full of shit. The bikers, in a fair fight, would have demolished the little gangsters.


There is no such thing as a 'fair fight'.


I felt this way more with the sopranos. Especially with Christopher. That weasel would’ve had his ass kicked off the planet a thousand different times.

Chaz not so much, he and his boys could’ve taken a few bikers no problemí.
