MovieChat Forums > A Bronx Tale (1993) Discussion > Jane's Brother is a Hypocrite

Jane's Brother is a Hypocrite

Theres a part where Cee is walking through his Neighbourhood and as he's leaving Willie or Will whatever the *beep* his name is throws a bottle at him telling him to "Run you white Mother *beep*" yet its perfectly Ok for him to cycle through his Neighbourhood, now im not saying what happened to him was Ok, im just pointing out his hypocrisy.


It wasn't Jane's brother who did that. That was some other neighborhood guys.


No, it was Willy, Jane's brother. After watching this so many times, I recently realized it was him.

reply need to watch it again, because that ain't him.


it is watch closely


In case you hadn't noticed, or you're not American, Blacks can say/do whatever they want without reprecussions. Now, Whites on the other hand aren't so lucky.


In case you hadn't noticed, or you're not American, Blacks can say/do whatever they want without reprecussions. Now, Whites on the other hand aren't so lucky.

In case you haven't noticed, if you are white, you complain as much now a days as blacks do about racism but worst, because they still have to deal with racism while you just b*tch and whine about the most simple things.



13 years later it's 1,000 times worse


"... Blacks can say/do whatever they want without reprecussions."

Um...apparently you've never been to Alabama. Or Mississippi. Or Louisiana. Or Texas. Or the Florida panhandle. Or...


Um...apparently you've never been to Alabama. Or Mississippi. Or Louisiana. Or Texas. Or the Florida panhandle. Or...

Apparently you haven't spent much time in the southeast either. Because if you had then you would know in that region, white on black violence when compared to black on white crime/violence is basically non existent.

There is a much larger ratio of blacks to whites in the south than anywhere else in the country. And a large portion of southern blacks are in fact extremely racist and very violent. Hate crimes are perpetrated against whites everynight by racist blacks yet it never seems to make it past local news.


Uh... I grew up in the South & a large majority of the white cops I knew had taken part in some sort of hate crime at some point in their career. So, I'm not sure where you get this "And a large portion of southern blacks are in fact extremely racist and very violent" *beep* I don't even know where to begin with how wrong that is.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


Just rewound, and took screen shots (photos on my phone!) of both. It's not possible to see the guy throwing the bottle clearly, and after watching it a few times, Im not 100% sure but I think it is the same guy. The pictures below make the bottle thrower look like he's got lighter skin, but that could be the light. What sways me (and doesn't come across in the pics, but trust me) is that the jackets look the same. They appear to be the same length and cut, and that might only be circumstantial, but it is a hint.

Assuming it is the same guy, it has to be said that the bottle thrower looked unwilling to do it, being egged on by his mates. He looked kind of sheepish as he walked back after throwing it. Perhaps his accusatory reaction to 'C' was as much driven by guilt at what he himself had done as anger at what 'C' and his friends had done. Perhaps the guilt about both encounters added up to making him realise he needed to recant on what he had told his sister about how the fight happened.

Although none of that explains how they all manage to gloss over the 'N*gg*r' word being thrown about...

Janes brother -

Bottle thrower -



stormkingfan: No, it was Willy, Jane's brother. After watching this so many times, I recently realized it was him.
Wow. Now that's really scary. Watched it many times and still couldn't tell it was a different person.



watch from 2:34 to 2:44 thats clearly Jane's Brother.

"I guess to you inbred retards, all black people look alike. "

reason for that pointless insult ?


mindstamina3000: In addition to what Karneda92 said, how do we know Jane's brother is still in the school? She said "sometimes we walk home together". There is no evidence that he is still in the school. He could easily be that guy who throws the bottle at C.


I would say this film is pretty fair at treating the racial situation. It doesnt demonise either the black people or the white Italians for their actions. It shows the reasons behind the way the Italian kids hate the black kids and attack them, its not ideal but it was a necessity for those kids in that neighbourhood to protect their people. The same way the black kids treat them the same when they step into their neighbourhood. Was it janes brother, I dont know. The films is not saying saying hes not a hypocrite or that he is, he probably called them wops and honkies to his friends just like the italians call them *beep* spooks, moolians. People have their reasons.


It's clearly not Jane's brother. Just look at the skin complexion.

Light-skinned guy throws the bottle:

Jane's brother is much darker:


That is NOT the same guy. We all do not look alike.


& why not. Lol


Make no mistake; the door swings both ways. In the scene where C's friends beat up on the black kids bicycling through their neighborhood, if it were the other way around, and C's friends kept going through the black's neighborhood, they would have ultimately shared the same fate. Racism is a two-way street, especially at that time in the film.


Most people are hypocrites.


When push comes to shove, people suck.


They're not the same guy.

Bottle thrower:

Jane's brother:

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


Thanks for the pictures. That clearly wasn't the same guy.



she was kind of a hypocrite, too. at least she was adult about it and let bygones be bygones.

she was all up in C's face when her brother told her it was C who beat him up. -- forget the like 7 other guys there, kicking and throwing chairs. and when C said he wasn't there she doesn't believe him. then it comes out he WAS there but was not aiding in the beating up. he was the one trying to protect them. one person can not hold back 7+ other angry older teenagers.

and her hypocritness comes when near the end and 'my brother told me the truth'. so a boyfriend can lie to you [even if it was a technicality lie and a noble lie at that] and you can be pissed off but a brother can lie to you about implicating someone as guilty [much worse than a noble lie] and it's cool???

hope she kicked her brother's butt over that.

but there is a lot of hypocritisism in racial things in general. even today the blacks can use the enn word in rap songs and even street language and it's cool. but we can't [not that I want to.] do they hear white people singing country songs about crakas?

and not for nothing... that entire situation boiled down to like 8 black guys riding bikes through their neighborhood. not saying that they shouldn't be there, but come on! if there is still racial tension and you are already thought of as a whole for being instigators, WHY INSTIGATE????

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


but there is a lot of hypocritisism in racial things in general. even today the blacks can use the enn word in rap songs and even street language and it's cool. but we can't [not that I want to.] do they hear white people singing country songs about crakas?

The same word can mean something different depending on context. Two black people addressing each other as n* in conversation and without anger means something very different than a white person calling a black person that word, angry or not. There are socio-historical backgrounds to words which do affect the meaning depending on who the speaker is and, again, depending on context.

As for rap songs - you'll hear the n-word mostly in "gangsta" rap which is a sub-genre of rap. And most of those songs are disgusting trash and the use of the n-word in them is degrading.


OP tries to point racism by blacks and gets exposed as a racist who can't tell a light skin black to a darker skinned one!


I have to side with Jane on that. She asked him several times if he was there, and he swore he wasn’t. So when he changes his story, and says he was, he loses credibility. Also sometimes the truth sounds like bullshit. She probably would’ve have believed him even if he was honest from the get go.

The brother on the other hand was pissed off, he did get his ass kicked. And C is basically guilty by association. He was willing to lie to keep his sister away from him.

I can’t blame anyone in that situation.
