MovieChat Forums > A Bronx Tale (1993) Discussion > Is it dangerous to live in The Bronx?

Is it dangerous to live in The Bronx?

Hey, I love the movie, I really like it... I was wondering if it is dangerous living in The Bronx nowadays? I'm not racism... but I've heard that there are many black guys who are bad and delinquents.... is it true?
Does somebody can tell me how is life there?


I'm not even going to touch the race part.

As for the rest; it depends where you're living. A strange thing I've noticed about New York as oppossed to every other city that I've ever been in; people in NYC really seem to settle themselves down almost in like tiny villages just a few square block in size. The result of this is that you can walk just a few blocks and go from a very ghetto area to an upscale one.

Also, these areas are often in flux. Every neighborhood seems to go through a cycle of being good and bad, although there are a few that are exempt from this. Just as a quick example: when I was living in Brooklyn as a kd, the next neighborhood over was Red Hook, which is a very bad neighborhood, and it had been for a long time. It was also a neighborhood that nobody went into unless they were black or latino back then. Walk over a few blocks, and you'd be in Carol Gardens, which was a fairly well off Italian neighborhood back in the day, and is now yuppie paradise.

About a year or two agao I was visiting some family in the city, (I moved out in the early 90s), and while on the train heard some guys who were obvious out of towners now living in New York. These out of town white boys with their midwest accents are were looking at getting apartments in Red Hook, and were talking about places with a price tag of $1,200 a month.

Things change.

(All that having been said, the Bronx is generally regarded as the grittiest of the 5 boroughs of New York).

Larger than life is the perfect size






out of town midwest white boys huh? i dont know which part of the midwest youd be refering to, but theres many neighborhoods in chicago that make ny look like a joke when it comes to crime,drugs,murders ect. Not to mention Milwaukee and gary

"Celebrities pretend to be normal and down to earth"


"out of town midwest white boys huh? i dont know which part of the midwest youd be refering to, but theres many neighborhoods in chicago that make ny look like a joke when it comes to crime,drugs,murders ect. Not to mention Milwaukee and gary "

Not to mention my hometown of Detroit..



Hmm white guys shoot up entire schools killing kids for over a decade. Blacks and Latinos are dangerous terrible people.

Yeah ok, white folks. Keep selling that bull.


Hey, people can be decent or they can be thugs and psychos. It has nothing to do with skin color - it's about individual character...


Black and latino gangs shoot up kids in their neighborhoods every single day,what's your point?


peace, dont be scared of the bx, I was born and rasied in "little Italy of the bronx" the same place the movie took after. Like all communitys the bronx is only "dangerous" if you hang out with the wrong people. I personaly love the bronx


I hate the Bronx. It's not a warzone, but there are certain areas you shouldnt enter, and certain people you should always avoid. However, New York is not a bad place to live. Recently it was considered the safest city in the US.



The Bronx is just like every city in the world. It has its good parts and its bad. I lived in the Bronx my entire life and have never been in any trouble much less have to worry about anything happening to me. Now that may be because I never lived in a bad neighborhood (I lived near the Parkchester, Bedford Park/Fordham and live currently in the Norwood area). Its easy to know the good and bad neighborhoods in any city and it just takes common sense to know if you should be in any particular neighborhood.

The "little italy of the bronx" that a previous poster mentioned is in Arthur Ave and its a FANTASTIC place for fresh Italian food and imports. When I watch the film I try to figure out where it was filmed.

Chazz was at a graduation ceremony at Lehman College (in the Bronx) and he seemed like a nice dude.


It was filmed in Queens, because that was the easist part of the city to make it look like it was 1960s New York.



I live in the 187 fordham area. It's not too bad but stuff has happened here and near here. Not too different from anywhere else really. I have been living here all my life so far.


unless you're a-rab or muslim or are sikh but people are retarded and think just cause you wear a turban you're muslim. CHI-TOWN TILL IT GO DOWN!!!!!!!!!

"make love to the children"



First off them movie does not actually take place in the Bronx...It takes place in Queens, so this guy was not born and raised where the movie took place. I was born and raised in NY not the city, about 2 hours outside of the city in a little town called ALBANY the capital of NY anybody ever hear if it anymore?..Anyways I have been the NYC like a million times even lived there for close to 2 years its not much harder or worse or better for that matter from anywhere else...I am sure there are parts of Chicago and LA and down south that are way worse and more dangerous then and 2 other guys found a nice bedroom apartment for about $2,000/month - thats not that bad for the area that I lived at...I dont think you have anything to worry about especally if you just want to visit NYC...everybody should have to visit NYC at least 2 times in their life...X-mas time and spring/summer time......nothing like it.


Actually there are a few shots showing City Island, which is in the NE Bx.


Just because it wasn't filmed there doesn't mean it wasn't set there. That's like saying all movie are set in Hollywood film sets.


or if your a redsox


"I'm not racism... but I've heard that there are many black guys who are bad and delinquents.... is it true? ""

first of all, you can't be "racism", but what you post certainly does sound to be extrtemely racist, because a section of a city is inhibited by african americans does not automaticly make it a "bad" section of the city.


to be honest with you and i know everyones gonna take this the wrong way. but its a true fact. when there is an area populated with mostly black people that seems to be the area with the most crime and violence. it the same that applies to where i live in london. places like brixton and elephant and castle are black areas and have the worst reputation. nottingham which was once a very nice city in the midlands, was populated with jamaicans about 5 years ago. now its known as gun capital and murder city of uk. im not saying its just all blacks coz theres a lot of white thugs. im half turkish cypriot myself and areas where theres turkish people theres violence and gangs. but when u go to turkey the people are so welcoming and friendly so its only the minority which the same applies to black people, only a minority of thugs.
my point is areas with a mostly black population tends to be the no go areas

i know everyones gonna say im racist but im not
i have a few black friends who actually agree with me.


I agree, but it has nothing to do with race- its about economic standing. For various reasons, none of them having anything to do with the race itself, minority communities, particuarly black ones in the US and UK, are on average poorer then the average white community.


what you say is true, in any low income housing sections there is bound to be more crime, because people want what they do not have and some, whether there white black or whatever, will stop at no means to get it. To say that places with many black people are the places that are the most crime ridden is compleltly wrong, the fact of the matter is that most sections below the poverty line, and with extremely high populations are the sections with more crime. This has nothing at all to do with race.



I just want to tell you that your post on this subject is right on. Pre-dominantly black areas, according to statistics, are always ranked as the highest crime areas. And let me add this small point. People who make excuses for black areas high crime solely on the fact that they're low income areas aren't looking at the total picture. The fact that these areas are poor is not entirely because of racism...It's mainly due to problems the black commumity has brought upon themselves. For example 70% of black children are born out of wedlock and 50% drop out of school before they graduate. In addition, the rate of violent crime cannot be blamed totally on racism either. It's time for African-American youth to start taking responsibility for their actions and not using the "victim mentality" as an excuse for taking part in criminal behavior. If you really want to hear the "real truth" on this subject, and not some politically correct nonsense, listen to what Bill Cosby has to say about this very subject. Now this guy knows what he's talking about!


O please, then who are the White people that are killing people? Black people in costumes?

C'mon now - illigimate children aren't a specialty among any race. Neither are homicides, burglaries, or any crime for that fact.

As for statistics - hate to inform, but check your facts - Whites are the highest on the list of Welfare recipients.

Any person of any race, resorts to crime, because that is what they choose to do. Color, religion, intelligence has nothing to do with it.

You just don't know, until you know....


Btw - I'm Black & I live on Long Island, NY.

Good n bad, in the whole spectrum.

You just don't know, until you know....



The Skull and Bones society is not only at Yale. It is present in most if not all Ivies. From what I have heard it has minorites within its membership.


I was born & raised in the Bronx, and proud of it!
The Bronx has it's good & bad sections, just like any other US city. I grew up in the Kingsbridge section, which at the time, had a strong Irish population. There are many wonderful areas of the Bronx - Riverdale, Morris Park, Woodlawn, City Island, Throggs Neck, etc
The Bronx got a bad rap, way back in '77 during the World Series, when Howard Cosell starting focusing on a burning building behind Yankee Stadium & that became National news.
Some sections of the Bronx may be dangerous, but no more dangerous than parts of Detroit, LA, Chicago, etc.....


i have family who lives in the bronx and i visit occasionally and honestly.. i feel safer walking at night there then i did when i used to live in hartford, connecticut.. there is good and bad everywhere


"The fact that these areas are poor is not entirely because of racism...It's mainly due to problems the black commumity has brought upon themselves. For example 70% of black children are born out of wedlock and 50% drop out of school before they graduate."

So you think there is poverty in black america because of bastard children and low test scores, and not the other way around?


Excellent point, thank you. Statistics usually can't be used to point to a particular cause, only a correlation. I yearn to see more positive role models of non-white persuasion. I think that's sorely missing. Reinforce the fact that, while they may be tough to overcome, no circumstances -- poverty, etc -- can stop someone with a driving purpose to better their life.


Co-op City, Bx, NYC. Co-op is a gigantic apt complex of co-op's. They cost money to get into and have a decent monthly maintenance cost. Just a walk through the parking garages will show that the people that live there *are not* poor. I lived there for quite a while and the people were nice, decent hard working folks.
I don't know exact stats, but a LOT of people live there as it has something like 30+ buildings that stand 20 to 30 stories tall.


There are parts of Atlanta that are middle and upper middle class Black neighborhoods.


Im tellin you right now,and im not tryin to be racist.In the bronx this day and age you see alot of that ''YO YO *beep* and they got they *beep* pants to they ass, its no *beep* low's if you ask me.Alot of them are nice but still.That 2pac *beep* never flew with me, or that rap crap.So i suggest not to move there this day and age.

Im putting this out there too.When a black man calls another a *beep* or *beep* eather way the defenition is ''IGNORANCE'' so everytime you call someone that your sayin the person is ignorant.Look it up....



I agreen with floyd007 "Now I can mention plenty about the Turkish in Germany BUT I will not stoop to your level, sport." I lived in Koln, Germany for a year and Turk gangs we're bad. Generalizations by any race are ignorance.


Well lets call it the wa it actually is......I believe Chris Rock said it best...There are *beep* and then they are Black people...Now I am a black man myself and I have not problem with other black people...but I do have a problem with *beep* are the most violent, rudiest, poorest, pathetic people who talk loud in movie theaters, leave *beep* tips at restaurants if you even geta tip..most of them have many differnt kids with different woman, dont pay child support on any of not a myth its true just look around you that all you have to do.


yea but ur not American, London and NYC are two different cities in two different countries. and for your info white neighborhoods like howard beach in queens arent safe for blacks cuz white kids there tend to jump blacks that go throught there. It's been in the news alot over the past few months or so.


You look kind of silly picking on tglety for using the wrong form of the word "race." Do African Americans really "inhibit" parts of the Bronx?...or do they just live there?


I'm from the Bronx, born and raised for 18 years. Think abnout your question very carefully, aswell as what I am about to tell you. almost any ghetto you know of today was once a fairly nice neighborhood. When this thing called crack hit these urban areas such as the Bronx that is when it started getting bad. you must also keep in mind, there are many parts in the Bronx. Someplaces are good and some are bad. If I were you i would go one day. but ofcourse I
d advise you not to travel alone. you need to see for yourself what the city is like. Don't beleive everything you hear on tv. 75% is bs.


I'm from southwestern Virginia and moved to New York last year. I work in TV news so I'm all over the city every day. Just like these other people have mentioned, it all seems to matter what specific neighborhood you're in, and not the borough. There's one neighborhood in Brooklyn that is considered the most dangerous part of New York City, but overall Brooklyn is thought of as a great place to live.

I've never felt in danger here.


One could argue that the heart of mid-town Manhattan is just as bad as anywhere with the people that are solely there to prey on tourists. I am from Chicago and everyone just knows where to be at what times of day and where not to be. The same is true of any big city I assume. I remember everyone telling me when I visit New York to not be in Central Park at night. You can be anywhere and come across some shady deal going on or be in the wrong place at the wrong time, as long as you are relatively street smart you will be okay and most likely won't be in those situations.


yeh of coarse its about the more poorer the area the more crime. but the question is. how comes the blacks tend to be the ones without jobs and the chip on their shoulders all the time?


It is because it is hard for minorities, such as black people, to find the better paid jobs because people have a bad image of them and don't want to hire them. This can be for plain racist reasons, or just because of the bad reputation people are talking about on this board. Therefore they have less money, and are forced to live in less nice areas, and in extreme cases have to resort to crime to get by. This only makes the negative image they have worse, and so on. It is a vicious circle...

Also, if you are born in a neighbourhood like that, it can be harder to do well in school because the local school is less good (because the negative image of the area makes it hard to get funding and good teachers, and because of the crime there is more truancy, etc etc). Consequently they end up with less qualifications, and therefore not such a good job. Especially in countries like the US where university fees are high, it is hard to break out of the poverty cicle.


ok this may be true but it is also true that some people like to spend their money in different places, id rather know that im living in a cheaper area so that i can save more money for my kids to go to college - im from long island and i know plenty of people that move to queens so they can save money for later so you cant judge people just because it seems as though they live in a poor area


There are no "shady deals" in central park. People say not to be there at night because thats when rape and robbery is at its highest point in the park.


That's ritgh Brooklyn Rocks!!!

Brooklyn Italian represent.


Like everyone's been saying it really depends on where you live! But its like that anywhere you go not neccessarly the Bronx or New York itself! Hell, even some subrubs have bad reps! I know this may not sound very true because of the state this town is in but it is true, it Utah theres a subrub called Magna and well, its an okay place to live its crime-rate isn't very high but the drug-rate is! Magna has tons of Meth-Labs! Magna is actually the reason Utah has more meth-labs then any other state in the country! Yeah, there are other places in Utah with meth-labs of course! But Magna is the #1 place for it! It just goes to show you ANY place rather its a subrub or inner-city can be a unpleasent place to live! But overall, it really depends on the area of which you live upon!

"Forgive your enemies,
But don't forget their names!"- JFK


The Bronx is an amazing place to live and grow up. I know that it's my home and definitely where i plan on raising my kids. The roots of culture are amazing. Especially if you are latino, it's amazing the support you get. I know my roots are planted in the Dominican Republic but the Bronx is like the closest thing to home. I won't even lie and say that it's crime free but chances are, nobody is going to just come up to you and shoot up because they can and its "the bronx" no...
it all depends on who you know and what your doing. (just as in any other place in the world)...
*i LoVe tHe BrOnXxX...718 aLL DAY!*



That is all I can say to this post.


Look the Bronx is very big, my mom grew up in the Bronx's Little Italy, maybe when you heard the Bronx you only think about the South Bronx.

Brooklyn Italian represent.



boston has gotten pretty bad me and my cousin went there and it was pretty crazy, nothing to bad just alot of lunatics


I was born and raised in the Bronx. Its basically like any urban city. You don't just walk down the street and see Italians beatin' black guys with bats. A Bronx Tale's setting took place many decades ago. That was when racism was very out in the open. The Bronx is cool.



There are *beep* up places in every city. I moved into the Bronx a couple of years ago (I am Dutch and all i knew at the time about the place was what you hear in the news, and that is always negative crap).

But it wasn't so bad at all. I've moved out again some time ago and I miss it. When I first got there it was all a little weird, but once you settle in it's fine.
Like I said, every town has neighbourhoods with bad reputations. The town I lived in back in the Netherlands has a huge problem with Maroccans. It was so much worse compared to the Bronx. Those *beep* moslims had no respect whatso ever for anyone. 25 years old guys herass 10 year old girls.
Mostly, *beep* happens in places you don't hear of at all.
In my hometown you HAD to prove yourself. I got into a lot of fights just to make sure my family and friends could live a 'normal' life.

Anyway, I LOVE NYC !!!

