MovieChat Forums > Dave (1993) Discussion > Ending--Big-time SPOILER

Ending--Big-time SPOILER


When I first watched the movie, I thought they should have ended it with Dave walking out of the ambulance and into the foggy night. It was so dramatic and moving. The director could have left in the voice-over so we'd know what happened to everyone, but I thought the scene at Dave's office was sort of jokey and didn't fit with the mood of what came before. Plus, if they're going to end it on such a light-heared note, why didn't they have the secret service agent in a sweater vest since that would have been a fun reference back to something Dave had suggested earlier in the film?

Don't get me wrong--I love the film. I just think if that would have ended it at the ambulance, it would have had a bittersweet finale that would have deepened the film and made it resonate more. I've seen it several times, and I can't help it, I always think it should have ended about five minutes earlier.


The last scene was necessary because it brought closure to the romantic angle between Dave and Ellen, a key plot element of the movie. I didn't think Duane's presence was out of place either; we are supposed to assume he was there to protect Ellen. Former Presidents (and First Ladies) are entitled to secret service protection, I believe.

The real issue though, is that Dave and Ellen being together, and his looking so much like Bill Mitchell, would raise public suspicions. If Dave's impersonating Mitchell was discovered, both Dave and Ellen would likely end up in jail. Ruins the feel-good ending! Still one of my favorite movies, though./


It would have made for a very interesting ending, to let it all open to interpretation, but I have to say that I like the ending it was made with. It reminded me of how old movies ended. If it were to end your way, it would have made it more sad.

I wish I had the ability to have what you do, to be able to take a movie and imagine what it would be like differently.

Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space 'cos its bugger all down here on Earth.



All Dave would have to do is replace his glasses with contacts. It worked for Superman in the 50s! (What a disguise Clark Kent had - a pair of eyeglasses).

Cats are delicate dainty animals who suffer from a variety of ailments ... except insomnia.


I love the movie but I think the ending spoils it. I can live with Dave reunion with Ellen. But his running for president and the secret service now working for him? That's waaaaaaay too much..


He’s not running for president he is running for a local office, and the secret service agent is likely there to protect Ellen as former president s and first ladies get that courtesy. As Dwayne was obviously close to Dave and Ellen near the end he was probably selected, likely by Ellen. The same kind of thing happens in 24 when Mrs. Logan has Aaron as her personal body guard from the secret service.

As for recognizing him. All they would have to say is that he was a stand in for public events (like what he was originally hired for) and that over the course of the Mitchell's term he formed a bond with the first family. The press could speculate the cover up but without real proof it would not go anywhere.

I do admit though the romantic link between Ellen and Dave would be weird to swallow, but its also a movie. This entire plot requires a suspension of several truths as in no way could this actually work, so let the nice guy have the girl.


Loved your last sentence fcxd02. . . .yes, it was a movie, but a delightful one and I absolutely loved the ending. Don't know what the whole sweater vest thing was about . . .... And yes, Dave was running for city council.


Here's the way I took it. Dave and Ellen get together, so she can help him with his campaign, but she is in love with him, and he with her. Now, many might not think about that end shot like I did. I think the bodyguard was not there for Ellen. I think he is there for Dave. Remember he said he would take a bullet for him. I think he respected Dave so much that he became HIS bodyguard!


It's funny, I've watched this film many times and always took it for granted that Duane had left the secret service and was now working with Dave. Which on reflection was silly of me and it's almost certain he was there as Ellen's protection. I always wondered what happend next? Given Ellen and Dave's resemblence to Bill Mitchell he would never have got very far before the whole story exploded.


I disagree. I also personally think the public in the movie should know that the president was cheating on his wife. Although even without that her previous husband did die so I don't see that many people being mad she later got with someone else.


One problem I see with the final scene. Dave is running for Councilman. He's going to be in the public eye with a former first lady as his new girlfriend, whose husband looked just like him. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together which will blow open the whole original scheme from the movie.


Two things;

Dave found that he was a great president; it would be a waste for him to return to his life, and not pursue a political career.

Secondly, Dave found love. And we needed to know that the two would get back together again.

The ending tied up lose ends and told us what was his future. And it was one of public service with the woman he loved.
