MovieChat Forums > Dave (1993) Discussion > Ending--Big-time SPOILER

Ending--Big-time SPOILER


When I first watched the movie, I thought they should have ended it with Dave walking out of the ambulance and into the foggy night. It was so dramatic and moving. The director could have left in the voice-over so we'd know what happened to everyone, but I thought the scene at Dave's office was sort of jokey and didn't fit with the mood of what came before. Plus, if they're going to end it on such a light-heared note, why didn't they have the secret service agent in a sweater vest since that would have been a fun reference back to something Dave had suggested earlier in the film?

Don't get me wrong--I love the film. I just think if that would have ended it at the ambulance, it would have had a bittersweet finale that would have deepened the film and made it resonate more. I've seen it several times, and I can't help it, I always think it should have ended about five minutes earlier.


For me, the very last scene in the film hit the nail on the head. When Ving Rhames character says earlier in the film that he would take a bullet for Kevin Kline's character, it shows how much he respects him, and then at the very end, where he comes into view guarding the room where Dave and Ellen are spoke volumes to me.
