MovieChat Forums > Dazed and Confused (1993) Discussion > Scene where Pickford smokes in his room ...

Scene where Pickford smokes in his room with Pink and others

His parents were going away for the weekend in a few hours. Why would they smoke pot in his room when his parents were only hours from leaving? (Remember this was before the guy delivered the keg too early).

Wouldn't you say something like "Not smoking now, man. My parents are leaving in a few hours. We can wait. I'm not taking the risk."


As someone who grew up in that era I can tell you that back then parents were wrapped up in their own lives... they were NOTHING like the helicopter parents of today. We smoked in my room all the time and my parents never knew. They didn't come in my room and were basically oblivious to our activities.



But smoke will leave your room. It wouldn't just stay in your room. It would go out into the hallway where it could be smelled. Plus, his parents knocked on the door like 2 seconds after they took some hits. They would've smelled it right away. Any non-smoker can smell it more easily than a smoker too.


Back in those days half the population smoked and most smokers smoked right inside their homes and just about any other indoor space you could think of. But Pickford's parents didn't look like smokers.


Are you talking about tobacco? Because nothing close to half the population smoked weed in the 70s.


They 100% would've smelled it before entering the room, and they were strict, especially the dad hence cancelling the party. This part always bugged me.


I'm presuming it was because Pickford was doing "business", and his customer (Slater) wanted to sample the goods first. Still, if the transaction couldn't be delayed I would've at least had the windows open with a fan pulling the air out. That brief burst of air freshener was a pitiful attempt to mask the aroma.

"Randy lay there like a slug! It was his only defense." - Jean Shepherd (A Christmas Story)


He did wave some incense around, I think.


Yes this part always bothered me. First off if I'm throwing a party at my parents house. Why would I jeopardize that by having my friends over the same day my parents are leaving for the weekend. And smoking weed while my parents are still home. Pickford should of not had nobody in the house with his parents still around. But the beer guy coming early to the house to deliver the kegs was the icing of the cake. The father new right there was going to be a big party at the house.


Yeah, exactly. I actually just remembered that my friend's grandpa told him a story about his dad. He said that when his dad was young, his dad was throwing a party because his parents were leaving for the weekend. Everyone started going into the house and his mom and dad came back because his mom forgot her purse. His dad got in big trouble for that. Then my friend's grandpa told him, "We still give him crap for that. He couldn't wait at least an hour to start having people come over." haha


Probably just because Pink and Slater had to get going and that was (in a teenager's mind) the only time they could pick up the weed - better sooner than later. You know, the invincible mentality. If they told themselves Pickford's parents wouldn't walk into the room when they were smoking, OF COURSE they wouldn't walk into the room.

Stupid thinking, but you know... kids...

"I must express myself." - Delia Deetz


My friends were always hanging out, so I don't think them being there early would have been a problem, kid's don't gather in groups at one friends house like we all used to, so it seems strange to the new generations to think its weird lol. Smoking weed in the room...that's another story, My friends and I would smoke in my room but, of course, have the window open and a fan blowing out but that was only if it was raining or something, if the weather was good, we would all just take a walk to one of the many "spots"...

Plum near cut his head in two mmmmm hmmmmm


His parents probably didn't know what it smelled like. My mother always asked me why it smelled like chrysanthemums in my car.


Incense my man. Covers up a lot.


That beer guy really nailed the Texas accent. aLot goien on in the scene like why did Pink & pickford toss the Glass head around before opening the door ? and how was Pink sitting up when he was clearly launching back on the bed. michelle was very cute looking all unaware & how bout the deal for the goods, $15 = Sold
