What parts made you cry

Please tell me I'm not the only one who cries at at this movie!! I cry more than once at various points in the film....
1) when shadow wants to run after the car but then repeats Peter command of "stay"

2)when Sassy is reunited with the dogs after bring thrown over the waterfall
3) when the little girl is reunited with her parents
4) when Shadow finally shows up at the end of the movie....

What other parts make you cry?


This movie was just on tv, and I introduced my girlfriend to it.

It was my first time seeing it in about 7 years.

I am a 21 year kid man, and I cried like a baby at the end when Shadow came over the hill.


Definitely when Shadow comes over the hill. I'm 52 and it still makes me ball like a baby. The other thing is that the music in this movie is very well done and adds to the emotional impact.

The iTunes widescreen HD version looks absolutely stunning and worth buying if you haven't already.


I actually laughed when Sassy fell in the river once when I watched this with my cousin a few years back. We were making jokes about how Sassy was a bitch to Chance until she fell in, so when Shadow yelled "Sassy's in the river, Chance", Chance thought "good, she deserves it".

I don't remember crying at any parts as a little girl, but watching it years later, I have to say the part where Chance returns at the end of the movie and him and Peter reunite had me in tears. Still does.


I sure do miss 90's family movies.



That's nuts...!!! The goodbye scene, Shadow talking to Chance about a dog's responsibilities, Chance & Sassy leaving Shadow behind in the ditch, the ending where Peter starts to accept that his dog didn't make it...if this movie isn't tear-jerkingly emotional, I don't know what is.



Yes! Yes. All of the above scenes. Some of the lines (e.g., "You've learned everything you need, Chance; now all you have to learn is how to say goodbye"), and the expressions on the pets' and humans' faces just get you SO hard, no matter how many times you've seen it. 8''~{ The voice and animal acting is phenomenal.

The "return home" scene at the end of the original Incredible Journey is also extremely emotional. The old dog there was Bodger the Bull Terrier...and his kid goes, "I knew all along Bodger wouldn't make it. He was just too old." And his sister cries, "But Peter! You're not old, and he's the same age as you!" To which he replies, "I know...but with dogs it's different." That is so true and so sad. ;___;



Those are definitely great, tearful moments but I'm a difficult person when it comes to crying (I'm not difficult in general ...it's just rare for me to cry at a movie scene)

However, I definitely turn on the water works when Shadow and Peter reunite at the end. That is bar none one of the best movie conclusions ever.

I should be getting the DVD in the mail tomorrow 

When God made Tom Cruise, he was only joking.


Such a great movie!!!! It is funny as hell! Now that I'm watching as an adult, I get so many more of the jokes! Sassy is freaking hilarious! I think the part that makes me cry is when Shadow lets the little girl hug him. Thats just like dogs, and an old wise retriever like Shadow knew how to give her some space so she wasn't over whelmed. I prefer this type of cinematography with shooting animals instead of poaching/hunting or using CG FX to make the dogs mouth move. It seems more real. I am impressed by the trainers on this film! Great movie HB:3 Please!!!!


I loved this movie as a kid and just watched it with my 6 year old last night. The parts (yes, plural) I cry at are when the family leaves the animals and Shadow wants to follow the vehicle and tells himself to 'stay', when Sassy reunites with the dogs, when the little girl is missing and it shows her parents crying, when the dad gets the call that they found the animals, when Shadow falls into the hole and most definitely when Shadow runs to Peter saying 'I was so worried about you'!

Love everything about this movie!

"Only a fool looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart."


-The part when Shadow says "Ive taught you everything you need to know Chance. Now all you have to learn is how to say goodbye."
-When Shadow limps over hill, Peter sees him and that entire scene.
I have this movie on VHS and would watch it every.single.day for years when I was younger after my grandmother got it for me and every single time, I cried. It's an absolute classic film.


I hope I'm not the only guy here confessing to this....

I watched this film last night after my housemate put it on and she left for bed. I first watched this film when I was very young: around 5-8 years old and I remember fighting back tears watching it the first time around.

Well, watched it again last night and at 30 years old I had the same damn reaction. The bit at the end always bloody gets me. I had to walk away a few times in case housemates came back downstairs and saw my red bloodshot eyes.

Mind you, there is one thing that worries me. I've watched countless films with sad deaths and all that and none of them invoke a reaction. I see one film with a lovely dog suffering and I'm in bits. I like to think I value my own species over the canine family but it appears not when watching Homeward Bound.
