Homeward Bound III: Lost at Sea

I have always loved the first film. The second one is watchable and mildly enjoyable, though not nearly as good as the first.

Anyway, as others have said both on this board and the one for the second film, many of us children of the '90's who grew up on these movies wished there had been a third installment.
Of course, we all know that is almost certainly not going to happen now, but that hasn't stopped me from thinking on what a third Homeward Bound could have been about, since the first one entailed the pets being in the wilderness and the second one them being in the city.
Then it occurred to me...*if* there had been a third movie, it should have involved Shadow, Chance, and Sassy being lost at sea.

What are your thoughts?


Back from an oceanic vacation. Hard to imagine them rebooting the film's progress only to make it into a fun-themed, playful rendition (how else you do categorize pet animals out at sea?). To my mind, they'd do well returning to the storybook The Incredible Journey. I wish to read it after finding out about it so long after watching the films. Definitely more honor might be given to the original writing. This way it can retain the tone of the first ones while adding to the whole.


I like the idea.


Not a bad idea, but Disney will likely ruin it.
