MovieChat Forums > mariomonsieur

mariomonsieur (231)


Full on disguises PBS program doc Availability Favorite history channel show? What do you think he whispered... Nothing or something to lose Adults need faith too Interesting interplay In the inquistor New Post for Liberty Stands Still View all posts >


It's making a break in the news: not albino, technically it's leucistic, but a white buffalo roams. At least one native tradition believes it's a good omen. I would add the love story built into the soul thing, so while he became animatronic at the lightning strike, they use their relationship building up to a gradual sentience. I don't know, didn't see the ending. I was watching til half way thru, guess the 2nd animated bit. Yes there is, and there needs to be more to this movie. Showing some love but I haven't heard of those other movies. I'd be more interested in an End of the Spear 2, a return to the Curaray and Ecuador region. This movie jumped past all the teen and undergrad days to include the same actor who was both dad/son. Not a completely goofy transition. Just could be filled in some or tied in with present Huarani/Waodani situation. Word is they're still living in remote tribal conditions cut off I wasn't skim-watching and didn't even notice that was Merv's weapon. So, win one here for cinematical correctness, and your prize is a hilt (sword guard with handle). Give her a better filter on the profile pic, something extra hippy like ball-seam stitches, bubble gum and shades. Anyway went in for too intellectual or game show I prefer it darker. Maybe I'll watch Fraggle Rock by the time I'm my grandparents' age when they first picked up on these shows. Because my parents and I weren't nearly as into them. Or another detonator. Forget where I saw the running of the bulls before as a backdrop. This, of course, has Mexico city's bullring fight, as an overture for the main theme sharing of visceral experience. "Don't be so John Wayne, you could get yourself killed." Hah, going on safari is like a tour of duty. It's been out longer than a decade; and yeah it's over-rated among general sports films –baseball just happens to be competitively popular, maybe you think it's a similar vibe in Trouble with the Curve? View all replies >