Nedry was an idiot.

He should have realized when the storm hit he wouldn't be able to make it to the dock. Unlike the book it's made even worse by his video phoning the guy on the ship and he can see how bad the storm is. Unlike the book where he is supposed to meet Dodson who is on his own private boat. Not on the one the staff on the Island are using. Thus he was ignorant of how bad the storm was in the book.




Frankly I disagree. I like the movie and have since I was a kid. But reading the book as an adult, it's become a favorite of mine. I am in the minority liking Malcolm's sermons. I actually did my own audiobook of the book. I still listen to it from time to time on the way to work. But that's how I feel about a lot of books that were adapted into popular movies. And I always say this but the only movie I think is better than the book it was based on is Forrest Gump. If it had been like the book it wouldn't have won any Oscars. In fact, if it was like the book it would've won a bunch of Razzie Awards.

Don't get me wrong I like the book but it is very silly especially in the 2nd half where it Forrest gets into adventures that make the movie look like a documentary by comparison. Of course it also doesn't help that Forrest is a big muscular man in the book and it goes without saying there aren't very many good actors who are big and muscular.


Dont Take away my childhood asshat Im excited for Jurrasic June


Shoot. I wasn't even dissing you or the movie. Calm down.


Sorry but the book is vastly superior to the movie.


Just chiming in here to side with Degree7 on this debate. He definitely was coming back to the control room, this mrbnk dude needs to take a chill pill, pretty sure Spielberg himself stated in interviews Nedry's character was not planning to leave that night, lose!
