MovieChat Forums > Jurassic Park (1993) Discussion > Let's be honest, the book is terrible

Let's be honest, the book is terrible

I've tried to read the book 3 times... and I can't finish it.
I think it's very poorly written, things happen fast, the author doesn't pause to describe the characters, the emotions of the characters or WORST OF ALL, he doesn't stop to describe the dinosaurs (the stars of the story), basically he write "it's tall, with big teeth and it's green". The author stops more times to describe the graphics of a death (talking even about the steam that comes out of the intestines of a victim who was recently attacked by a velociraptor).
Not to mention the pages and pages when the characters try to hack the system to get it back online... (did he really stop to type every command and error in the computer???)
Also, Lex is unbearable.
End of statement


Did you read the same book as the rest of us ?? The book is brilliant, it’s fast paced, thrilling, exciting and easy to read. I loved it.


i remember Lex was really annoying, and Hammond got killed while Muldoon lived


I liked the book a lot, but as others here have noted, the Lex character is interminably annoying. I understand she’s a young girl, but she is overbearingly whiney.


I rewatched this movie for the first time in about 20 years, & honestly I feel like the pacing is terrible & everything happens to fast in it as well. I have never read the book. Pretty much as soon as the tour starts the fences go out & everything goes to shit. There is no build up to it, & it irritated the crap out of me.


There is copious build-up, the film is a masterpiece of suspense, the T-Rex doesn’t escape until half way through the film, and the action is groundbreaking and legendary. Have you seen Jurassic Park?


I've owned it for 25 years, & have 3 different versions of it. It seems we have a simple difference of opinion as far as the pacing of the film goes. I still love the movie.


It’s objectively perfectly paced, Spielberg knew exactly what he was doing.




What? 3 different versons? What are the differences between the 2 different cuts to the theatrical one?


Clearly nobody can take you seriously at all.

The movie is a legendary masterpiece and its pace is perfect.


I'm not a big reader, maybe, MAYBE 1 book a year, but I couldn't put this book down circa 1990.


Hard to argue. I enjoyed the book immensely, but Crichton WAS a popcorn author. Hardly a bad thing, as it does take a certain kind of talent. Spielberg certainly took the novel and turned it into a much better piece of entertainment.


i feel opposite

the book is 1000 times better than film

in book they actually shoot dino's with rocket launcher - the movie is too wuss to do this.

book was so good they steal many more plots and action from it for sequels lost world and jp3 as well. that is how much better book is than film


I liked the book.


Loved the book. I've loved everything by Michael Crichton that I've ever read.
