Annoying Scene

I love this movie must have seen it a million times but theres one scene that really winds me up everytime i see it. Its when the kids are having contact at Daniels flat and Miranda turns up early to collect them and says shes in a hurry as she has a load of errands to run. Why didn't she just leave the kids there while she went off and did these errands? She could have done them first then gone to get the kids. I'm sure they'd rather be spending time with their dad then be stuck in a car while she drives around doing boring errands. This scene always bugs me. i'd have loved it if the older two kids refused to go, they were old enough to be a bit defiant!!


Probably just to spite Daniel.

Son, you got a panty on your head.


It's because baby mama's are real bitches when dealing with the father of their children. Sometimes these women will go OUT of their way and make it harder on themselves just to ensure that the father spends less time with the children.


These days Daniel could protest easily to the court and with the fact that he had the apartment and job, Miranda would have gotten a talk to about not holding up her end of the bargain especially when Daniel had already slam dunked the judge' send of the bargain in one week.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"



She was evil just like Her lawyer she must gave that huge tons of money if he told Daniel she would have been in trouble

Bond James Bond



Her character is an unreasonable modern woman, and she dictates terms in their marriage and in his rights, (just as it often is in real life.) The children are not very rebellious at any time, so I thought it made sense that they didn't act out here, caught between their two parents.


Such a talent, he'll be missed


OP: Because Miranda was a petty bitch.
Daniel was lazy & clueless, no doubt at all...I probably would have divorced him too.
But the way she took away custody of the kids, and acted like he was abusive or something was sadistic.
Daniel loved his kids & the custody arrangement never needed to even enter court.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I thought that was weird too, but then I just figured that maybe Daniel's apartment was situated between Miranda's work and home, and that she needed to run those errands closer to home. In that case, it would just be easier to pick the kid's up first.

Or maybe she just didn't want the kids spending much time there. She did seem a bit overly concerned with their well-being when she arrived.


Yep you could be right about that, but we don't really know exactly where Miranda's work is other then we know that she is a partner in the company
