MovieChat Forums > Jûbê ninpûchô (1993) Discussion > The part that ruined it for me.

The part that ruined it for me.

I really wanted to like this movie. The animation was well done, the fighting was excellent, the villains were awesome, and the plot was interesting and only occasionally nonsensical. It was great in all these aspects, but I couldn't take the rape scene.

I have no problem with rape occurring in film. What bothers me about this scene is that it obviously meant to excite the viewer. Portraying sexual violence in an erotic way is wrong, because it isn't erotic. Trying to arouse the audience with a rape scene is something I find hard to reconcile with the otherwise great aspects of this film.

Perhaps this is hypocritically of me. Chopping people to tiny bits is just as wrong as rape, yet I love movies with over-the-top violence. Being excited about ridiculously huge geysers of blood is really no different than being aroused by a rape scene, but I'm guilty of that and not troubled by it in the least.

The rape scene just bothered me, and I find it hard to justify liking a film that does that, regardless of how awesome it is otherwise. I was wondering what you all think of this.


I didn't find the rape scene remotely erotic. Instead, I found it disturbing. I don't think the movie intended it to be erotic, either. Kagero is one of the most well developed and tragic female characters I've ever seen in anime. The movie is also quite honest (and heartbreaking) about the psychological effects of sexual assault. Secondly, the rape scene isn't irrelevant to the plot, either. It's the very reason Jubei was able to defeat Tessai, though he doesn't realize it until Dakwuan explains it later. It takes the concentrated efforts and presences of Jubei, Kagero, and Dakwuan to defeat the Devils of Kimon.


You're a moron, B B m421.

"You know, my name..."


I'm not sure which sexual scene you are talking about but all of them were unpleasant and showed how revolting the villains were. I can't imagine the intent was to turn anyone on.


yeah, i was totally turned off by the "hot" rape scene (i assumume you're referring to the rock guy and the female member of the ninja clan...which wasn't really a rape, but sexual assuault) - - but you often find that kind of thing in japanese media. they're SUPER kinky over there, as im sure you know. hard, rough or even forced sex is pretty popular. whatever, i got over it.



God, 9 years later, but I completely agree with you. I felt uneasy watching that scene. People choose which story to tell and those who made the movie chose to tell and make the scene have troubled minds. We didn't need to see it to understand what was happening.
