MovieChat Forums > Jûbê ninpûchô (1993) Discussion > Which is your favorite devil and why ?

Which is your favorite devil and why ?

List your favorite or rank them in order.

I'm sick enough to *beep* a man in his face I won't cause you'll probably want to stand in his place


1. I like Gemma because he was a slight badass.
2. Tessai was a badass. He attempted revenge on Jubei just because he interrupted his rape.
3. And the blind guy. I forgot his name. I know he had two names.

If I wanted your opinion, I'd post a topic ok?


For me it's Utsutsu Mujuro.

Mujuro is an amazing swordsman, in fact probably one of the best ever even though he is completely blind. But blind swordsman are half the time the best swordsmen. He is also apparently very strong, due to the fact that he was supporting Jubei's sword when he and Kagero were scaling a cliff. He saved them so that he might have the chance to fight Jubei, and win. At least I think so.In order to avoid losing to him, Jubei had to eliminate all noise that he was making one sound and it was all over. He was also amazingly fast and even fought Jubei in a forest, running through the trees! He told Jubei: "Your sight is your weakness."

After that he began flashing his sword in Jubei's line of sight to blind him, and at that particulart moment he was right. Over all he would have to be my favorite devil, as he fought with honor (He could have easily dropped Jubei and Kagero down the cliff when they didn't even know he was there) and was a great warrior. Without the teamwork of Kagero and Jubei, mujuro may have won the battle for Gemma. In fact it may have been his arrogance that did him in, after all he was the one forgot about Kagero's sword in the tree.

To me Utsutsu Mujuro had the most honor and the fact that he is blind made him the better swordmen than Jubei. I would have like to see if Jubei had to fight Utsutsu with out being in the woods and just out in the open. I think Utsutsu Mujuro could have beaten and killed Jubei.


My vote definitely goes to the rock-skinned Tessai. He was the only one sick and twisted enough to actually fit the title of "devil". He has those enraged eyes that say "I'm so gonna enjoy killing you!" Let's not forget that he suffers from both bloodlust and necrophilia. Once you hear him say that infamous line to Kagero, "I'm not above raping a dead woman.", you definitely know he is mentally f*&ked up. Even though he perished early in the movie, that doesn't change my view that he was the coolest devil of the bunch.



1. Benisato - that scene with the tattooe snakes coming alive was awesome. too bad she got killed so soon.
2. Tessai - rock skin and an awesome boomerang sword. and totally twisted to boot.
3. Zakuro - gotta love her insane laughter, and that power to turn bodies into walking bombs is cool (just check out the state of that poor ex ninja leader)
4. Shijima - cool powers and a cool weapon. doesn´t make long standing impression though.
5. Mujoro - gotta like the fact that he actually had some honor, and was a badass with the sword.
6. Mushizo (sp?) - a twisted deformed guy who can wreck havoc with his swarm of wasps. insanely dangerous
7. Gemma - I thought him to be pretty dull actually. that whole auto-reviving power sure seems to be handy, just not amuzing though.
8. Yurimaru - reminded me of a princess

"Fortuna audaces javat"


I dont know their names because I just watched the movie, so I'll just describe them.

First would be the Rock monster, the scene in the beginning when he drinks the blood of the ninja is great, and then you see him rape a girl and threaten to have sex with her corpse. And he seemed to be the toughest of the bunch because without that cheap poison trick he would have killed the main ninja right there.

The shadow guy was nice, but he would have made a better spy than anything.

The leader was very cheap, the power to ressurect youself is a little too conveniant. Beyond that all he had was brute strength, and was still overpowered by a headbutt.

Snake lady was cute, but without her snakes she was helpless, against anyone else with special powers she would have (and did) die pretty quickly.

The woman with a scar on her face had a pretty useless power beyond setting traps.

The wasp man was my least favorite because aside from his wasps he had nothing, and he died when he went in water.

Electric cable guy. Without his cable he was helpless. The best attack he had was taking other by suprise, he never beat anyone without suprise.

Blind Swordsman. Nice fighter, but he didn't have any special powers. He was just a swordsman that was blind.

So.... Basicaly the rock monster was the only one I liked.

~Time and Death are the only gods, and we are forced to worship them~


Mine has to be Ututsu Mujuru for many of the reasons darkbenares posted. Ututsu isn't much of a devil because he has honour and instead of letting Jubei and Kagero fall to their deaths, he saved them. He says that "Your sight is a weakness" and almost proved it by trying to blind Jubei with the reflected light but then his point was proved wrong as he had forgot about Kagero's dagger and therefore couldn't rely on sight to notice it. Had amazing speed, strength and guile.


*Lord Himuro Gemmma, was a powerful and cunning leader. Not to mention he had a past with Jubei. Deserved his golden hell.
*Utsutsu Mujuro, as stated with other posters, he was the most honorable of the devils of Kimon. Trying to use the trees to his advantage was rather clever (notice I used the word "trying".)
*Tessai, because he was a devil in every sense of the word.


To me my favorite devil would have to be Tessai, that guy made out of rock
Yeah he was pretty cool.
He didn't show pity for anyone and with that sick ass boomerang
weapon you can't say he isn't a killing machine.


First of all I would like to reply to Forlornxdrifter.

saying that a Devil without his power is useless i pretty much a given, don't you think?
"Electric cable guy. Without his cable he was helpless."
"aside from his wasps he had nothing"
"but without her snakes she was helpless"
Pretty damn obvious imo, and a prett dumb reson for not liking someone.. but I respect you opinion.

And to answer the question about my favourite Devil.

#1 Mujoro: because I'm a sucker for swordplay, and his was superior to Jubei's in every way.

#2 Tessai: He was a "real" Devil, incredibly stong, and insanly evil.

#3 Since it's been a long time since I saw this Anime, I've forgotten his name, so I'll just call him "the cable guy" the one with the electric thingy.
He was a cool guy, very devoted to his master (a bit too devoted O.o)?
and he had a cool weapon.

#4 Benisato: Also a stong character, and I like snakes, so.....

The rest was pretty dull, perhaps with the exeption of Zakuro. Expolding zombies are cool!

Greets from sweden!


Yurimaru was the "cable guy with electric thingy"...


Utsutsu is possibly the most "normal" of the Eight Devils. He is a swordsmen, albeit, a blind swordsmen. Possessing cultured mannerisms, and dressed in fashionable clothing, Utsutsu can easily be underestimated. This can be a lethal mistake, as he is quite a capable killer.

Utsutsu likes to test his skill against other swordsmen, and duel (or attempt to duel) any well-known warrior he comes across. His is very sure of his abilities, even going so far as to tell Jubei "In order to beat me you must not make a sound...".

Aside from his physical prowess with the sword, Utsutsu is very strong (he supported Jubei and Kagero as they climbed up Jubei's sword wire with one hand), and is very fast. He is capable of blindingly fast sword strikes, quick dodges and incredible leaps. His most impressive power, though, is his hearing. Although blind, Utsutsu is more than capable of fighting multiple opponents by listening to their movements. At one point he goes toe-to-toe with Jubei in a bamboo forest without a problem.


I quite liked that gay lad. He had an edge that some of the other characters sorely lacked. Cast In The Name Of God, Ye Not Guilty.


I have to agree with evildan2. Yurimaru was a devil in the very human sense of the word. Full of hate and ambition fooled by pride and controlled by desire. Besides he wanted so bad to be with Gemma he actually ruined Benisato's almost successful murder of Jubei. After that I would go with Boom Boom girl--damn I haven't watched it recently. I liked her because she chose to be evil for the same reasons as Yurimaru including Yurimaru as a reason. HUmans make better devils than monsters.


Definately Utsutsu Mujuru. He was the one figure of honor among the devils, that and he's a blind character that is awesome and not a complete rip off of Zatoichi. The next would be Benimaru, 'cause the electric wire thing was neat.
