


Rachel and Joey is pretty generally disliked. It has some fans -like everything. But more people hated it more often than not. I think it was said even Jennifer and Matt didn't like the idea of their characters dating, feeling they were like siblings, rather than lovers.

I didn't care for it, and they dumbed Rachel down to make her fit with Joey -laughing at Homoerectus -i'm sure I misspelled that. lol




Joey "If Homo-Sapiens were in fact HOMO sapiens, is that why they're extinct?"
Ross "...Joey, Homo Sapiens are people"
Joey "Relax dude, i'm not judging"




I never liked them together. I didn't mind that Joey had a crush on her, because that is very common in friendships like that. But, they changed Rachel so much to fit Joey when it went the other way, it was just silly.
I don't get support annoyed about it like some do though haha. I'll watch the episodes, they just aren't my favourite. And, on the subject of my favourites, Ross getting upset about Rachel and Joey, and getting drunk was probably my least favourite time Ross was drunk. Haha




We hate them. Well, except for imaneassi who believes Joey is just perfect for her Goddess Rachel.




Never remotely cared about them as a couple.

But I hated serious Joey. Not funny.

His spin-off show failed specifically because Joey was too serious, too sentimental and lacked confidence. That's not what made him likeable.




I agree. I don't like moronic Joey either, but serious Joey was also not my cup of tea.


If you haven't already, you should watch the show "Episodes", May Le Blanc plays a version of himself that totally makes up for the "Joey" mess! He's absolutely hilarious!


I didn't. I just seemed weird. That being said, I did like some of the episodes in which Joey just had a crush on her, and they went on that friend date and revealed their moves, that they use on dates, to each other. It started to get weird when they actually started to have a relationship together and started kissing. I didn't like it and I'm glad they immediately halted it.


Rachel needs scourging.


I hated it. It felt forced and a little creepy. For some reason Monica and Chandler getting together didn't bother me like Joey and Rachel did.


By the time they reached this plot line I had gone numb to the romantic relationship angles other than those involving Monica and Chandler. They had started throwing everything but the kitchen sink in regards to the romantic relationships at least a couple of seasons ago. Having said that, the Joey falling for Rachel and later Rachel pining for Joey was milked well for a few entertaining episodes.

"Haven't used IMDB since 19th Feb 2017"


Never really saw the point to it. We all knew that Ross and Rachel were going to get together, so I don't really get why they went down the route of Joey/Rachel at all. Not that I hated the episodes, or thought everything about it was bad. Just that it's hard to get emotionally invested in the storyline when you knew it wasn't going to work out for them.

If anything, I felt Joey and Phoebe would've worked better as a couple.


I agree, i think they were just running out of storyline ideas. There was really no point to it if it was going to be such a short arc. I also hated when they made Joey fall in love with Rachel in season eight and have him all depressed.
