MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Why has the show “Friends” become consid...

Why has the show “Friends” become considered so problematic in recent years, when it was so hugely popular?

Overt homophobia. Yes, it was finally getting to the point where it was accepted that gay people exist and maybe deserve some rights, but they were shown as weird, extreme, and all around the object of ridicule. From Ross’s ex and her radical feminist man hating lesbian partner to Chandler’s transgender father, the show made LBGTQ+ their punching bag. There is a whole episode where Chandler is terrified because people think he’s gay. It disgusts most young people now (as it should).

So white. A show that took place in downtown NYC, one of the most diverse cities in the world, basically has no one who isn’t lily white. They occasionally encounter a person of color, but besides one Asian American and one African American, both of whom Ross dated, the world of Friends is as white as can be. It’s just not relatable to the rest of the world

Insane sexism. Toss this in with the homophobia above. The number of sexist tropes that Friends counts on for a laugh, from Chandler’s lack of manliness to Rachel (just her whole character), the show is full of sexist stereotypes. Monica and Ross’s father saying “Now that woman has quite a tush. I’m just saying!” and so much objectification is overly prevalent on it.

Shallow and unrelatable. The show that was so relatable (to white 20 somethings in the 90s) is now seen as completely out of touch. Younger people grew up watching TV that wasn’t just funny, but was actually relatable in some ways. Friends just doesn’t touch that chord anymore. People can see better TV than watching a bunch of ultra-privileged white people fly through life on a whim and a prayer. It just doesn’t click with them.


Maybe because it was never a good show and just a sign of the times? You put way more thought inti your analysis than the show deserves.


On the other hand, Quora is currently a forum where people post loaded question so they can pontificate on their unwanted opinions.


90s liberals are now considered nazis


I feel horrible for whoever wrote this article, because they are too sad, pathetic, and self righteous for words, and everyone who agrees with this moron's "points"...just piss off, because you are a joke.

Friends is hysterical. It was then. It is now. Simple solution...don't like it, don't watch it. Go crawl back in your dark, damp, "non-offensive safe space" hole, find a show that checks all your "PC boxes", and let normal humans continue their existence you tightwad pieces of offended shit.

That article is laughably bad, and it's even funnier, and also really sad at the same time, that there are actually a lot of people like this out there. Thank god I don't know many. Hopefully I never do. Most people I know have a spine and aren't offended by everything and anything.
