MovieChat Forums > Crumb (1995) Discussion > why didnt he autograph that dude's *beep...

why didnt he autograph that dude's *beep*??

i was thinking, yes he probably does get a lot of nerds asking him for his autograph, but who cares? i just thought it made him look uptight and definetly made me think he was an ass.
do u think he didn't sign out of his own principles? i do respect him for his art and the fact that he doesn't sell out, but that seems to be about it.



To hell with an autograph. If it had been me, I'd have asked him to draw me.


My impression was that he is still bitter about being an outcast as a child. A thoroughly unlikeable man.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Some famous people have certain rules about autographs, specifically, not while they are out as private persons. Go up to them at a signing or another official thing, sure, they'll autograph, but don't bother them when they are minding their own business, eating at a restaurant or browsing in a store.


Unlike some dopey, overpaid sports star, Crumb's notoriety comes from using a pencil. So someone handing him a pencil and asking him to "sign" something is a loaded request.

So rather than trying to figure out who's sincere and who's trying to capitalize on his fame he seems to be consistent by saying no to everyone.

I don't understand the appeal of a signature anyway. People who go around life trying to get other people to sign stuff, annoy me. Does it really make you feel better to have a signature from someone who doesn't know you when they write something like "From your friend, Joey Hollywood Star".


I enjoy that creepy scene with the comic store guy wanting the autograph.

He has to force himself to ask Crumb for the autograph because he knows that Crumb is aware that he only wants to raise the value of Crumb's work by having it signed.

I like to think that Crumb would have signed the thing for a true fan but he didn't want to sign it for a profiteer. It is sleazy and humiliating and the guy should have known better than to ask in the first place.

In a strange way, I don't see anything wrong with Crumb profiting from signing his own work and selling it. I just don't see why the guy in the middle should profit.

I used to work in a library in which there is a copy of an R. Crumb book that is signed. I ain't telling where.


Some have said Crumb hates the idea of signing something because it will only be sold for a higher value, well Aline's brother sells Crumb stuff on Ebay and he has Robert sign each one. Also, according to the Criterion commentary soundtrack by director Terry Zwigoff, he says the "poor guy" behind the counter didn't realize Crumb was only joking with him.


That is interesting! So you mean Crumb was willing to sign the thing but he was just kidding the guy? That isn't the impression I got but maybe it was the edit. I will have to listen to the commentary. I love this kind of stuff.

