Am I missing something?

Don’t you need 11 kids to have a full roster for a football team?

- The giants start out with: Tad, Gasman, Hot Hands and Icebox. So that’s 4 players
- Then during the recruiting montage they get: The Toe, The kid who dresses like a cowboy and Johnny, the kid who is also abandoned by his Dad. So now we’re up to 7 players
- Then during the first practice Jake’s Mom brings him by to join the team. Now we have 8 players
- Then Icebox, Tad, Gasman and Hot Hands recruit Junior, That’s 9 players (and we are up to 2 who can actually play)

So ummmm they still need 2 more players? Even during the brief period where they had Spike they only had 10, then Icebox quits and they were down to 8, then when she rejoins the team Junior is on the bench because Spike spiked him so even then they only had 8 players.


Do they explicitly say in the movie they need 11, or are you just taking rules from outside this movie universe and manufacturering a plot hole?

If it's the latter, shut you fucking face. And to answer your question, you're missing your brain.
