MovieChat Forums > Léon (1994) Discussion > Thought this movie was going to be great...

Thought this movie was going to be great... But was pretty dissapointed.

How did this get an 8.6? That really just baffles me. What is it that you guys think was so great about this movie? I didn't hate it, but it did not deserve an 8.6 and didn't deserve a 78% on rotten tomatoes. Despite the nice action scenes which i did enjoy, and the well done symbolism with the plant, most of this movie's acting was really cheesy, the writing was O.K... but could've been so much better. The soundtrack was so bad. Natalie Portman's character was pretty damn annoying, she did play the part well for a kid, but i've seen much better.

Please, enlighten me with what was so good about this one.


"The soundtrack was so bad"

Fuck you. Seriously...


Oh wow! I LOVED this movie. I guess that's why they make chocolate and vanilla.



Id say the cheesiest acting came from the scene Matilda and Leon are playing "guess who." Its embarrassing to watch. I thought Gary Oldman was great. It was a weird character that he m as nagged well. The action sequences were really effective. The final explosion was awesome. The movement of the explosion and camera stay with me.
Not all movies are great, but those little moments matter. Blankman was silly and very stupid. The bank explosion in that movie is epic.
I'd say The professional is a solid 7.8.


It is really overrated. Nothing special going here except the borderline pedophilia.
7,5 at max.


This whole movie could've been avoided if the father had giving back the drugs 2 da cops when they asked 4 it.
