MovieChat Forums > Léon (1994) Discussion > Thought this movie was going to be great...

Thought this movie was going to be great... But was pretty dissapointed.

How did this get an 8.6? That really just baffles me. What is it that you guys think was so great about this movie? I didn't hate it, but it did not deserve an 8.6 and didn't deserve a 78% on rotten tomatoes. Despite the nice action scenes which i did enjoy, and the well done symbolism with the plant, most of this movie's acting was really cheesy, the writing was O.K... but could've been so much better. The soundtrack was so bad. Natalie Portman's character was pretty damn annoying, she did play the part well for a kid, but i've seen much better.

Please, enlighten me with what was so good about this one.


I agree with you, I tought it would be an outstanding movie because of the 8.6 IMDB Rating (I actually had my doubts because of the Metascore). While I was seeing the movie I start to think that 8.6 maybe would be some kind of Internet joke or a meme, because I founded it awful. Otherwise Gary Oldman had a brilliant performance, it was the best thing on this movie. Also I found ridiculous the Natalie Portman performance and her character.
In my opinion this is a 6.0 rating movie, but I respect the others opinions (actually I would like that someone could tell me what's so good about this movie).


Lol... I haven't read the rest of the comments but I can imagine you are getting a lot of hate for what you wrote. And rightfully so. This movie is perfect.


first off, how old were you when you saw this movie?




I gave the movie 7/10. I liked it, especially Gary Oldman, but nothing in the movie was great to me beside his performance. Everything was good, no complaints at all from me, but... Overall I don't think it is a movie, that I will return to watch or a movie that does anything really special


7/10 seems about right. It's a good enjoyable film. I'm not gonna be "that guy" who cries overrated, but I can't really understand what makes this one so special to be near the top of the Top 250. Same goes for City of God.


I'm curious. Excluding the films high rating, what did the OP see or hear, that made them believe the movie was going to be great in the first place? Also, Why do some viewers that don't like the film, always need proof as to why others do?


I know I am replying to an old post, but... I want to point out something about this movie, (a) it was written in 30 days and (b) filmed in 90 days, the cast and crew did a fantastic job on this film, I have worked in theatre as a sound engineer, and know the feats it takes to put on a good show. I loved this movie it would go down as one of my all time favourites, but each to their own. I would highly recommend it to anybody the acting was great Natalie Portman just shined for her first feature film debut.
