MovieChat Forums > Léon (1994) Discussion > Thought this movie was going to be great...

Thought this movie was going to be great... But was pretty dissapointed.

How did this get an 8.6? That really just baffles me. What is it that you guys think was so great about this movie? I didn't hate it, but it did not deserve an 8.6 and didn't deserve a 78% on rotten tomatoes. Despite the nice action scenes which i did enjoy, and the well done symbolism with the plant, most of this movie's acting was really cheesy, the writing was O.K... but could've been so much better. The soundtrack was so bad. Natalie Portman's character was pretty damn annoying, she did play the part well for a kid, but i've seen much better.

Please, enlighten me with what was so good about this one.


No big deal its what humans are and think. We are all different and have different likes and dislikes. So who cares? Me? Well I like it but I could careless what others think. But why do you types always have to really say crap about stuff you don't like? As NO ONE CARES. Why not just clam up and keep it to yourself? LOL! If I don't like some film? I wouldn't even waste the time to tell it to a bunch of strangers. I have better things to do with my life. In fact I have life I hardly use the web except for work emails etc. Unlike the majority of people online I don't live on the web 24/7. Especially about useless nonsense like this. Was ein verlierer. Sigh...

Dr.Nichole MD. Oh and Nicky was here. :D

I never revisit posts. Too busy and way above arguing.


Maybe I'm no movie historian, but I own 400 Blu-ray movies and according to my IMDb profile I've seen over 900 titles. I've seen and enjoy all kinds of movies, classic, foreign, silent films, etc. But I think what makes Leon so good is it's execution. It is just well done at presenting it's characters and then developing them in ways most movies fail at. You learn to hate the DEA agent and you learn that Leon isn't that smart but in the end he has heart. Mathilda I think is performed realistically if anything, she acts like what some teens might act at that age, take it or leave it. The story goes places, it's action packed and entertaining and it all wraps up in the end pretty well with no loose screws. I think it's just a poetic and compelling piece of work IMHO. Of course I'd suggest watching the uncut version, but it's just a great movie all in all. My two cents.

Without mercy, man is like a beast.



all i can say is i agree with what you say every last word of it.



Once i read d soundtrack part i just stopped reading anymore , how can someone deny and criticize Eric serra's Masterpiece ?!!! definitely the best and the most effective movie ive ever watched (Y) (Y)


Once i read d soundtrack part i just stopped reading anymore , how can someone deny and criticize Eric serra's Masterpiece ?!!! definitely the best and the most effective movie ive ever watched (Y) (Y)



Hollywood was determined to make Portman a star.Understand?
The film,Gary Oldman,was damn good pal!


Come on everyone, I saw this movie when I was a child, possibly below 10 years old! Like all movies I saw, I treated this one like God. Do you know how it feels to experience each scene without having to be dead to spy on the worst experiences the sexiest human beings went through?

Gary Oldman is a really fun actor in this movie, as I (lol x10) acted out his script, "Banner, bring me everyone." "Everyone?" Banner is confused." "EVERYONE!" as less than 90% of the team failed to help delta fetch the keys, as the initial zombies killed them off. It's funny, because no zombie is a computer in this game, yet I treat certain greedy players like Banner in The Professional in a video game! I was only typing the words, "... bring me everyone," but it's pretty sadistic to be the one a group of people witness a man going the distance typing up all kind of *beep* just to roleplay what is roleplatyed for our brains in a video game!

Take it from me, you being annoyed by Portman's character might be reflexive to your own fears. If the movie was addressing rare-but-supportive accounts of sex with a minor, you're supposed to be discussing the case, not being annoyed by her! If that's YOU, you don't realize you're being just like Leon, the hit man, yet you don't have his skills! WTF! To clarify what I just said, Leon made an attempt to say he did not *beep* her. So if you are annoyed because you are paranoid, you didn't understand the movie! Even if you are a pervert, at least you have the movie, not the action and a novice at being a mother! As a child, treating adults like Gods was my nature, not EVER BEING MYSELF TODAY thinking they're just learning the *beep* by ear! Holf *beep* hell.


Can you clear up your random gibberish?


The acting, the action, the story.

What the hell is wrong with you?


I just saw the movie tonight for the first time since the 90s and I loved it. As a child actress Natalie Portman was great not just tolerable. God she was so small! Gary Oldman's performance was comical but it was because he was this crooked DEA agent with all these quirks. He was out of his mind. Jean Reno was incredible mainly during the first hit scene. The city provided a great backdrop for the story which I also loved. I knew Leon would die by the end of the film because stories like this just go that way. From the first frame I could tell the ending wouldn't be happy in a traditional sense. I really loved it.

But I have to laugh at people who become so devastated when someone disagrees about a film they like. Did you direct or write the movie? Do you talk down so boldly to people like this in real life when they disagree with your opinion about music, film and art? Probably not.

I see it all over this website and I have to say it's fncking weird. Like you're going to convince someone that their opinion is wrong by belittling them.
