MovieChat Forums > Muriel's Wedding (1995) Discussion > The snobby girls were ugly

The snobby girls were ugly

I really didn't see how the snobby girls were prettier than Muriel. The only one with a drop dead gorgeous face was the one who slept with the groom and got kicked out of the group earlier. And even though she was ugly on the inside like the other three, the fact that she talked the least and insulted Muriel the least made her more appealing too.

Out of the other three, the tall one with the short brown hair was never who was crying over her boyfriend dumping her, never looked pretty other than being dolled up as a bridesmaid and she looked older than the other girls and seemed almost as dorky as Muriel. Her only redeeming moments were when she told the girls to let Muriel finish her drink before sharing the bad news and when she was the last to walk away from Muriel's table after she crashed their vacation.

Tania was overall pretty but then looked bad in certain shots. And like the tall one with brown hair, she at least had a couple of redeeming moments.

The most repulsive of the bunch was the short blonde one. She was constantly running her mouth and launching the worst insults at Muriel. And when she was insulting Muriel her entire face would cringe and wrinkle like a witch. When she wasn't insulting her she was average at best.

And did anyone else think Rhonda was absolutely adorable? Something about her simple look, and her accent and mannerisms.


I guess you didn't mean physically ugly because none of them were. As you went on to state, Tania and Nicole were actually quite beautiful and the blond, although usually scowling at Muriel's antics was pretty cute too otherwise. I do agree that Cheryl was kinda dorky looking though.


I never saw anything cute about the blonde.


The blonde one had a very noticeable mustache. It was pretty distracting.


The one who slept with the groom and got kicked out (Nicole) IMO was the meanest one of all of them. The others seem at least reluctant to tell Muriel they don't want her hanging around, at first. Nicole was very matter of fact about it.

I have the tiniest bit of sympathy for Tania. Yes, she was mean and stupid. But there is a brief scene later in the movie, when Muriel is getting married, where you see a flash of her actually having some feelings. (When she is in the back of the church and tells Rhonda "I'm divorcing Chook. I hope I can do the same for you one day.") I am also sure the director asked her to squinch up her face in a number of shots and deliberately made her have a "twisted Barbie doll" look. That was to accentuate her false beauty.


None of them were pretty at all. Just basic looking women. They weren't "fat" like Muriel, but they were not beauty queens.


''None of them were pretty at all. Just basic looking women. They weren't "fat" like Muriel, but they were not beauty queens.''

i wouldn't say they were not pretty- tanya, nicole and the blonde one [who used to be karen in home and away] were pretty, yes they were not jessica alba gorgeous but they were still pretty enough to be attractive. Many men would go mad for tanya.

It's funny as when I watch the scene with them together it rings so true to reality as I have seen girl groups exactly like this before-a tonne of bitchy 'beauties' and the overweight unattractive outcast who tags along.


I think they got it just right. Looking back to my high school days, the clique girls who thought they were "all that" usually weren't all that. Just ordinary, and a bit lucky....but their mean personalities made them look ugly.


The blonde one who had the wedding in the beginning, with the fiancée that kept cheating on her, and who was the nastiest to Muriel...I was completely distracted by her mustache.


You should watch Bootmen, the head girl, the blond, was very pretty there.
