What's the message??

Troy and lelaina are two self indulgent people who are totally immature and give in to their infatuations. Mike was practical with a real job and could have been an good partner. lelaina couldn't see that. Obviously had the movie progressed, she would breakup with Troy again over some other petty fight. That's why the ending was horrible. It sends out a really bad message to the targeted audience, the youth. Just watched for Winona. with some meat on those bones, she would have been perfect.


If someone is going to take a movie from the 90s serious and live their lives by it in the 2010's, then I don't think it's the movies fault for telling the story of many people out there.

How much did Mike truly care about Leiny's career? He let people butcher her presentation video into something she didn't like!

The target audience of this movie are all nearly 40 now and probably have already made their life decisions.

And also, Winona was always (and is still) a waif. Nothing wrong with being thin unless it's unhealthy.



Maybe it's just me, but I like movies that have realistic as opposed to idealistic endings.

Would have Michael have been the better, more mature choice for her to make? WAS she mature or ready for that kind of relationship? Absolutely not. Troy was perfect for her right then and "now"--which is how they all lived their lives.

Sometimes a change in characters is nice, but I can respect when it instead speaks to the characters fully and we instead just get to view certain parts of their journey.


gas credit cards can be used for more than just buying gas.

Season's Greetings


I agree with Uptowngirl226. Troy wasn`t going to be her lifelong partner. You have to date a few Mr. Wrongs before you meet Mr. Right.


This only sees the negative attributes of the two characters, ignoring their empathy and authenticity, which is what both most value, and which Michael does not have, or even respect. Evidently the poster doesn't either, and thus cannot see it.


I think Michael had empathy and authenticity, he tried to make it right in the end though, naturally too late.


He gave lip service to it, but if he truly honored it, a lot of things would be a lot different. These types who give lip service to things, but then turn around and do the opposite are even more dangerous than outright opponents sometimes. Remember how G. W. Bush called himself a "compassionate conservative"?
