
I love this film. one of my favorites in this series, and loads better than the 03 and 06 versions, i think. not saying they were bad, i like them both (especially the dark, gritty prequel) but TNG tops them both in my opinion.


Hahaha thanks for the big horselaugh. Every other TCM is way better, but there is a decent 45 mins of horror here. The problem is the other 45 mins of drek.

The Eyes of the City are Mine! Mother Pressman / Anguish (1987)




It isn't my favorite but it's nowhere near as bad as people say. It's bizarre, humorous, and fun.


I LOVE this film. I would claim it to be my favorite sequel, but I love Part 3 equally for different reasons.

People dismiss this one as the worst because it was re-cut and delayed upon release. It was quietly released on VHS in 1996 with no real promotion. Since it appeared to be direct-to-video, I think a lot of "fans" just went into it with the wrong attitude. Yeah, it's wayyyyy cheaper than the two that came out prior, but it's far superior in terms of recreating the atmosphere and look of the original film.

I think it's the kind of movie that gets better with every viewing. To fully appreciate it you must already be a fan of campy horror. Because the attitude and overall mood between this one and the other sequels is totally different.


I love this one too, mostly because it is HILARIOUS. I am 99% sure that all the hilarity is intentional, and a lot of people say it's not funny, but I wholeheartedly disagree.

-Darla hitting Heather with a teeny little stick as Heather calmly says "Don't hit me. Stop."
-Darla telling Jenny that she has a bomb in her head. Jenny: "There's nothing in your head."
-Old lady in the RV: "Step on it, Mr. Spottish!"

Honestly, I would say this is my favorite of the sequels. 2 was also campy and funny, but somehow the humor didn't work as well for me. 3 and 5 are generic slashers. The remakes, however, are very good.

Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair.



This is my favorite TCM sequel and always has been. Way better than Part II, III, and the remakes.

It's comical and also completely and utterly bizarre, and the entire atmosphere and tone of it is weirdly absorbing. Renee Zellweger is basically the only one in the entire movie who isn't playing up the camp factor, while everyone else is to the hilt. Matthew McConaughey's performance is unhinged and hilarious, and Tonie Perensky is also really funny as Darla.

I've been a longtime supporter of this film, and the IMDb user rating has definitely gone up over the years. I remember a time when it was in the bottom 100, which it didn't deserve. It's thoroughly amusing, absurd, and grotesque in all the right ways.


When i saw this movie, i liked it. It reminded me alot of the original 1974 film. What the critics hate, we like. What the critics like, we hate.


If I may ask how the hell is this movie underrated?? This movie is soooooo freakin bad it's not funny.
