Heather - The Girl Who Won't Die!

After Heather is taken into the house she struggles and is thrown in a meat locker (or something), but soon she's spiked upon a meat hook.

Having a meat hook through your back and hanging by it usually spells the end of a person, but not our Heather...

Later she's found crawling in the road (strangely, with no visible injury to her back? Maybe the hook hole is under her lovely hair and she's a slow bleeder!)
Heather must be incredibly agile - ever tried to get yourself off a meat hook that's going through your back at an upward angle, piercing your torso? It's not easy - believe me, I've tried!
And then she somehow escapes the house full of psychos to go crawling down the road!

So she's still conscious as she begs the wacky realtor lady, "please don't hit me".

Later, she's back at the house again, beaten to the floor and Vilmer bites a chunk of her face off!
As Heather is kind of sleeping in a pool of her own blood, her friend Jenny is almost able to rouse her from her nap on the floor, but Heather just can't get up (she's not down for the count yet!)

Next we see Leather Face wearing a young girl's face - based on Jenny's horrified reaction it seems like we're supposed to realize that it's Heather's face (and Heather is at last dead and faceless.)

No such luck because at a table that first only consisted of the psycho family and some dead bodies - there's Heather all of a sudden with her face intact, looking little the worse for wear!

So then Vilmer doses her with something flammable and lights her up, but Super-Heather won't sit still for that - she's been meat-hooked, beaten, bitten, bloodied, knocked out, (defaced and refaced???) - and now she takes off at full sprint when her back is on fire! Guess a flaming meat-hook wound hurts!

Finally Vilmer crushes Heather's skull in the end with his "bionic" leg - but we don't really see it - so is this really the end of the incredible, indestructable Heather?


She was Iron Woman! Lol

The Saw Is Family
