Eye Candy

I saw this movie for the 1st time on DVD last night. Call me crazy but I enjoyed the movie. I am pretty sure they were not trying to create the :Next Greatest American Movie." For what it was trying to be, I thought it was good.

I have to agree with some of the posts that the sex scene was pretty hot. Stallone was like 48 when he made this movie and he was in that great of shape. What women out there did not like that little piece of eye candy?



Well, hard to detect pure sarcasm when there's no tone involved, but he was around 48. According to different sources he was born in 1946.

Besides, don't know why people keep mentioning his age as if it were something advanced. His body may be in great shape (thank you steroids!) however he looks like a man well into his forties.


Steroids, really ?. Where did you learn about this ?.


Steroids, really ?. Where did you learn about this ?.

Now that's easier to detect...


You could be right. For a guy that's in his sixties, he doesn't look bad.


Sheeeeesh, I really thought you were joking.

YES Stallone is clearly a pill-popper, and he has been for a while. I don't know how clued in you are to the BB/athletics scene, but all those buff dudes who posedown on stage are ALL on steroids (or some form of synthetic hormone enhancement).

If you recall, Sly was stopped, searched and detained at Sydney (Australia) airport a while back. Here's a source:


This whole topic is covered in better detail in the docu Bigger, Stronger, Faster: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1151309/.

But it's a HUGE thing in the athletics community too (all types, not just Olympian but stuff like MMA, Boxing, Swimming etc.). Makes sense, considering the large sums of money involved that folks will do anything to get the edge - but then "tragedy of the commons" (to use the phrase loosely) kicks in.

Anyway above film really just put to light what was widely-known by everyone in such communities (and the scientific taskforces assigned to track/study them).

In case you're wondering, there are various methods athletes employ to get around the detection system(s). They may use masking agents - compounds that help conceal the usage of whichever prohibited substance(s) taken by the athletes in the samples collected by the testing agency. They may alternate dope cycles depending on the frequency of testing and the time taken to rid the banned substance from the bloodstream. And they may even use the good old-fashioned prosthetic-penis-hooked-to-a-bag-of-someone-else's-urine trick (this is particularly the case when testing is conducted at the facility and there is no hope of changing the doping pattern at the last minute).

The way I heard it Sly was using the last method to evade the authorities.

I kid, I kid. But the rest is true.


Boy, Im shocked. I didn't really expects this. I thought he was a straight forward guy.

Anyway I think he could have avoided all that by having a personal trainer. He could have looked the same in a about a year and a half if he undertook extensive professional gym training.


Anyway I think he could have avoided all that by having a personal trainer. He could have looked the same in a about a year and a half if he undertook extensive professional gym training.

LOL. No, he really couldn't. And I mean he really, really couldn't. Just trust me on this one.

There's a reason pro-BB's take steroids. If they could achieve the same results in a gym without the juice, they WOULD. They really, really would. Specially since they are not averse to spending ALL day at the gym.

And btw Sly is a gym RAT. And I mean he'd be nibbling on the metal power rack if he thought he'd grow bigger. Dedication is most certainly not an aspect lacking in Sly Stallone.

You still have to work out like a demon to see results even when you ARE taking steroids - it's a common myth that you simply take them and then grow bigger with no effort. So Sly's juicing isn't simply down to his lack of effort pumping iron.


Your knowledge in this field sure passes mine. So I will take your word for it. Anyway why did he have the urge to go beyond the basic standard ?. Arnold Schwarzeneggar didn't have to do this. Can anyone get a body like that without going to the gym ?, maybe working out at home ?.


Your knowledge in this field sure passes mine. So I will take your word for it. Anyway why did he have the urge to go beyond the basic standard ?. Arnold Schwarzeneggar didn't have to do this. Can anyone get a body like that without going to the gym ?, maybe working out at home ?.

LOL LOL LOL. Dude c'mon. You're not serious are you?

Of course Arnold took steroids. That much wasn't even up for debate. In case you don't believe me, listen to the man himself say it in the DVD Raw Iron: The Making of Pumping Iron.

Look EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) in the BB industry takes (and use to take) some form of chemical enhancement (steroids, growth hormones etc.). If you think why it makes sense. Once one guy is on the juice and seeing incredible gains and starts whitewashing Mr Olympia all the time, the rest have to be on it to keep up (and the same goes for other athletic doping).

I'm not saying ppl can't become incredibly muscular through normal working out and healthy eating. Certainly some types who have genetic abnormalities (I forget the exact term) and have issues with the activity of proton pumps in their muscle tissue (such that any small amount of contraction causes excessive muscle tearage due to weaker fibers) can have muscles that are much larger than the normal human (sometimes you can see an extreme type of this disease where 12 year olds are built like bodybuilders but soon they experience muscle failure and begin to wear away).

But all those guys you see out on stage and doing their posedowns? Yeah, MASSIVE chances are they are juicing. It's accepted as fact in the industry and there are even many BB who are willing to talk openly about it (although according the Arnold S, while they "use" to do it they apparently no longer do. In spite of the fact that the average BB today is 6 times as big as their 70s counterpart so you do the math).


it's a common myth that you simply take them and then grow bigger with no effort.

Actually, that's not a myth at all. Look at this link: http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/steroids-vs-natural/

Choice quote:

Group 2 (no exercise, drug use) was able to build about 7 pounds of muscle. That’s not a typo. The group receiving testosterone injections and NOT working out at all gained 7 pounds of muscle.

That's in fewer than three months.

This is also why you often can discern if a guy is using steroids by comparing how big he is to how good his workout technique is. If he's sloppy and seems like he doesn't know what he's doing, but his muscles are huge and his body-fat percentage is low, he's probably doping.


Just because Stallone has taken steroids, it doesn't mean that he took them for The Specialist.
Nobody knows how often Stallone took steroids.
Maybe rarely, maybe a lot, maybe he went 10 years without touching them.
Pure speculation.
If Stallone was preparing for a film and he got injured, he could use steroids to help him build muscle without having to train as much (because he was injured). In fact often when a professional athlete is banned for steroid use, its because they were returning from injury and used the steroids to return faster.


sly only cycled off the juice between films


If you recall, Sly was stopped, searched and detained at Sydney (Australia) airport a while back. Here's a source:

Yup. And I remember how it shocked people and even pissed some off. To this day I don't understand the backslash, why does it bother people? It's not your body. Yes Sly has been taking steroids for a while now. So? He's an actor, not an athlete.


exactly, he's not using them in competition


I totally love this movie. It's such a sexy movie. And don't forget James Woods. Somehow I just find him so attractive in it. Total eye candy!


In spite of the fact that the average BB today is 6 times as big as their 70s counterpart

Damn, I should go check out a body building competition! I'd pay a lot to see a bunch of guys standing 30 feet tall and tipping the scales at 1500 lbs!


I'm a huge Stallone fan and for some reason didn't care for that movie. 😕And I kinda enjoyed Stop! Or my Mom Will Shoot!, just saying. It isn't a great movie by any means, but if you watch with the mindset that you simply watching as a sympathetic little comedy without taking it seriously at all, it can generate a few laughs.
