MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > What do you think was the best season?

What do you think was the best season?

I really enjoyed the story arc "The Neogenic Nightmare." I think it was the best season. It really showed the short/long term, good/bad effects of science on humanity. Spiderman's delayed mutation stemming from his powers was also a really interesting aspect.

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."


I think I like them all ..

But I really like season 4 since there is black cat and MJ is back (although it's not for real)

I also like season 5 especially hydro man part 2... that part where MJ clone is evaporated was really sad and it's definitely one of my saddest moment for animation movie

I don't think I will ever like spiderman if it's not for this animation so thanks a lot to whoever mad it


Yes your right the second season is the best.. ''The Neogenic Nightmare''

I would rank the seasons like this

1. 2 season

2. 1 season

3. 5 season

4. 3 season

5. 4 season


Second season. Despite the weird censorship it was a decent version of the Morbius character that became the heart of the season. Also the version of Blade that season gave us inspired the popular film franchise. Whistler would not exist if not for this season.


First season, with the second season coming in as a close -- well -- second.

Everything else, though, is near-worthless crap that completely wastes the talents of its cast.

If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?


Season 1. I also really like season 5 and the finale, although I know I'm int he minority here.


I had lost touch with the show by Season 5 when growing up. I really didn't care for the Mobius stuff. So it would have to be Seasons 1 and 3 as the tops.
