MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > Does anyone still like this show?

Does anyone still like this show?

Everyone seems to hate this show now but I still it was a pretty good show for kids. The new show is decent but I feel none of the episodes I've seen have reached the great episodes of the 90's show. Also I think it is dumb to complain that the old show has weaker animation compared to the old. Seriously this show was made 14 years ago, of course the 2008 one is going to look better. But I like the animation style and character design in the 90's series better. I also like the older, mature portrayal of the characters. Of course the 90's show wasn't perfect. The censorship sucked of course, the action in the new show is way better and the 90's show had some really dumb parts like the Morbius episodes and vampire sh*t and the Secret Wars sh*t and the Hydro Man sh*t but overall I think this is still a good show that doesn't get enough credit.


You're not the only one. I grew up watching this show and I still love it. The Spectacular Spider-man is good in different ways. The Spectacular Spider-man is fast paced, the stories are different and the animation is different. Not only that but they have added supporting charactars who I would have liked to see in the 90's show and also a few un-expected surprises that gave it an edge.

But the 90's show has it's own specialities.

It is slower paced and I too think the portrayal of the charactars has been devolved very well. It did have it's goofs and weak spots but I still give this show a lot of credit for what it's worth. But I do agree, I think the old fans should give this show some credit. And RobertMuldoon is right. This show was made a long, lone time ago. You can't really expect the animation etc to be spotless! This is good old 90's action.

I personally like both shows equally.

Spider-man fans! Show your support!!


I still like this show. Turning Point was such an awesome episode! The title of the episode is just epic too!

I want an american cheeseburger - Tony Stark from Iron Man.


"the Hydro Man sh*t"
That *beep* was just an easy way to get out of the Peter and MJ wedding seriously it was like something you would see out of a Days Of Our Lives episode.


"I still like this show. Turning Point was such an awesome episode! The title of the episode is just epic too!"

Eh the ending to that episode was okay what was up with the part when Osborn was being sucked through the "vortex"? Just before Norman Osborn/Green Goblin gets sucked into the "vortex" he grabs on to a railing of some sort that just appears out of nowhere then, as he loses his grip on that a ladder also appears out of nowhere to which Osborn holds on to. They never show where the railing or the ladder is attached to.


I'm still a very huge fan of this show. I like the new show too, but not nearly as much as this one. A lot of fans nit pick the show for its censorship limitations and how the animation cut corners, but I don't think either of those really take away from the quality of the content of the show. It still showed great character development and plot lines, which is what is essential in watching any television show.

so yes, there are still PLENTY of fans who love the show. A lot of us eagerly waiting for an official season DVD set...


I still love it. Much better than the movies. The Spider-Wars episodes are facking awesome with one the most controversial and meanest villain ever.


Was that doctor Doom?

I wasn't much on the secret wars but the series is still great. I still can't decide which one I prefer!

Spider-man fans! Show your support!!


Oh still prefer this show to all the other Spider-Man cartoons, I watched it when I was younger and if I see it on i'll still watch it now.


"Was that doctor Doom?"

Nope. Here's a hint:

"How I despise you, and for that reason you must be obliterated!!! You see, I really, REALLY hate clones!!!"

I have'nt experienced more hate out of a cartoon villain ever since...


I just got through watching all the episodes

90's Spiderman F' The World!


Yeah I do. It's pretty cheesey at times and has some really lame things but I enjoy it.



This was the show that introduced me to Marvel, and I still think it's great with all those crossovers that made me crazy when I was 10.. if I have ever the chance to watch it again, I'm gonna do it for sure, but it's such a pitty that It was incomplete =\



I grew up watching this show as well, and I can still watch an episode on youtube and highly enjoy it

"Why would they want the Duke's...son killed?"





I LOVE this show, I always will. To me this is the best adapted verion of Spider-Man. The voice work is top notch, the stories were mature and excellent, the character designs are nicely detailed and the animation was very good. The censorship and Avi's backstage drama was for the most part stupid but it hardly effected the show at all. This show is very underrated and underappreciated.



I liked this show better than the new one. I didn't really like that Robbie and Tombstone had no history together in the new one. I don't remember seeing all of season 4 and 5. Youtube doesn't have all of seasons 4 and 5.

Slimer! That was my clean uniform!" Winston Real Ghostbusters Episode Lost and foundry


I atill like this show. It isn't pefect. Seasons 4 and 5 were somewhat dissapointing, the censorship sucked and I wasn't pleased with the depictions of Harry and Mary Jane, but the first three seasons were gold, and The Six Forgotten Warriors arc in Season 5 was amazing. This show is underrated.


I loved the show when I was younger, nowadays not so much. After rewatching it a few years ago it I found myself cringing throughout most of the episodes. The best episodes were in the first season. Night Of The Lizard still remains as one of my favorites. But starting in the second season is when things went downhill

- The voice acting was so melodramatic and over the top at times. "MAAAAAAAAARRRRY JAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!" and my favorite "SHOCKER! I'LL CHASE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!"

- I never did like Anna Watson in this. She was always being a miserable old shrew. Did she ever have any moments where she wasn't a shrew? Any? She was so one dimensional. Even SSM's Sally Avril had her human moments. Anna Watson... nope.

- Norman Osborn and Doc Ock, Spidey's two top foes being treated badly. The former being a complete wuss and the latter being Kingpin's butt monkey .

- The overuse of Kingpin. I wouldn't have minded this if they didn't make nearly everything tied to him and nearly every villain being downgraded to his glorified lackeys. Virtually every villain was in service to him in some way. I hated that. He did have a good voice actor though.

- Morbius being way too prominent. The focus in him was strange, since he never appeared in many comics. Plus he appeared more than some of Spidey's major villains. That isn't right.

- 70% of the series being stock footage. It's really distracting and annoying seeing the same shot used repeatedly.

- Electro being Red Skull's son. Do I need to explain the problem here?

- The absence of Sandman

- The writing was not that good. For instance Vulture gets the spider disease and turns into a man-spider vulture, is MIA for the entire third season, and when we finally see him again not only is he back in his normal form, but Scorpion has him locked up at his house. What happened? An episode explaining all this should have made.

- I hated how Spider-man simply would not shut up about whatever he's doing. Yes, Spidey. You are going to someone else's house to look for clues. Yes, that was mysterious and unexpected. Yes, Venom was just overcome by the loud noise from the space shuttle launch; I think we figured that out based on how the weakness has been established for two episodes now and how, for good measure, he just clamped his hands over his ears and screamed "THE NOOOOISE!" We don't need you standing there and spelling it out for us. I don't think Birdman talked this much.

One thing I find funny is how people who trash SSM say it's a kiddy show, when the ironic thing is 90s show had way more censorship.

- They don't use laser guns

- They are allowed to kill people

- Spider-man actually punches villains

- The fight scenes are way more intense (especially in season 2). I have lost count of how many times I saw Spidey get thrown against a car, building, etc.

- SSM is allowed to break glass

- The dialogue has more death threats in it. This is what the Green Goblin said to Spidey in episode 7 of season 1:

"I hid a bomb somewhere. If you don't hurry up and find it, the whole town will be painted in RED!! Well, the ballroom at least."

Here is another scene in episode 11. This is what Doc Ock says to Rhino. "Once we catch the Arachnoid, I will let you impale his heart with your horn." Let later catches Spidey and says to Rhino "I promised you an impalement, didn't I?"

- SSM has drug addiction. TAS was never allowed to have it.

- TAS wasn't allowed to use the word "sinister" because Fox thoguht the word was too dark for a kids show. SSM has used the word "sinister" many times.

I could go on but you get my point. Overall, SSM is more mature than TAS because it has way less censorship and more violent content.

Looking back the main thing the 90s show is good for is nostalgia. The re-use of footage, poor animation, horrendous voice acting makes it difficult to watch the show now. The best cartoons of the 90s will always be Batman The Animated Series and Gargoyles.

Sick of threads "Megan Fox should play this!"


I still like this show. In defence of the classic show, without it they're woulden't be any SSM. This show was the one thing that got the Spiderman fandom going. It practically paved the way for people to enjoy spiderman. Without it, people would not be so into Spiderman because a lot of people woulden't be so falimilar with it and they're woulden't be as many fans so SSM woulden't exist. Also it was a lot more dramatic than SSM was.


Yeah, everyone knows that to have a good Spider-Man cartoon you need glass breaking, drug addiction, people killed, and threats that mention kill because destroy just doesn't come across to viewers.


^Way too put words in my mouth. I never said it had to be a good cartoon to have that all kinda stuff. I was saying it was ironic how people call SSM a kiddie cartoon when it got away with more stuff than STAS.

Sick of threads "Megan Fox should play this!"


Whoopie Craptacular got away with more thing because the CW let them. So I guess that means a show is kiddie if it has doesn't have glass breaking, drug addiction, people killed, or threats that specifically have the word kill in them.


I never said anything about any of the shows being kiddie if it doesn't have stuff.

Again you're putting words in my mouth.

Sick of threads "Megan Fox should play this!"


Then why bring did you bring the issues up? What exactly is the point you're trying to make?


You don't read do you? I said not once, but twice that it's funny how people call SSM a kiddie show when it had less censorship than STAS. Not once did I say that a show is kiddie. Both shows had plenty of drama.

Sick of threads "Megan Fox should play this!"


And? Less censorship doesn't make something better. So they punched more in Craptacular f"ing big deal!


Copied and pasted from the other thread. Which you apparently haven't seen.

Yes, censorship doesn't make a cartoon bad nor hurt the writing and storytelling, but neither does "weird" art style(Which is about the only thing people bash about SSM). And by the way, the 90s cartoon had sloppy writing, sloppy characterizations, sloppy storytelling, sloppy animation and sloppy voice acting. And that had nothing to do with the censorship(except for a few things, those retarded portals are a good example)

Plus it's interesting how you've only responded to my censorship comments, but you've completely ignored my other arguments about the show. I'd like to see you defend those.

In case you're too lazy to go back and look here they are

- The voice acting was so melodramatic and over the top at times. "MAAAAAAAAARRRRY JAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!" and my favorite "SHOCKER! I'LL CHASE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!"

- I never did like Anna Watson in this. She was always being a miserable old shrew. Did she ever have any moments where she wasn't a shrew? Any? She was so one dimensional. Even SSM's Sally Avril had her human moments. Anna Watson... nope.

- Norman Osborn and Doc Ock, Spidey's two top foes being treated badly. The former being a complete wuss and the latter being Kingpin's butt monkey .

- The overuse of Kingpin. I wouldn't have minded this if they didn't make nearly everything tied to him and nearly every villain being downgraded to his glorified lackeys. Virtually every villain was in service to him in some way. I hated that. He did have a good voice actor though.

- Morbius being way too prominent. The focus in him was strange, since he never appeared in many comics. Plus he appeared more than some of Spidey's major villains. That isn't right.

- 70% of the series being stock footage. It's really distracting and annoying seeing the same shot used repeatedly.

- Electro being Red Skull's son. Do I need to explain the problem here?

- The absence of Sandman

- The writing was not that good. For instance Vulture gets the spider disease and turns into a man-spider vulture, is MIA for the entire third season, and when we finally see him again not only is he back in his normal form, but Scorpion has him locked up at his house. What happened? An episode explaining all this should have made.

- I hated how Spider-man simply would not shut up about whatever he's doing. Yes, Spidey. You are going to someone else's house to look for clues. Yes, that was mysterious and unexpected. Yes, Venom was just overcome by the loud noise from the space shuttle launch; I think we figured that out based on how the weakness has been established for two episodes now and how, for good measure, he just clamped his hands over his ears and screamed "THE NOOOOISE!" We don't need you standing there and spelling it out for us. I don't think Birdman talked this much.

Sick of threads "Megan Fox should play this!"


Well I don't know what to tell you. You apparently want to argue with me all day and challenge any opinion that you have since you're complaining that I ignored your other responce in another thread and you are asking me to argue with you. I think Craptacular had mediocre writing, bad characterizations, poor storytelling, terrible voice acting and plain piss poor anorectic character designs. If you don't like it piss and moan about it or find some other person who wants to internet argue with an "internet tough guy" all day. Maybe there's someone like that outside the internet at the comics store.

If you like Craptacular fine. But if you're comming here to bash this show to build up the Craptacular fanbase, well no fan of this show will give a sh*t. It's mainly Craptacular fans who come here and constantly bash this show that make me despise Craptacular. Or maybe I should say hate since incidious seems to be too big a word for Craptacular fans. I hate fans of any show/movie/game or anything else that go to a board and bash one version to build up another version and make themselves feel superior for being a fan of the in their opinion superior version.


Hey, you're the one who started it. It's fine if you don't like SSM, but if you can't even come up with valid reasons on how this show is better or defend against my arguments then I can't take you seriously on this and it shows your nostalgia for the show is showing and it's ugly.

I wasn't even bashing the show. I was giving my opinion on it and why I think SSM is better. It's people like you that piss me off when haters come to the SSM and bash the show. You're the one who's bashing SSM by making fun of the title and just last week you made a post celebrating the demise of a show many fans loved. Pot calling the kettle black.

And you obviously have not watched a full arc if you think the writing, characterizations, and storytelling are bad. I think you just want to hate a the show and make up reasons so that this one is better.

It wouldn't surprise if you never even watched one episode. You probably just took at the pictures and decided to hate it right there.

Sick of threads "Megan Fox should play this!"


Well it does kinda sound like your bashing the show bringing up the faults and all. Maybe you could be fair if you brought up the faults of SSM too not just the classic show's.

And I got to say the reviewer of SSM and the reviews that SSM get, come off to me as real pretentious and elitist, "...surpasses all of the previous incarnations with ease." placed on the back cover of the DVD Set.

I'm sorry but with reviews like that it seems like one of those elitist trends were something new based on the classic comes along and you got to bash the classic. Because I don't remeber the 90's Spiderman being this bashed before SSM came along. Me I don't go on the SSM board to bash it but I diden't get into SSM because of those same reasons of people rubbing it in your face saying "this show is new it's better than the old, the old show sucks, I hate it." As for other reasons.

I saw an episode on Youtube and I diden't get into it because it had a fight were the SSM's Spiderman was fighting a bunch of Thugs on a rooftop and, they were firing guns that shot balls with spikes that come out? That turnned me off, cheesy lasers is one thing but spikeballs? That was even cheesier.

Maybe when Ultimate Spiderman comes along and you have a bunch of new fans of USM that come to bash and bring up the faults of SSM to say that USM is much better than SSM and it surpasses SSM with ease you'll know how fans of this show feel.


There's a difference between pointing out the faults of a show and just flat-out bashing it. You can find faults in something and still have some likeness towards it.

Since you asked so nicely here are the faults I find with SSM.

- I'm still not a fan of the art.

- I didn't really mind the change of Shocker's alter ego.(He's a c-list villain anyway), but the accent was annoying.

- Lion Kraven

- Didn't really like them making Gwen a nerd in this.

Despite these I very much enjoy SSM because the animation is fluid and gorgeous. They don't re-use their old scenes over and over again. The dialogue is natural and flows, and is genuinely funny when it wants to be. The characterizations are done brilliantly and are spot on, and the characters are three dimensional. The action scenes are very good. Choreographed very well. The storylines and character development is great. The voice acting is great also. Yes, STAS had some great talent there, but even they felt off at times.

Two things I really liked was the way Rhino was handled. Most adaptations just make him a dumb brute. In SSM he's not the brightest of the bunch, but he's not a COMPLETE idiot. The other was Venom actually trying to expose Spidey's identity. Something that has never been explored more in the comics.

And to be fair I'll list the positive things about STAS

- Good voices from Kingpin, Hobgoblin, and JJJ.

- Unlike most people I actually didn't mind Hobgoblin coming in before GG. I found it interesting this way. What matters is that both characters showed up within the space of the first three seasons. It was an interesting spin on the way it happened in the comics - the role reversal was interesting and I don't want to see everything from the comics adapted without some kind of interesting change somewhere down the line to ensure that it's being creative and not copying the comic all the time.

- The symbiote story was very well done.

- Like I said before Night Of The Lizard is one of my favorite episodes. It was completely than everything else that came afterwards. It was very intense, it had great animation, and just looked sleak.

- It was cool seeing Spidey teamup with other Marvel heroes.

- The appearance of The Prowler. I don't think anyone who knew about him beforehand expected him to ever appear in a TV series. SSM also might have done it if it went on longer. Hobie Brown did appear in that cartoon.

- Black Cat. I do wish there was more of her in STAS. I loved the voice.

There you go. I'm not saying the 90s show sucked. I loved it as a kid, but now it's very hard for me to watch most of the episodes without flinching at least once.

Sick of threads "Megan Fox should play this!"


Well thank you for being fair. But in Defense of one of your Objections of this series this goes to Dr Octopus.

Doc Ock is still very much a megalomaniac in this series but he was also an Opportunist if you forget that's why he was working for the Kingpin a little bit so he can get more resources and stuff from him he was kinda leeching off of him sort of but at the same time acted like he was working for him. So he was being more the Kingpin's bloodsucking backstabbing leech than Kingpin's buttmonkey(like you put it).

There were a few instances that he disdained and disagreed with the Kingpin greatley. Like after when the Insidious Six were defeated he got tired of listening to him and abandon him he did it a second time with the Insidious Six's reunion but after they were beaten again and the Kingpin was taken in to custody he said in great disdain for him "So much for the Mighty Kingpin." and just abandon him a second time. He also opposed him after he was trying to blackmail Felicia Hardy and her mother that John Hardesky was her father but was forced to work for him again because Kingpin openned a trapdoor under him on his large helicopter or plane and he was going to fall because he had no choice.

I like the Dr Octopuss of this series because he was more menacing and more of a megalomaniac in this series. And all that working for the Kingpin stuff was just Doc Ock being conniving. Yes Ock is a megalomaniac, but isn't he supposed to be a conniving opportunist aswell?

All in all, I applaud Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. for his voice work on the 90's Dr Octopus, to me the 90's Ock is the one true Doc Ock.

But there are a few faults I find in this show. One, the Kingpin being too strong. It annoyed me they made the Kingpin too strong in this series as if he was drinking too much of Capt America's supersoldier serum. Even though he is strong, they made it like he was a super human squeezing Spiderman to death even though he has spider strength and toppling giant robots and what not. He is supposed to be a regular human being. But I also don't mind that he was the main enemy and mastermind in this series. It was like he was being Lex Luthor to Spiderman.

And come to think of it even though there was a rare punch here or there it was pretty violent for a cartoon series in the early 90's with Kingpin and Tombstone threatening to squeeze Spiderman to death. And Dr Octopuss threatening to tear off Felicia Hardy's face with his metal claws at the end of his mechanoid tentacles.


Two things I really liked was the way Rhino was handled. Most adaptations just make him a dumb brute. In SSM he's not the brightest of the bunch, but he's not a COMPLETE idiot. The other was Venom actually trying to expose Spidey's identity. Something that has never been explored more in the comics.

Sorry but I just have to nitpick this- Rhino's entire character IS that he's a dumb brute. Not EVERY character of a story needs to be 3 dimensional. Rhino's entire character is based on the fact that he's an idiot. And the reason Venom never tries to reveal Spiderman's identity in other stories is because he want's to torment him for the rest of his life, torture him basically. That's what was so awesome about Venom in TAS, his intentions weren't to kill Spiderman, he just wanted to torture him for the end of eternity. That's way more cool than just oh lets defeat him by ruining him. I'd take "let's ruin him by slowly and continually scraping down his insanity over the next few months/years" character trait any day over that. Also, I have never seen an episode of SSM, so I can't say which is better, but I'll say it anyway, TAS is better, because when you get past all the cheesiness and the occasional plot hole and censorship, the overarching story throughout the entire series, and each season individually, well, you'd be hard pressed to find many stories that are better.


Venom's plan in SSM was more complicated and elaborate than "reveal his identity". It also included tormenting him and risking the lifes of Peter's loved ones. I don't want to spoil it, since you haven't seen it.

And if you haven't seen it, do so. You won't regret it.


Sorry but I just have to nitpick this- Rhino's entire character IS that he's a dumb brute. Not EVERY character of a story needs to be 3 dimensional. Rhino's entire character is based on the fact that he's an idiot.

And the problem with making Rhino a little smarter is........?

And I'm gonna echo what GamerSlyRatchet said. Venom was much more sinister in SSM and what he tried to do not only would have put Peter in danger, but also anyone he was close too.

Also, I have never seen an episode of SSM, so I can't say which is better, but I'll say it anyway, TAS is better

Your opinion = INVALID

Sick of threads "Megan Fox should play this!"


I really do hate trashing the show as it was one of my first introductions to Spidey, but it just doesn't hold up all that well now. Even then I thought everything after season 1 was pretty wonky, censorship or not.


Umm, The Venom of the comics didn't do that because he wants Spider-Man all to himself. If he exposed his identity then every single villain would go after Spider-Man/Peter and kill him. Venom wants Spidey all to himself. He wants to be the one to kill him. He doesn't want other villains to get the chance. Although it's funny you should say that cause he did try to expose him in this cartoon. But Peter escaped from him.

"Time to die! Like a man!" Venom Spider-Man Web of Shadows


I enjoyed the show but it could had been much much better without all of the censorship. The cartoon was supposed to be kid-friendly without having too much violence in it. I can see if it was the 50's or 60's but this was in the 90's. Kids knew violence at that time. What I don't understand the most was how come the Batman and X-Men cartoon had more violence and could use the words like kill,die,dead,murder,etc but not Spider-Man? I don't know how this new Spidey cartoon is going to be like coming soon but I hope it will be good.

Also, the show could had aired more longer but they canceled it for some legal rights issues with Saban



The 60's Spidey could say kill and throw punches and got away with a lot more.

Fox censorship really dragged down the show, but some like me still believe it holds up, think about that.

Without all the censorship I can dare to say that it would've been held in high regard like Batman the animated series is today.



I never saw the 6's cartoon and I'm surprised on what you said lol



Watch this and be amazed. I can't believe how Fox butchered Spidey TAS when this show could do all these things and no one complained...





@ Mystique

Some of those eps aren't TOO bad, at least they're fun. I can say the same about Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends.

Did you see The Spectacular Spider-Man? What do you think of it if yes?

It had better action scenes but no censorship, and I still like the art style from TAS better. They made Tombstone and Hammerhead more important in TSSM and handled Electro and Doc Ock better. Green Goblin resembled the Joker but he was fine that way.



Yes I've seen TSSM and I liked it very much. i can't compare it with Spider-Man TAS cuz I felt both shows were pretty good. Only difference is that the characters in TSSM were younger and was more violent



I could've gone without the high school humour in some eps of TSSM, but the ep with Flash's birthday I think worked very well.

It's great to see someone like you who didn't jump on the TSSM bandwagon and started bashing TAS. Too bad they killed TSSM after two seasons, though.

Did your read my post here on "What do you think was the best season" thread? I'd like to hear some comments from you if you don't mind.



No I haven't seen your post. Can you link it to me?


Here you go:





So, what do you think?



interesting lol


@ Mystique

let me tell you, Spidey had like three or four voice actors during the whole show when I saw it dubbed...

Not to mention that sometimes they called the characters by their English names and sometimes a loose translation in romanian (for example Doc Ock = Doctor Caracatita lol) but hey, at least they dubbed all of them without skipping any and it was my first contact with Spidey so I still have a soft spot for it.

The X-Men dubbing was a lot worse, they skipped loads of episodes and ended the dub at the Phalanx Covenant. I'd love to re-watch both X-Men TAS and Spidey TAS from start to finish if I ever get the time.



Eddro said:

let me tell you, Spidey had like three or four voice actors during the whole show when I saw it dubbed...

My question: What show are you talking about? STAS or TSSM? I'm confused


@ Mystique

I said I saw TAS dubbed, and then I mentioned it was in Romanian, which is my first language. They never dubbed TSSM here as far as I know, I only saw a subbed version on TV one day.

I see you have an X-Men related name, are you or were you a fan of X-Men TAS ?



Oh I see

Yes I was and still am an x-Men fan


I meant specifically X-Men TAS from 1992. I'm not a big fan of the films and X-Men Evolution, while still fun, wasn't better than TAS.

I'd say my favorite X-Men from TAS were Rogue and Wolverine(of course), but Scott and Jean were great as a couple, especially when Sinister tried to get them. Favorite villain: Magneto, although he wasn't a villain all the time, more of an anti-hero. I also fancied the time travelers Bishop and Cable.



The X-Men films were ok and I didn't like X-Men Evolution that much either

I never understood why Sinister was obsessed with Jean and Scott. Do you know?


Not really, I don't think they were the strongest mutants on the planet or anything, I've no real theory on this. What are your favorite X-Men?

And I can tell you like Mystique, I loved the chemistry between her and Rogue in TAS.

The films weren't bad I guess, but I just saw Captain Picard and Gandalf there instead of Professor X and Magneto sometimes. The rest were okay, but I would've killed to see a Southern Belle Rogue there too.



Wow you really like to chat with me about this don't you? LOL

I like Mystique but she's not my favorite X-Men villain. Deathstrike is

I mostly like Gambit, Storm, Cyclops, Wolverine, and Dazzler. How about you?

I agree with you on the movie version of Rogue. No offense to Anna Paquin but she was a poor choice to play her. I like Anna though but again she wasn't right for the role


Of course I do. You know your stuff about superheroes and have views similar to mine.

I liked Rogue and Wolverine best for TAS, and Scott and Jean especially in the Sinister episodes. And Xavier and Magnus' friendship, when they were stuck powerless in the Savage Land.

I guess the Mr Sinister episodes stand out for me, but again, they didn't dub all of it here and I never watched the complete series in English. I almost forgot about Beast...that episode with the blind girl was so good.... and I fancied the time travel stories with Bishop and Cable as well.



Thanks =)

If you want to talk more, I'll be happy to PM you my email


I you want to, then go ahead. But I thought we could talk very well here about our favorite animated series. This board is kinda dead...



Ok here is fine

So who are your favorite Spidey villains?


Ahh let's see now: if we're talking in general then it's Venom, Carnage, Doc Ock and Scorpion; from Spidey TAS it's The Kingpin (Roscoe Lee Browne FTW), Shocker ( JIM CUMMINGS) and of course Hobgoblin (MARK HAMILL), and in SSM The Green Goblin/Norman Osborn and Tombstone.

In Spider-Man Unlimited we had too much Venom and Carnage but that whole series didn't feel like a Spier-Man series to me, it was all wrong, Spidey going on the Counter-Earth or whatever that planet was called... in TAS we didn't get them that much but their appearances were great.

Scorpion on the other hand was overused in TAS but I still like his character, an odd preference. The 'Sting of the Scorpion" ep from TAS was especially well done.

TAS Doc Ock started as a badass but ended up as more or less the Kingpin's lackey, and in SSM he was The Master Planner, but I felt he was such a weakling as Otto and I didn't like his design that much. I'll always imagine him speaking with a German accent thanks to Efrem Zimbalist, Jr, his voice from TAS.

I'd also like to see Mysterio or the Chameleon on the big screen, they could be great villains for a film if used correctly...



The Symbiotes, Doc Ock, Hobbie, and GG are my top favorites as well. The Lizard is my favorite too

Please don't mention about Spider-Man Unlimited. That show was awful =/

I agree that they overused Scorpion. same with Kingpin and Doc Ock. Too bad that Venom and Carnage were rarely used

If you don't mind me asking, are you around your 20's? From the way you explain, it's very mature


I don't mind, I'm almost 18, born around this time in the year that TAS came out (1994) so you're almost 10 years older I guess. Luckily, I got to see cartoons of the 90's and older and stuck with them. I know some people who liked SM Unlimited and the "MTV" series. For me the only real Spidey series are TAS and TSSM.

On the other hand, I only read a Spider-Man comic book once, they are very rare around here. I don't even remember how I got it, and it was something about Peter not wanting to be Spidey anymore, or lost his powers, I was 6 at the time.... the only other thing I can remember is Flash beating him for saying something bad about Spidey, his hero.
I guess I could search for them in PDF format or something, but I wouldn't be so sure if it would be the same as the cartoons, a comic book is still like a book, I'd have to read them from the start of a specific story arc like the Clone Saga to get it.

I forgot about the Lizard. His origin story in TAS was good but if you remember, they said Doc Connors was cured two or three times during the whole series but brought him back as the Lizard anyway. Bad writing to put it bluntly.

I hope that in TASM the film they'll also make Connors to be Peter's teacher and friend like they were in TAS' "Night of the Lizard".



Your very mature for your age there kiddo. I'm 26 FYI

I don't know if you recalled but Dr. Connors wasn't completely cured. Maybe partially treated. He only changes in to the Lizard whenever he gets mad or stressed out. That's my opinion. I could be wrong however

There's a website called that has all the updates on the new Spidey movie so you can check it out on there

I know you like Venom and Carnage but who do you like more?


Thanks, most people think I'm immature. Maybe that doesn't show in writing ( ha ha)

26 and you still like cartoons. Way cool.

They said the Tablet cured Doc Connors, I can be sure of that. Then after the Lizard King they said he was cured again but he returned for the Secret Wars.

I have to go with Venom just because it's my namesake Eddie Brock involved.

My top favorite deep down is Ock, but I wasn't too happy with the way he bowed to the Kingpin. The Dock Ock from Sppider-Man 2 wasn't that bad but why did they have to have him married and becoming "good" at the end? It ruined it for me.

Do you have any clue what issue that was? Peter losing his powers or giving up, fighting with Flash? I read 1 comic and I don't even know what was it. Lame.

I wish I could've born in the US just for comic books. It's not that I hate my country so much, but others had all the luck... okay, I'm done whining.



Well I like cartoons that were from the 80's and 90's. They have crappy cartoons these days

I don't think curt can be cured for good cause the reptilian DNA is still in his body and maybe it's not curable. That's what I assume

I'm more of a Carnage fan but Venom is still my favorite as well

I never understood why they made Kingpin to be a Spidey villain. He's originally Daredevil's villain

I'm sorry but I don't what issue that is

Are you living in the UK?


Nah, I'm not that lucky, I'm from Romania if you ever heard of it. That's where the "Ro" in my nickname comes from.
Not all are crappy cartoons, SSM is a good example, but they killed it. It could've become bigger than Batman TAS.

John Semper said the Kingpin was big in 80's Spidey comics (I may have got the decade wrong) and he needed a mastermind to pull the strings from behind the scenes in his series.

I don't mind the Lizard appearing, but they could've cleared that up. Same way with the Scorpion. In the Insidious Six he's back to Mac Gargan and has to put on his suit, but then he whines about becoming normal again...huh? I suppose it's a DNA thing too.

What's your opinion on having Electro as the doomsday weapon? I thought it didn't work that well, like why didn't Red Skull use the machine to turn himself into Electro? And he was overpowered. And nobody thought about using water to defeat him.



Yes I've heard of Romania lol. Your english is pretty damn good. Is english the 2nd language over there? In case your wondering, I live in the USA

Speaking of Insidious six, I thought it was so stupid for them to use insidious then sinister. According to what I read, the producers felt sinister was too "evilish" for them to use for the cartoon. Oh please = P

Electro is one of my favorite villains but they screwed him up big time in the cartoon. Him being the son of the Red Skull was the most idiotic idea. He's 1 of Spidey's most popular foes. Another thing I read that the reason why writers/producers didn't use Electro cuz at that time, James Cameron was trying to make a Spidey flick and wanted to use Electro as 1 of the villains


Thanks, i think I'm pretty good myself lol. I learned by watching Cartoon Network and Fox Kids in English, you learn much quicker when you're a little kid. Yeah they're trying to make it the 2nd language, IMO it's a lot easier to learn than French. French is horrible, especially the grammar part.

Yeah they used Insidous but X-Men could use Mr here it was dubbed "Sextetul Malefic" - something like "The malevolent Six" but it still sounded dumb, they should've called it Sinister.

I knew of Cameron's flick, and by the time they could use Electro in TAS it was too late to introduce him without making him a one-shot character. They did sort of replace Sandman with Hydro-Man which IMO is more interesting than old Flint Marko.

I think Electro got the worst treatement. It wasn't a very bright idea to make his superpower the doomsday weapon in the first place...

I loved what TSSM did with Tombstone and Hammerhead.
Electro in that show reminded of Danny Devito's Penguin (I don't know anyone named Max!/ My name is not Oswald! I am not a human being!)



X-Men TAS had different writers and producers so that's why the show was more violent then Spider-Man TAS

In my opinion, not only they screwed up Electro, but look what happened to Hydro-Man and Carnage. I'm sure you know why lol


I'm from Romania

On behalf of us Americans I profusely apologize for the accent of Michael Morbius in this show. Great character and slightly embarrassing accent.


I wouldn't say it's underrated since it gets an 8.3/10 here on imdb. That's way better than what pretty much every show from that era gets except Seinfeld. Home Improvement, Sabrina the teenage witch, Boy meets world, and Step by Step all get ratings below 7. If anything this seems this and X-Men the 90s cartoon are the only shows from that era that get a good rating. Kind of sad. Okay I didn't realize that Boy Meets world got an 8.1. But the other shows I mentioned are rated lower.

"You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Costanza, Seinfeld


This is still one of my favorite cartoon series. I thought this version of Peter Parker/Spider-Man was great. He was smart (without being some dorky nerd), funny (always with the great one-liners) and cool. I still prefer watching this over any of the other Spider-Man cartoons.


i use to watch this show as a kid. never saw all the episodes though until recently when i downloaded them and watched them all, and then burned them to dvd.

man the show brings back to many good memories of getting up on a saturday morning. i still love the show, love every episode. but yea some are better then others.


Actually you're wrong mysique. Kingpin was originally a Spider-Man villain then he became a Daredevil villain. The actual person who killed Matt Murdock's Dad in the comics is a guy named the Fixer who is a little bit similar to Kingpin but was defeated in the first issue of Daredevil. Kingpin wasn't a Daredevil villain until the late 70s and 80s though he still did appear in Spider-Man comics at that time. Just wanted to tell you. I've read a lot of Spider-Man comics.

"Time to die! Like a man!" Venom Spider-Man Web of Shadows


Oops. Sorry


I liked Hydro-Man, though, and Roscoe lee browne as Kingpin was always top class.
Let me tell you a funny thing about hydro: In his first appearance in the Romanian dub he had a sexy voice (this coming from a boy lol) perfect for a stalker, but in Return of Hydro-Man they made him sound like a hillbilly lol.

Go ahead! Make my millenium!


Oh really? LOL

Funny that you mentioned that cuz on youtube, they have a few dubbed episodes of the show in different languages like latin spanish, european spanish, italian, french, portuguese, swedish, and german


There are also in Romanian. But none of the vocie actors could hold a candle to Christopher Daniel Barnes or Roscoe Lee Browne. But like I said I have a soft spot for it, the Spidey TAS dub is part of my childhood.

I'm afraid I can't find the Hydro-man ep. Anyway, in the Clone episodes they gave every Spidey a different voice, which was really dumb, I mean, they're all the same person...

Go ahead! Make my millenium!


I can't find any of the episodes in romanian for some reason on youtube. Can you send me the links please?

Which Hydro-Man episode can't you find? His first appearance episode or the Mary Jane clone one?


You have to search for "Omul paianjen", that's how we say Spider-Man :-)

Haven't found the first, with the cool voice. Haven't looked for the other.

Here's Sting of the Scorpion (split)

and Hobgoblin part 1

and here's the whole Six Forgotten Warriors story!

Some eps aren't labeled, which makes them harder to find. You can see more in the related videos bar.

Like this:

Note Morbius's voice in this last one. I think it was miles better than the original voice, probably the only one. Blade was pretty badass too:

Go ahead! Make my millenium!


Thanks. I'll watch them soon


You're welcome, but why do you want to watch them in Rom. so much? Are you just curious even if you don't understand the language?

Anyway, check the last one and hear Morbius' voice. That's what a vampire should sound like.

Go ahead! Make my millenium!


I'm curious that's why lol


Okay, let me know what you think.

Go ahead! Make my millenium!


I just saw a couple of the episodes dubbed in Romanian. Kinda funny it was lol


Yeah now that when i think about it they do sound funny. What 'd ya think of Morbius and Blade? It's the last clip in my other post.

Go ahead! Make my millenium!


I didn't see that episode yet


What do you think of our voice actor (dunno the name lol) compared to the grand CDB?

Go ahead! Make my millenium!


you want me to be honest?


Yeah, I don't mind.

Go ahead! Make my millenium!


It wasn't that great. I'm sorry =(


Told you so. But keep watching if you're intersted...

Go ahead! Make my millenium!
