MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > Does anyone still like this show?

Does anyone still like this show?

Everyone seems to hate this show now but I still it was a pretty good show for kids. The new show is decent but I feel none of the episodes I've seen have reached the great episodes of the 90's show. Also I think it is dumb to complain that the old show has weaker animation compared to the old. Seriously this show was made 14 years ago, of course the 2008 one is going to look better. But I like the animation style and character design in the 90's series better. I also like the older, mature portrayal of the characters. Of course the 90's show wasn't perfect. The censorship sucked of course, the action in the new show is way better and the 90's show had some really dumb parts like the Morbius episodes and vampire sh*t and the Secret Wars sh*t and the Hydro Man sh*t but overall I think this is still a good show that doesn't get enough credit.


Tbh this is the first I'm hearing of The Spectacular Spiderman cartoon so I've nothing to say about it. But I know I won't like it anywhere near as much as this one mainly because of nostalgia, I grew up with this show. A mate an I have started rewatching this show recently an seriously I can barely drag myself away from it, when one episode ends with a continuing story I really want to watch the next episode 'even though I can remember how it ends up most of the time', other times we'll be watching an episode an memories of it will all come rushing back to me vaguely. I'm loving this show all over again. On the negative side though is the censors, it would be good to see a few punches, deaths etc like on the greatest animated series ever (Batman). So I still like this show, its part of me childhood. THE 90s RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I grew up in 90s and watched every episode of this show on saturday mornings.
I'm glad in Finland this show was not dubbed because I like CDB as Spidey so much.
I remember how sad & angry I was when this show ended.


The show was great. Watched every episode a million times growing up. I wasn't exactly 6 year old kid (almost going into highschool actually lol), but it wouldn't have mattered if I was 50 years old. I love Spider-Man and he will always be my favorite superhero. :)


Just watched a couple of episodes and I'm sorry, but it doesn't hold up well (not nearly as well as say, Batman the Animated Series). It seems to me that it mainly has nostalgia going for it and not much else. There's just too many flaws to ignore (constant noise (either the music has to always be blaring or someone has to always be talking), heavy censorship, bad animation, mediocure dialogue, etc).


I'll take this show and Spectacular anytime over Ultimate.

Sick of threads "Megan Fox should play this!"



I still love it, even though I can see its flaws now that I've grown up.

To light a candle is to cast a shadow...


Started watching it again on Disney+ after 20 years and still fun.



It was beset by several fundamental problems that it was never able to shake off. These included the overzealous censorship that was never adequately written around, a combination of overly-bloated scripts and lackluster voice direction resulting in some outright bad voice acting from otherwise decent performers, lazy animation shortcuts that only got worse as the series progressed, and worst-of-all an undue focus on characters and concepts that were not part of staple Spider-Man stories.

