MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Voyager (1995) Discussion > Why is it considered "bad star trek"

Why is it considered "bad star trek"

As I understand, there are many hard core ST fans who hate the show and its producers. I have to admit that I really enjoyed Voyager and I found it much less cringeworthy than TNG or DS-9 (oh, man...i hated Odo so much, great show though, loved Bashir-O'Brien relationship).
What's, in your opinion, wrong with Voyager?


- Most of the really good story ideas had already been implemented by TOS and TNG before.

- It suffered from a lot of really poor writing and throwing away important parts of the story. The conflict Star Trek vs Marquis for example was quickly put away and only very rarely resurfaced.

- Half of the characters served no real purpose at all. One could have dropped Neelix, Tuvok, Ensign Kim, Chacotay and little if anything would have been actually lost.

- It suffered from stupid opponents. Aside from the Borg, most opponents are more cringeworthy than anything.

- It had a poor first episode, it had a really abysmal last episode, and it had the worst episode of all Star Trek (Threshold). Well, ignoring season 3 of original Star Trek, since thats basically just a string of one awful episode after the other, anyway.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


For a "bad Trek" it lasted 7 years. It was a good show that satisfied trek cravings, unlike "Enterprise". Although I like Scott Bakula as an actor I never liked that show.


I never touched "Enterprise!" This was supposed to be the maiden voyage and the tech seemed too advanced! I got into "Voyager" years later! Loved the finale and saw it in 2006!  

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As of right now I prefer voyager over DS9. mostly because I just started season 3 and every episode I have seen in DS9 so far has been Boring. nothing of interest as happened in the first 2 seasons. I may not like the crew as much as TNG which is the best so far. I at least say voyager has had my attention consistently from the first episode.


Because people are fags that candle a woman in power...this is as good as star trek DS9 it's just different, it's a lot more like TNG or TOS and therefore it will always be a classic imo. If you disagree you must have AIDS


Hardly "bad Star Trek". In fact, I consider the show's final episode "End Game" to be one of the top 5 all-time Star Trek episodes ever.


I didn't watch the series while it was in production. I began Watching it on a retro-type channel and have finished it. It's the first series I've watched in its entirety in a long time. I've tried to get into Enterprise but couldn't. I can see though why the fans of the original may not like the others. Each is a bit different and brings in various viewers.


I'm finally sitting down to watch this series (I've seen episodes here and there, understand the basic premise, knew how it ended, etc.) and I like it MUCH better DS9.

I think it probably relied a bit too much on the "reset" button for both the characters and the general premise--I thought 'Year of Hell' was what the show could have been or at least more like 'Battlestar Galactica' where the ship is falling apart and there's a mutiny at one point that has lasting consequences (RIP Richard Hatch).

It probably doesn't help that some of actors really, REALLY aren't that great: Kim and Chakotay come to mind. They didn't have good enough episodes/writing. Some episodes are quite dreadful: I strongly considered giving up in the first season (although yes, the spin-offs typically had very weak first seasons) but it got better as it goes along.

In the future I don't see myself doing a complete series re-watch (I only love TNG of the series to do that every once in a while) but I'm not sure VOY deserves the hate it gets. I genuinely think it's better overall than DS9, which had the occasional good scenes/moments and the first 6 or so episodes of season 6 were amazing but man I thought that show was boring.


I consider myself to be in the very top tier of Trekkies. I've seen every episode of every series at least 5 and in some cases more than 10 times. I went to my first convention in the 70s.

Voyager was great Trek. I consider both DS9 and Voyager to be the best in Trek (although I can take the side of any Trek series and make a convincing argument).

Janeway was not the best Captain but both Seven and the doctor are two of the best characters in Trek.

Voyager was the closest to what Gene Rodenberry originally envisioned. A lone wagon train on the frontier, far from help, exploring new territory but in space.

I like time travel, I like the Borg, I like alternate dimensions. Voyager had the most and best of all those things (Enterprise had the best Mirror Universe episode).

All of the series had hi and low points. The first season of Next Gen is rough. Many of the episodes were in hindsight weak, including the pilot. At the time, when I got to see it a week early at a another convention it was the best thing since sliced bread.

There are flaws in them all. It's fine to point them out. Still, I say anyone who doesn't like Voyager (or any Trek series as a whole) just isn't a real Trekkie or Trekker.

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To sum up, the number one criticism seems to be the the reset button thing.

1. Voyager never sustains any permanent damage. Everything is fixed from one episode to the next. And they never run out of supplies that can't be replicated like shuttles and torpedoes.

2. The story arcs never extend past one episode. No matter what happens or who they meet in one episode, they seem to be totally forgotten in the next.


I thought "Enterprise" was considered the bad Star Trek series.
