MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Voyager (1995) Discussion > Why is Tuvok so uninspiring or uncharism...

Why is Tuvok so uninspiring or uncharismatic compared to Spock?



It's a very crowded cast. GEN, DS9, VOY, ENT r all top-heavy. TOS was mostly Shatner, Nimoy and Kelly.


Spock is half-human half-Vulcan, isn't he? So he will show a little more emotion than a full-blooded Vulcan.

Also, Spock has had a ton more character development than Tuvok. Spock has been a co-star of sorts in TOS and multiple movies (including the recent reboot). Tuvok is just a supporting character for the most part, and I think he made a cameo in one movie.

Tuvok's style is also different. He is supposed to be monotone and logic-focused. Spock is supposed to show humanity at times. So Spock has an easier time presenting as a relatable character, whereas Tuvok must do so more subtly.


By far the greatest answer! The only things I can add are:

The photography (cinematography?) on the 2 series was very different TOS was brightly lit and Spock got great close-ups. They gave him lots of screen time to make him available to audiences...which tied into another difference...

Nimoy took great advantage of his time on-screen and well-lit close-ups to add a lot of personality to his character. The raised eyebrows to signal his astonishment--and some humour that was not perhaps that appropriate. He could convey so much with just a silent face--some people just have incredibly expressive faces. And the role seemed to be him. He also had the humorous aspect of being cast in this role back in the 1960s, when his appearance was considered demonic because of the ears--so when he showed humor and a thinking mind (logical, non-violent, rarely angry, very civilised and often kind), it was a great paradox with his appearance. That's a lot for an actor to work with. Then add the half human aspects...

Tuvok had only the Vulcan characteristics--not demonic in outer space away from Earthly beliefs, humour almost totally gone, human side gone... Neelix took the silly and visible humour, and the Dr. took the subtle, mental humour. Everything had been played out.

Stories had Spock falling in love, having parents for the crew to meet, as well as other vulcans, visiting his home-world. Tuvok was darkly lit and far away from home, and married so that any love interests were far away or inappropriate. The scripts just couldn't or didn't give Tuvok the things to work with that they could Spock. He was just a supporting player for Janeway to rely upon.


Whow, awesome post, thank you !

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


is it possible to agree with everything you said, cyninbend-149-610489, and yet, disagree with the premise of this thread? I love Tuvok, I love his interactions with Neelix, and thought they were a wonderful redux of the Spock-Bones dynamic; I found Tuvok very interesting and true to Vulcan characterization, I'm sorry the rest of you were unimpressed with him (NOT sarcasm)


Maybe it's simply the fact that we already had "a" Tuvok before in Spock himself. That was the case with Seven-of-Nine for me, as her conflicts of dealing with humanity where already deeply explored with Data in TNG and that made her struggles far less interesting to me.

Another difference might be that Spock had a great counterpart in Bones in TOS. In VOY they tried to get some dynamic between Tuvok and Neelix going but that could obviously not get close to the original characters. For a character that shows almost no emotions it's necessary to have a good contrast, I guess, or it gets rather uninteresting soon. Tuvok is mostly just there because of that, whereas Spock was iconic and unique because of its squabbles with Kirk and Bones.


Tuvok, being lefthanded, is a great role model for lefthanded lifeforms everywhere.

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Tuvok is robotic, Spock is not. Spock has 'opinions' and 'viewpoints', despite trying to always be logical, there's something 'bubbling inside' that you get glimpses of when he speaks. He is also extremely funny with his banter with McCoy, and the two play off of each other marvellously.

I can't imagine Tuvok being as 'deep' character in such a relatable way as Spock is. Spock is just always fun to watch, Tuvok is boring.


Spock was half human. I think that allowed for his "human" charm in comparison to Tuvok.


Spock was only half Vulcan so he could go off the rails at times. I think you would find any straight Vulcan rather bland and hard to take to most of the time. Tuvok was no exception.


"Inspiring and charismatic?

Ah yes, two of your Human emotional personality traits. An inspiring and charismatic Vulcan could be very dangerous if he was as illogical as The Unmentionable One*. Fortunately no true Vulcan ever gets inspiring or charismatic."



But there were conflicts that opposed his deep logic and Vulcan way, and stories involving his typical methods behind his behavior and duty as an officer. Like dealing with Maquis officers under his tutelage or the caretaker of a particular nebula who became obsessed with him, using the holographic image of a beauty at a luau. He had to find ways using his Vulcan logic to combat human/alien situations as they presented themselves. Because of that great unknown being the Delta Quadrant, Vulcan logic would be tested.

"Get the cheese to sickbay."


The problem with Tuvok is that he comes off as pissed-off and condescending, almost as if he's constantly fighting the urge to tell everyone to go *beep* themselves. In other words, not void of emotion as Vulcan are supposed to be.


Vulcans have always been condescending and dickheads though, every Vulcan we met in TOS was a jackass in some way.


I thought Tuvok was an excellent Vulcan. He didn't get the kind of screen time as Spock but his character was developed nicely over the course of Voyager.

Because they were not in the Alpha quadrant they did not get to use the planet Vulcan or many other Vulcans with Tuvok (in all real Star Trek Vulcan still exists). This was the main difference he had with both Spock and T'Pol.

Finally he was the most Vulcan of the Vulcans. Quite and logical are difficult traits to inspire with.

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People are dancing around the obvious answer..


Some people have it, some people don't.
