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Xena and Gabrielle will be lovers in the reboot

During a Q&A session on Tumblr, Grillo-Marxuach confirmed that the two women would be lovers, no bones about it:

i am a very different person with a very different world view than my employer on the 100 - and my work on the 100 was to use my skills to bring that vision to life. xena will be a very different show made for very different reasons. there is no reason to bring back xena if it is not there for the purpose of fully exploring a relationship that could only be shown subtextually in first-run syndication in the 1990s. it will also express my view of the world - which is only further informed by what is happening right now - and is not too difficult to know what that is if you do some digging.


It is what I thought would happen with reboot. good news. The homophobes that will come or already have, it is entertaining to see their inability to cope. 

💕ty all for very active Xena board.proof it's still so captivating💕


"Hercules: Legendary journeys" should be next.
Make Hercules and Iolaus into lovers. Anyone who disagrees with this is a next Hitler.

It is alright to take few steps backward, if it helps you get a running start.


The ancient Greeks certainly didn't have problems with two guys in a sexual relationship.

"I'm not arguing that with you. I know he can get the job, but can he do the job?"


Ancient Greeks did not have problems with many other things as well.

It is alright to take few steps backward, if it helps you get a running start.


Let's see.....political correctness run amok in America but 10,000x so in Hollywood, combined with homosexuality en vogue in America right now, combined with the primarily male audience of the original show and so I say -- DUH.

Next up will be Wonder Woman mashing with Lois Lane followed by two Ripley clones going at it in a shower on LV426 followed by Disney's live action Snow White getting it on with Aurora in by a quaint river.

B O R I N G and P R E D IC T A B L E

The complaint line forms to the left. Have a cupcake and an aperitif whilst you wait.


Your homophobia is showing .

Seriously you people are pathetic go fellate Donald Trump


I agree, your post certainly is B O R I N G and P R E D I C T A B L E, jedifred.



It gives me the creeps when people say they had a "sisterly bond". Really good friends, BFF's, yes. I have three sisters and... No, we do not cuddle, kiss and call each other soulmates.

Anyway, cool. I just hope they don't make it too straight forward. The thing I loved most about their relationship was the subtleness of it all.


I have three sisters and... No, we do not cuddle, kiss and call each other soulmates.

But if you kiss on the lips all the time, take baths together all the time, cuddle all the time, and do sexy dances with each other, then these are indications of spiritual soulmates only. Anything, any excuse, to not be lesbians or bi. Lol

Sorry, I couldn't resist. That's an excuse I hear quite often in the fandom. Oh my, but I agree with you, I do not kiss on the lips all the time, cuddle all the time, take baths with all the time, or do sexy dances with my sister. Nor do I do so with my bff.


I never cared for their subtleness. In fact I kinda lost interest after Xena and Gabrielle started calling themselves soulmates. First because I dont believe in soulmates and my eyes go in between when television starts trying to show it on tv. Second, putting Xena and Gabby kinda lost the charm of the show. Keep in mind this was a show I loved and watched religiously as well as hearing things about this show you probably wont hear about today. Plus people thought differently about homosexuality. This show had several stages. In the beginning it was about Xena and her relationships with handsome men on the show. Then the rave was about her and Hercules. Later it was about Xena and Gabby, which was fine if it stated off that way. By the time it got to Gabby and Xenas relationship. It felt like they were trying to explain things away like two women could not fight or be companion unless they were gay. For me, while i like the thought at the time of encouraging a lesbian couple, I didnt like the message that sent about women, fighting, and being gay played into certain steretypes which were unfair common steretopes. For me, i love the show Xena. Im happy that they are starting Xena and Gabby as lovers in the reeboot. Even if, I will not be watching remakes/ rebbot. I love the original. The experience of watching it will never be the same as watching your own original show from your times. Sorry to say making reboots nowadays just fall flat. Theyre always in the shadows of the originals and it can be konda campy. Its better just creating a whole new concept on their own. I may be wrong though.


The lengths people will go to pretend they're not homophobic


I'm totally annoyed that the reboot is making Xena full on lesbian - or at least that's what the media is portraying her as. I don't see why it has to be an all-or-nothing thing. I'm firmly convinced that Xena wasn't gay in the original, she was obviously bisexual or even straight. Xena canonically had very important romantic relationships with men. So much of Xena's past and what has defined her has been her relationship with men in the past - Petracles, Marcus, Odin, Borias (and their son), Iolaus, Hercules, her love and conflict with Julius Caesar (the point at which she 'tripped' into darkness) and then the pull Ares had over her. Erasing that part destroys so much of her character I really doubt they will just treat her as 'fully gay'.
She had male lovers and romantic interests in addition to having female romantic interests. She was romantically interested in men and women. And that's called bisexuality. And I see no reason why the new Xena's sexuality needs to be moved any further.
However, on the other hand, it’s kind of intriguing. If they want to alter Xena's backstory significantly, thus creating a new canon, then it would be a whole different animal. Then it might be thrilling to see Xena and Gabrielle as an open couple. For some fans it would be the fulfillment that has been missing since the end of the series. Some fans think that the lack of some kind of 'official' consummation of the relationship is the greatest flaw of the original.
I'm absolutely stoked for the reboot. It's entirely possible though that bringing their relationship into the open might take away all the fun or suspense. I guess we'll have to take it for what it's worth - times change and shows need to keep up with the ever changing trends and issues of their generation. The majority of viewers today won't be interested in the original Xena - back when the show first aired it was one of a kind. We, the fans, needed that back then. But now, with the constant trend of change, companies need to keep on top of that to keep viewership. So be it.
That being said, I'm sure they won't use any of our modern labels on the show itself. They will need to keep everyone interested. They will need to attract straight male and female viewers too. Xena would certainly not be opposed to a sexual relationship with Gabrielle for any moral reasons. And it's obvious that Gabrielle adores Xena and would more than likely welcome a sexual relationship with the warrior princess. But Xena is definitely NOT a lesbian. At least not in the original. Her settling down with the character she had the longest and most consistent romantic arc with doesn't confine her to being a lesbian or take away from her bisexuality. It just means they don't have to make Xena possess somebody else's body anymore to kiss Gabrielle.


I get what you're saying and your point still stands but she was using Iolus so he's hardly a good example of her attraction to men. Petracles admitted they used each other and was about ownership not love.

And you know how the media is about bi erasure. The official word is that she and Gabby would be lovers never did the show runner for the reboot say lesbian but the media doesn't think bisexuals exist so they all report that she's going to be gay

With the lack of queer representation with media super heroes and almost no representation of bisexuals I really want Xena to be openly bisexual with male and female lovers. Let her and Gabby be lovers but also show her past romances with Lao Ma, Borias, and Ares


seeing how they want to pander i will not be surprised if they make them hate all guys or if all the villains are just white guys. im not even white and im tired of seeing that cliche,
what you are saying is good but they will most likely not be bi, and not even respect any guys.
I personally think pandering is just as insulting as ignoring. I hate token characters in movies or shows, why are minorities sometimes treated differently in shows? can minorities just be regular people? wwith this reboot, will they make a warrior that happens to be gay? or a gay person that happens to be a warrior?


You're an idiot, you know that right?


care to explain? i dont like when im pander to, thats just as offensive, if they are going to have either minorities or gay characters on tv at least make them real, full people, not cliches.
im not a cliche. neither are you. why do we allow token pandering?


How is making the two main characters an open couple pandering? Much less token pandering? Token pandering would be throwing in a character just to say you have diversity.

That's the problem with YOU people the very existence of gays/minorities is "pandering"

And if you think Xena and Gabrielle weren't a thing, you didn't watch past season one. All this new show is doing is being open because its not the *beep* 90s anymore and we don't have to hide behind having Xena in Auto's
body just for the two to share an intimate kiss.


the problem is not making them lovers, the problem is HOW much emphasis will be into their relationship, or how much they will rub it on people's faces instead of letting it happen naturally. that's the problem. or how much emphasis there will be given to the hatred of white men (since thats a thing now) Like I said, im not even white, and im getting tired of the whole "Whites are evil" thing thats going on when you have projects that are advocating for diversity. (Theres much more to a person than their sexuality, something a lot of people seem to forget, some people are walking stereotypes, i dont like being represented like that)
I just hope it doesn't become a cliche. thats all.


so no reply? i guess we now know who the idiot is.


because I didn't feel the need to respond to your stupidity?


The argument is all well and good, however...

When and Where are we getting a Reboot. I just want to watch again.

We're not bad people, Mac. We're just underachievers who have to make up for lost time.


Urgh. They ruin everything. No place for suggestion, imagination, etc. All in your face. Here, have it. The magic of the relationship/friendship would be lost. And where is no magic, or fantasy - there is no Xena. It's your everyday Chapman and Vause.
We need something better, than reality. That's why we watch this kind of shows. Still. After all these years!


Seriosuly where are all these homophobic Xena fans coming from?


Where do you see a homophobe here? Ah, yes, everything that's not in favor is against? Is that right? Pretty basic. Maybe wanting more from some things than basic these days is too much. Oh well.


Well in your defense you don't seem to be all there.


Cause I'm all here, probably.
Opinion is opinion. Everyone has one. And it's OKAY, if it's different from your's. Just don't throw terms in cases you don't really get. Makes you seem not quite bright, sunshine.
