Xena fans survey

For fun

How did you get into Xena ?
Xena: bisexual, lesbian, or straight?
As far as male lovers go who did you prefer for Xena; Ares or Hercules?
Favorite Hercules episode with Xena post the Xena trilogy?
Joxer: annoying or tolerable?
Favorite Xena look a like? (Yes Lysia and Lyla count)
Favorite episode?
Least favorite?
Favorite season?
Least Favorite?
Favorite Xena skill? (The pinch, fire breathing, 100 percent accuracy throwing the chakram, catching arrows)
On a scale of 1-10'what is your level of interest in the reboot?
Favorite Callisto episode?
How do you feel about the Xena scrolls myth arc? (Episodes pertaining to the Xena scrolls being the basis for the tv show: the Xena scrolls, Deja Vu all over again, Send in the clones, Soul Possession)



How did you get into Xena?

-I came across the show on TV one night and quickly became mesmerized by her looks, fighting style, skills and weaponry as well as the musical score and relationships. Not to mention a woman was in such a big lead role, which was unheard of back then.

Xena: bisexual, lesbian, or straight?

- I think she was straight but open-minded or lesbian in regards to Gabrielle due to such a strong relationship that we saw truly transcend.

As far as male lovers go who did you prefer for Xena; Ares or Hercules?

- It'd say Ares mainly because they had such a broad chemistry on screen and made for a hotter couple too but her ideals and mindset were shared more with Hercules than Ares.

Favorite Hercules episode with Xena post the Xena trilogy?

- The Gauntlet

Joxer: annoying or tolerable?

- Sometimes tolerable, sometimes a bit annoying. I look back on the episode For Him the Bell Tolls and I wish the producers eventually had Joxer turn out like that (a confident hero) rather than have him be a wimpy joker for most of the series.

Favorite Xena look a like?

- Meg

Favorite episode?

- Maternal Instincts. High drama, high emotions, intertwining fates.
Least favorite?

Least favorite

- Season 6 episodes.

Favorite season?

- Season 3 was the height
of the entire series from a dramatic and episodic standpoint. Some of the best episodes of the show are contained by the season.

Least Favorite?

- I just wasn't feeling season 6. I felt the essence of the show was missing outside of like two episodes.

Favorite Xena skill? (The pinch, fire breathing, 100 percent accuracy throwing the chakram, catching arrows)

- Can I just say everything? If I have to pick one, I'd say her flips.

On a scale of 1-10'what is your level of interest in the reboot?

- 7. I'm unsure about how it is going to turn out, I'm a bit let down that Lucy and Renee will not reprise their roles but I'm going to give it a chance.

Favorite Callisto episode?

- Return of Callisto. This is the episode she started carving out her name in show history as one of the best female villains ever seen on TV.

How do you feel about the Xena scrolls myth arc? (Episodes pertaining to the Xena scrolls being the basis for the tv show: the Xena scrolls, Deja Vu all over again, Send in the clones, Soul Possession)

- I think it is a cool idea. Back then I wasn't a big fan of it because I preferred more of the serious episodes dealing with the current arcs but look back, it's a neat idea.


How did you get into Xena ?
I watched Hercules first so naturally i gave it a try.

Xena: bisexual, lesbian, or straight?

As far as male lovers go who did you prefer for Xena; Ares or Hercules?

Favorite Hercules episode with Xena post the Xena trilogy?
Armageddon Now

Joxer: annoying or tolerable?
Favorite Xena look a like?

Favorite episode?
(too hard pick one)
Callisto, Return of Callisto, Sacrfice, A Necessary Evil, Hooves and Harlots, The Royal Couple of Theives, A Day in the Life, The Price.

Least favorite?
A Friend In Need, Soul Possession, The Titans

Favorite season?
2 and 3

Least Favorite?

Favorite Xena skill? (The pinch, fire breathing, 100 percent accuracy throwing the chakram, catching arrows)

On a scale of 1-10'what is your level of interest in the reboot?

Favorite Callisto episode?
A Necessary Evil

How do you feel about the Xena scrolls myth arc?
They are nice standalones.


How did you get into Xena?
As a child I always knew of the show in the sense that I'd heard it's name being thrown around here & there, and I knew that it was basically about some female warrior. But I didn't get into the series on my own until the very beginning of season 3 in 1997. The first episode that I saw was "Been There, Done That". Even though I didn't know anything about these characters at all I was still hooked nonetheless. To the show's credit, for lack of much better words: the show gives off an inviting vibe that makes it fairly easy for anyone to get into. I didn't know anything about Solan, Callisto, etc. yet I was on the edge of my seat the entire time during the original airing of the Dahak arc. The cliffhanger ending of Gabrielle dying to save Xena really moved me, and I'd only known these characters for a year. But long story short, yeah, been a fan since fall 1997.

Xena: bisexual, lesbian, or straight?

As far as male lovers go who did you prefer for Xena; Ares or Hercules?
Oh, definitely Hercules by far! I will always be a Hercules x Xena shipper until the day I die.

Favorite Hercules episode with Xena post the Xena trilogy?
Judgment Day

Joxer: annoying or tolerable?

Favorite Xena look a like? (Yes Lysia and Lyla count)

Favorite episode?
Always changes as I get older, but currently it's "The Way"

Least favorite?

Favorite season?
Season 4

Least Favorite?
Season 6

Favorite Xena skill? (The pinch, fire breathing, 100 percent accuracy throwing the chakram, catching arrows)
Catching arrows

On a scale of 1-10'what is your level of interest in the reboot?

Favorite Callisto episode?
Fallen Angel because the character finally got a happy ending

How do you feel about the Xena scrolls myth arc? (Episodes pertaining to the Xena scrolls being the basis for the tv show: the Xena scrolls, Deja Vu all over again, Send in the clones, Soul Possession)
I liked it. I felt like it was pretty original to do. Probably my favorite one of that whole arc would have to be "Deja Vu All Over Again"


How did you get into Xena ?
I think I was channel surfing.

Xena: bisexual, lesbian, or straight?

As far as male lovers go who did you prefer for Xena; Ares or Hercules?
Tie between Ares and Borias

Favorite Hercules episode with Xena post the Xena trilogy?
Judgement Day

Joxer: annoying or tolerable?

Favorite Xena look a like? (Yes Lysia and Lyla count)

Favorite episode?
Love so many. I can't choose just one.

Least favorite?
Married With Fishsticks

Favorite season?

Least Favorite?

Favorite Xena skill? (The pinch, fire breathing, 100 percent accuracy throwing the chakram, catching arrows)

On a scale of 1-10'what is your level of interest in the reboot?
10. I'm very interested to see what will happen with it. Who will star. Where it will be filmed. If NBC will pick it up. If somehow later on Lucy and Renee will appear in it. I'm very curious about the behind the scenes approach to it right now.

Favorite Callisto episode?
I've never thought about it before. Maybe Callisto and A Necessary Evil.

How do you feel about the Xena scrolls myth arc? (Episodes pertaining to the Xena scrolls being the basis for the tv show: the Xena scrolls, Deja Vu all over again, Send in the clones, Soul Possession)
I liked them. They were different and witty.


Hello, everybody!!!

How did you get into Xena?
I was a fan of "Hercules:TLJ", so when "The Warrior Princess" trilogy came up, I just loved that badass female character.

Xena: bisexual, lesbian, or straight?
Straight but not afraid to use sex as a weapon.

As far as male lovers go who did you prefer for Xena; Ares or Hercules?
No doubt about it: Ares!!!

Favorite Hercules episode with Xena post the Xena trilogy?
"Armaggedon Now - Part 2"

Joxer: annoying or tolerable?
More than tolerable, necessary! He was a kind, loyal, faithful, helpful and noble soul who kept Xena and Gabrielle's memories alive and died helping Xena bring her daughter back to the light. And let's not forget that he was Xena's and Gabrielle's soulmate, too!!!

Favorite Xena look a like? (Yes Lysia and Lyla count)

Favorite episode?
"Endgame" Season 4

Least favorite?
"Life Blood" Season 5 (not even a young and cute Karl Urban saved that one!)

Favorite season?
Season 3

Least Favorite?
Season 5

Favorite Xena skill? (The pinch, fire breathing, 100 percent accuracy throwing the chakram, catching arrows)
Defying gravity with her unbelivable flips and jumps (see "Lost Mariner")

On a scale of 1-10'what is your level of interest in the reboot?

Favorite Callisto episode?

How do you feel about the Xena scrolls myth arc? (Episodes pertaining to the Xena scrolls being the basis for the tv show: the Xena scrolls, Deja Vu all over again, Send in the clones, Soul Possession)
With the exception of "The Xena Scrolls", which presented the idea that Xena was once real and introduced the descendants of Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer, the rest were just fillers.

Best wishes


Action and power draw you like a moth to a flame. It burns inside you. Ares


Answering my own survey

How did you get into Xena ?

I got interested in Hercules as a a kid when I saw promos on the USA Network where I, incorrectly, assumed it was a live action version of the Disney movie and the first episodes I saw where the Golden Hind trilogy which featured Xena and Gabrielle in the last of episode of the arc. And then I started watching Xena. So, in a weird roundabout way, I owe Disney's Hercules to my discovery of Xena!

Xena: bisexual, lesbian, or straight?

Bisexual. She clearly loved Gabrielle, Lao Ma, and Akemi along with Borias, Caesar, Hercules, and Marcus.

As far as male lovers go who did you prefer for Xena; Ares or Hercules?

Really neither but Ares was interesting as a representation of Xena's tempatation to the dark side. But it was pretty gross when season 5 tried to legitimize Ares as a romantic partner.

Favorite Hercules episode with Xena post the Xena trilogy?

Judgment Day, for sentimental reasons

Joxer: annoying or tolerable?

Would have been more tolerable if they cut down his appearances by like two-thirds

Favorite Xena look a like? (Yes Lysia and Lyla count)


Favorite episode?

The Bitter Suite

Least favorite?


Favorite season?

Season 3. I loved the rift storyline and the dark places it took the show

Least Favorite?

Season 5. The Twilight of the Gods arc was interesting in theory, terrible in execution

Favorite Xena skill? (The pinch, fire breathing, 100 percent accuracy throwing the chakram, catching arrows)

The fire breathing trick, mostly because Lucy Lawless actually performed the trick herself, at least for the first couple of seasons.

On a scale of 1-10'what is your level of interest in the reboot?

6. Xena and Gabrielle being explicit lovers has my interest.

Favorite Callisto episode?

Callisto. Great introduction, and the first episode of the entire series I would reccomend to non-fans

How do you feel about the Xena scrolls myth arc? (Episodes pertaining to the Xena scrolls being the basis for the tv show: the Xena scrolls, Deja Vu all over again, Send in the clones, Soul Possession)

They're fine as non-canon episodes, but can't think about them too hard.


The fire breathing trick, mostly because Lucy Lawless actually performed the trick herself, at least for the first couple of seasons

I recall reading an article on a Xena site that she stopped doing it, but I'm not sure how accurate that was. She does it in the series finale. You can see her here in behind the scenes doing it around 7:00:


How did you get into Xena ?

I was like around 11 years old when I first watched it. Back then, I used to be a fan of Hercules:TLJ.

Xena: bisexual, lesbian, or straight?

Bisexual, definitely.

As far as male lovers go who did you prefer for Xena; Ares or Hercules?

Ares !

Favorite Hercules episode with Xena post the Xena trilogy?

Armageddon Now.

Joxer: annoying or tolerable?

Annoying. I never liked him or found him funny.

Favorite Xena look a like? (Yes Lysia and Lyla count)


Favorite episode?

The bitter suite.

Least favorite?

Married with Fishsticks.

Favorite season?

Season 3.

Least Favorite?

Season 5.
Favorite Xena skill? (The pinch, fire breathing, 100 percent accuracy throwing the chakram, catching arrows)

The pinch and the chakram.

On a scale of 1-10'what is your level of interest in the reboot?

Without Lucy Lawless and Renée O'connor ? No interest. Zero. If they came back as Xena and Gabrielle, tehn why not ?

Favorite Callisto episode?


How do you feel about the Xena scrolls myth arc? (Episodes pertaining to the Xena scrolls being the basis for the tv show: the Xena scrolls, Deja Vu all over again, Send in the clones, Soul Possession)

They are just meh fillers. I skip them every time I rewatch Xena:WP.
