MovieChat Forums > Braveheart (1995) Discussion > Fate of the English Corporal who surrend...

Fate of the English Corporal who surrendered with the Magistrate?

Was there ever any indication, either in film or within the script, as to whether the Scots executed him like they did the Magistrate? I've always been curious as to what they might have done with him since he surrendered. A very minor character but it always felt like a minor loose end.


They may have left him alive to tell the king who did it.


He was abducted by aliens shortly after and brought back to Earth after centuries to the present day. He now works at a Starbucks in Wyoming.


Hamish's father beat him to death because it was the corporal who ordered archers to get on the tower.


I’ve always wondered this myself and lean towards him being killing him off, given the heat of the moment.


I would be willing to bet they let him live. He may have been the one to go back to London to tell Longshanks that Wallace took control of Lanark.


I'd hope so. It made me curious since I've always wondered what should be done in such a situation. Do you surrender just to get killed anyway?
