MovieChat Forums > Casino (1995) Discussion > One of the worst beating scenes I've eve...

One of the worst beating scenes I've ever seen!!

The more I watch this movie, the more I enjoy it. However, the ending is just too brutal for me. When it gets to that point, I have turn away. This has to be one of the most graphic, intense beating scenes I have watched. Not that I want to see it, but is there another scene from any other movie that's more brutal than this?? I can't imagine anything being worse than this beating.

To: WW. My Star. My Perfect Silence.


It didn't bother me too much b/c I had grown so weary & pissed at the character I felt a good butt-whipping was the only way to stop him.


The beating/stabbing in "A Cry for Help: The Tracy Thurman Story" was so brutal and awful, I can't watch this movie again - EVER. This was on TV - not in a rated-R movie.

Also, in The Sopranos episode "University", Ralph Ciferetto beat a 20 year old pregnant woman to death. It was horrible. I think he must have punched her in the stomach 10 times. Brutal.

"Well, make something up!"/RG


Most memorable scene in the movie.


TBH ive never been able to see casino again after watching it around 10 years ago. The head in vice and cornfield scenes have stuck in my head and i have phobia watching casino because of these.


In the movie Zodiac the Lake Berryessa stabbing attack scene is something I can't watch. I've seen the scene one time and that was enough for me.


The whipping scene in passion of the Christ comes to mind. Definitely hard to stomach.



"In the movie Zodiac the Lake Berryessa stabbing attack scene is something I can't watch. I've seen the scene one time and that was enough for me."

Well actually now that you say it... I must admit that this scene is indeed brutally intense. Personally I'm immuned against being shocked so it didn't do much to me. But objectively speaking yeah... It does have a considerable shock value.


It's so funny you bring this up, because I first saw Casino on TV as a teenager and I happened to tune in for this scene and was TOTALLY freaked out by it (even though it was probably censored) to the point where I refused to watch it for several years. I'm not exactly a wimp with movies, I've seen Salo and a bunch of other "extreme" films, but certain things just get to me and I'm not sure why. I remember the scene mentioned in Boys Don't Cry upsetting me a lot, and I had to FF the rape in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo as well. I think stuff like that just hits me harder as a woman.

But in general I've been way more disturbed by TV deaths. I cried like a baby when Wallace died on the Wire (not really gory, just sad and upsetting to see a child such a cruel death) and of course Oberon's death on GoT was on another level. Never seen someone's head crushed to smithereens like that before, let alone such a likable character. And I seem to recall Oz had some memorable nastiness as well. Actually HBO is responsible for like 90% of my nightmares lol...


you should watch saw 1-8.


12 years a slave, the whipping solomon had to give to patsey because the master was not doing it right according to the master's wife.

American History X introduced us to the "curb".


One already mentioned it but, Irreversible. Not even the rape scene but a scene where a guy gets his face crushed in with a fire extinguisher, I believe it was.
