MovieChat Forums > Don Juan DeMarco (1995) Discussion > You ALL missed the point - MAJOR SPOILER

You ALL missed the point - MAJOR SPOILER

I've read all of the notes on this board, and I'm afraid to say that every single person here missed the point of the movie. This is not attacking anybody's intelligence, it's just that I haven't read a single post that has come close to discovering the true subtlety at the end of the movie.

I notice in the comments section of IMDB that many people expressed their dissappointment about the ambigious ending... was he, or was he not Don Juan? Many people said the movie sucked because they didn't want to decide for themselves. Ok, valid opinion. However this proves that the film-maker has gone right over their heads - for he HAS provided a definite ending. They just didn't recognise it. I'll ellaborate...

Many people here have theorised that Depp is, and many people that he isn't, the real Don Juan. Actually, this debate ALSO has nothing to do with the point of the movie.

Our first clue is given in the "grey husk" speech. Don Juan says "It is only in my world that you can breathe", to which the reply is "You are right. My world is not perfect". This clearly demonstrates that Jack finally ADMITS that the magic has left his life. It also demonstrates that Jack needs the dreamworld of Don Juan; he is captivated by the love and he realises that it is irrelevant whether Don Juan's reality is factual or not... he realises that the world is actually a better place with Don Juan off medication.

Ok, now skip forward to the "Why not?" comment. Many people like it because it provides an ambigious ending. It illustrates the point that it is irrelevant whether Don Juan is the REAL Don Juan... it is enough that the possibilities exists.

This is good, but it's only half of the answer.

People have been captivated by Don Juan's dream world and some say it's real, and other's just fantasy. But to date, all the of the fantasy elements in the movie have been supplied by Don Juan. He has been the dreamer and Jack has followed along. But think about what is going on when Jack says "Why not?". For the first time, JACK is determining the course of DON JUAN'S fantasy, is he not? It is NOT Don Juan that determines if he meets his lover; it is JACK who determines for us whether the lover is waiting on the beach or not. This indicates a subtle shift that we have left Don Juan's fantasy and entered Jack's. The "Why not?" comment at the end is NOT designed to resolve Don Juan's fantasy. No, it is there to demonstrate that the viewer is now in JACK's fantasty. HE alone now has complete control over what we, the audience, believe.
So you see, the "Why not?" comment DOES provide a definite ending, but not in the way that you first realise. It is NOT an abiguous ending. The "Why not?" comment can never be replaced because it completely makes the movie. It demonstrates the full transition of the viewer from Don Juan's fantasy to Jack's "dreaming" power.

It is COMPLETELY irrelevant whether Don Juan's fantasy is true or not... it is now relevant that we the audience like Don Juan's world so much that when he leaves our focus (as the camera pulls back), we are now WILLING to let somebody ELSE dictate how the story goes.

The point of the movie is NOT to get you thinking about whether Don Juan's world is real or not. The point of the movie is that ANYBODY has the power to create such a world. Even an ordinary schmuck like Jack... and hence by association even us, the audience.

This shift is so subtle, and it is cleverly disguised behind the OTHER meaning of the words "Why not?". I take my hat off to Jeremy Levon.


meh, i think the OP is stating the obvious in this least to me.

and i dont know why you made a deal of this either/or which one is he really/we get to choose stuff, there is no question to be asked.


I just watched this movie again for upteenth time and each time I love it more. It is one of the most beautiful uplifting movies ever.

Johnny, you light up my life
There was a barber and his wife and HE was beautiful


this is exactly what i thought about the movie.. just not so many words.. lol =) one love


You are just arrogant. Any human being can be whatever it wants to be. The point was that you can create a beautifully told story and assume it. Even if that means you 'steal' the life of don juan or of what any other character you'd like to be.
And after all, we make our life. And our memories. Don't we?
The movie is pointless and disappointing. But Depp is a good choice for Don Juan. Definetely.

The fight with monsters creates theatre.


When I read your topic title, I thought you were an arrogant schmuck, but you have pointed out the most important thing in the film, which I had not made out. You are, in fact, a very intelligent viewer!


The OP is spot on! Well-written! Never thought of if that way, but it sounds right.


Watched this movie for the first time yesterday and just had to watch it again today. Definitely set a new standard with me for romance comedy. That speech about the 4 main questions having the same answer hit me hard, but good.

My input here would be a question about Don Juan's wording during the meeting with the judge. He sounds a lot of the time like he's unconvinced by what he's saying (e.g. ending sentences with "or something" a lot) which does maybe lend credence to the theory that he just said what they wanted to hear. That tidbit someone posted before about Juan being the Spanish equivalent of John (the character's "real" name) was very interesting also.

Personally, my *chosen* ending is that Dr. Mickler felt bad for Don Juan after he said that he had no one, decided to take him away with him partly as a thankyou for reawakening him to life and also they somehow magically managed to convince the model girl that he wasn't a creep and she met him there. I like that ending.


Excellent post, you summed it up perfectly bravo!

Kitty Collins: Tell me, little boy, did you get a whistle or baseball bat with that suit?


you need a girlfreind dude. or atleast more hobbies to fill out your day. anyone who watched this movie and seriously had room for belief that it was possible a 21 year old kid could be Don Jaun, probably needs psychiatric care themselves.

Furthermore according to Demarco he had slept with 1500 women. Thats atleast one new women every single day without fail from age 16 or 17. he spent most of his time in a small mexican village, then some of his time in vagrancy or marooned on a desert island of sorts with one or a few women at his disposal. the only real time this time of decadence could even be fathomed is if he spent all those years in that orgy palace. Then maybe it would be somewhat beleivable.

Then again he would be having intercouse everyday with that women of royaly who kept him there. Yes 21 is young but that considered how realistic is it for a young man to conjure up the libido to fornicate multiple times a day (with the effort he put in supposedly) every single day without fail?

Wilt Chamberlain reached the same number but it took him a lifetime, and he was a wildly rich NBA star. That defense alone is enough to call Demarco on his schizophrenic delusions of grandjuer.

