MovieChat Forums > Don Juan DeMarco (1995) Discussion > The part that made me laugh the most...

The part that made me laugh the most...

Was after he had gotten the male nurse, Dr Mickler looks out the window and u c the back of Johnny and he's doing this little dance for the male nurse. It was soo funny lol.

Is this not a reasonable place to park?
Proud member of the JD Cult est.03


yeah, that was cute. I liked the part when he came back, the male nurse opening the door for him, and johnnys got that sappy face. Poor Don juan. HEY!! but did anyone notice how Micklers first name was Jack? but on the plate title on his door it says John??? it shows it twice. yah yah. youll find it..


Uh, what do you think Jack is short for? Maybe the same thing as John ... they're often used as nicknames for the same name.


Dr. Mickler has a sign on his door, and that gives his first name as, you've guessed it, John.

Dogs are sons of bitches.


God, pay attention. Jack and John are both nicknames of "Johnathon."


WHat?? you pay attention. Jack isnt short for anything. Its just jack. blah blah blah.


NO-actually, Jack is usually short for John. What's Johnny's son's name? John Christopher Depp III--and they call him Jack, after an author Johnny likes.

"Oh well. Now I must die."
"Electricity makes me inSANE!"
"Okay. Okay. I'm going to freak right out."
"I'm not finished..."


I thought the parts that were funny were:

"Why do you think Dr.Mickler is Don Octavio de Flores?"
"Why do you think Don Octavio de Flores is Dr.Mickler?"

"Actually, I was surprised how the past could be overcomed so easily"

"*this was a good time to lie* fifteen...hunred and thirty-two"

I guess you'd have to watch the movie to understand them ^^

PM of the JD Cult! ...


"Is this not Don Octavio's villa?"
"Oh, you mean VIL-la."
"Si, villa."
"No, villa."
(Much funnier, I think, if you speak Spanish)

You almost got this quote -- ever since I saw it, my friend and I have been quoting it at each other:

(V.O.) "This would have been a good time to lie."
"Including you. . . I have been with.... One. Thousand. Five hundred. . . and two."

That makes me happy.

(V.O.) "My name is Don Octavio de Flores. I am the greatest psychiatrist in the world."


The whole scene with Don Juan and Bill is hysterical!
But why does Don Juan tell Anna that "including thousand five hundred and two"? Shouldn't it be 1503? His first love, the sultana, the 1500 young women and Anna?


actually 1500 were the wifes of sultan. Sultana was one of the 1500 women.she was one of the sultans wives. plus anna plus hulia that makes us 1502


correction oprah noodlemantra

he said * One....thousand five hundred and fifty to*

i think any way it may not be EXACT but oh well!

Some are born to sweet delight, some are born to endless night.
proud member of the JD cult est.


"*this was a good time to lie* fifteen...hunred and thirty-two"

No matter how this is said it always makes me laugh


In a flashback sequence when a young DeMarco is a choir boy. He turns around and there is a panning shot of the Nuns all smiling at him, that made me laugh.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


My grandad's name was John but he always got called Jack, he preferred that to John.

"Let's hug it out, bitch."


I loved the Eunuch part!

"hello? Can you hear me now? Ok. F&*#@$g Bell" ~Agent Sands
proud rumrunner



I like the scene with the sultana the most.
Especially when she shouts"UNDRESS"
and then his face when he finds out that its not so hard to forget dona Hulia.
It was so funny

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)


umm, when he says "including you, there have been 1502" she asked him except for your first love or something to that effect, so with out one of the 1503 there 1502... make any sense?

Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner. That is what I really want to be!


Yeah, i think that was it. Either way it was funny.

"but why is the rum gone?!!"


i love the look on the woman's face when she find out haw many lovers he's had...personally i'll be greatful as i know from all that expirence he'll be a demon! also i love the relationship with the dr & his wife the sne at the ....spoilers ahead.....he takes her & asks her about her dreams really got to me.

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


"including you, there have been 1502"
"I could see this sum was substantially larger that the one she had in mind"
That part always makes me laugh too!

My favourite though:
"I prayed they had found a place to hide me that I wouldn't be discovered by the sultan. As fortune would have it, their solution was a brilliant one..."


I like the scene with the sultana the most.
Especially when she shouts"UNDRESS"
and then his face when he finds out that its not so hard to forget dona Hulia.

Same here! And when the sultan wants him... priceless. hahaha.

¿Donde esta pot?
Johnny Depp is my hero.


Are we all forgetting the best line of the movie:
"I cannot go on living knowing that i defied the memory of the woman who brought my manhood alive and made it sing."
"It sings?"


i was gonna do a post about the dancing scene but i saw this instead...its my fav scene


"It sings?" Oh I love that part I can't help but giggle every time I hear it!


I think one of my favorite lines would have to be when Dr. Mickler says "i'm pissed off at you" and Paul says "don't forget, we're barbecuing on saturday" and Dr. Mickler says "really pissed off" I like that part.

And just for the record, all of you that are discussing how many women Don Juan has been with when Dona Ana ask, it's 1,502. One Thousand, Five Hundred and 2. yeah, so that's that. i always wondered though why it wasn't 1503. Dona Julia (pronounced Hulia. but it's spelled Julia). The Sultana, and Dona Ana. plus the 1500 women of the sultans harem makes 1503...And i'm pretty sure that Dona Ana never says anything about "how many others" so i don't know what's going on there. Anyway, it's pretty irrelevant.

"They Called Me 'Wonderful' So I Said 'Wonderful? If You Insist'"



Hooray, my favourite line hasn't been quoted yet! It was when the other
shrink says to Brando that, owing to the distracting prescence of Mr.
De Marco, there are,"More nurses on tranquilizers than patients."


Hehe mine hasn't been quoted either. Well actually it's the scene when he's with Julia in her house and her husband comes home and is asking where Don Juan is. And he's saying I'm going to kill him!!" and then he leaves the room and Johnny is hiding in that tiny little cabinet and is worried saying "He's going to kill me!" lol his face will be the death of me.

Is it raining, is it snowing, is a hurricane a blowing......BLAH!!


This bit made me laugh, amoung others,

[Don Juan does a flamenco dance at the beginning of his session with Bill]
Bill: [Clears throat] Would you, um, would you like to talk about why you attempted to kill yourself?
Don Juan: You want Don Juan de Marco, the world's greatest lover, to talk to you? What do you know of great love? Have you ever loved a woman until milk leaked from her as though she had just given birth to love itself, and now must feed it or burst? Have you ever tasted a woman until she believed that she could be satisfied only by consuming the tongue that had devoured her? Have you ever loved a woman so completely that the sound of your voice in her ear could cause her body to shudder and explode with such intense pleasure that only weeping could bring her full release?


The funniest part for me was near the start when the redhead's friend sees Don Juan, shakes his head, then says to her:

"I hope you went ahead without me."

Yeah, she sure did!


i like the part when he bows to the red-head he just slept with, and then walks away and says: "oh well, Now I must die." i love it!!


I love all those things everyone said! especiall the dance and the way he saus "oh well, not i must die"
He is soooooooooo fit and cute and sexy! Go Don Juan!!

He's cool, he's hot, he's everything you're not its Johnny Depp!!


would anyone happen to know what the name of the song that was playing is called?? It's not on the soundtrack is it? It made me laugh so much.

