MovieChat Forums > Don Juan DeMarco (1995) Discussion > The part that made me laugh the most...

The part that made me laugh the most...

Was after he had gotten the male nurse, Dr Mickler looks out the window and u c the back of Johnny and he's doing this little dance for the male nurse. It was soo funny lol.

Is this not a reasonable place to park?
Proud member of the JD Cult est.03


when he seduces the redhead at the start, and she opens her mouth and then the flamenco singer starts singing


The part that I thought was the funniest was:
"How could I be unfaithful to my dear love who had nearly given up her life to love me? How could I sleep with another woman after giving my body and soul to my sweet love? How could I forsake the purity of love I had with my flower ? Actually I was surprised how easly the past can be overcome."
And his face expression when he says the last sentence. :)


I must say that a lot of the film made me laugh. One part, however, practically had my friends and I rolling on the floor.

Don Juan says something how Dona Julia released his manhood and made it sing. The sultana's reply of, "It sings?" was too much.


How about the director asking Don Juan about Rocco (male nurse)?

- Where is Rocco?
- Rocco moved to Madrid.
- Madrid! Spain?



Ha ha ha... yeah, that was my favorite too. Another one of my favorites, was the scene where Depp starts seducing the hot redhead in the beginning; the way she was getting turned on was hilarious and... arousing. Also, the scene where Brando tries his Don Juan moves on his wife after being inspired by Depp's (Don Juan) story. It's a pretty funny moment.

I can only imagine if young Brando played Don Juan; Depp was very good in this, but if Brando did it in his day, he would blow Depp away.


I like the part where Dr Mickler talks to Don's grandmother and she just swats a fly. I always chuckle at that part.
It's so sudden and out of the blue, but so hilarious.

Here they are having a serious discussion and then BAM, the fly dies:)

And the grandmother was hilarious to. With her thick New York accent!
